Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2542: After All, I Couldn't Escape This Mission. (2 More)

Yue Qinyi looked at the contents of the document, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

She raised her eyes to look at Yue Qinlan, and asked, "Tell me, what is public toilet renovation, and I need to participate in it myself..."

The Xuanwu Kingdom began to get better and better, and the people's livelihood has also been improving, including public health issues, and public toilets are the top priority.

"Of course I have to participate in it myself, otherwise how can I show that I am close to the people?" A smile flashed in the bottom of the blue eyes.

She reached out and patted her sister's shoulder, saying earnestly: "As a leader, you must take the lead."

The corners of Yue Qinyi's eyes twitched, and she couldn't help but said, "Then if you were to implement these plans, would you do it yourself?"

"No." Yue Qinlan said of course.

Yue Qinyi narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a bad tone: "You don't even know how to do it yourself, let me do it?"

Qin Lan said gracefully on the "260th" of the month: "Because I have to approve documents, and I have to go to the David City Administration Bureau to inspect and deal with the work there, so I don't have time to stare at these.

Wei Youlan paused when she heard the movement in her hand, silently put down the pen, and left the document.

Yue Qinlan glanced sideways at the little maid, and silently picked up the pen to continue approving the documents, feeling a little dumbfounded.

Yue Qinyi just wanted to say that she could do it too, but when she thought about those documents, she felt a headache and still felt that she couldn't do it.

Yueqin said with a smile in her blue eyes: "How about it, I will leave this matter to my sister."

"No, I'd better find Mu Liang to help me with other things, the administration is not suitable for me." Yue Qinyi said seriously.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Mu Liang has already gone to the studio to get busy, so don't bother him if there is nothing important to do."

Yue Qinyi paused, and looked at her sister quietly.


Yue Qinlan laughed out loud, waved her hands and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, you'd better stay here and approve the documents with me."

"Okay. Yue Qinyi sighed and sat down resignedly.

Seeing this, Wei Youlan was about to get up and get out of the way, but Yue Qinlan pushed her down again.

She lifted her chin and said gracefully: "Go ahead and read all the remaining documents.

"Yes." Wei Youlan obediently agreed.

Yue Qinyi said unhappily: "I can't ask her to approve it, but you can tell her?"

Yue Qilan said in a serious tone: "You don't understand, I am training her, and Xiaolan may take the position of clerk in the future.

Wei Youlan shook her hands when she heard the words, and said in shock: "Lord Qinlan, did I hear correctly?"

"No, you heard me right, you are still young, and you can take this seat for me when you are capable." Yue Qinlan said seriously.

Yue Qinyi glanced at her sister, and said: "I think you want to be lazy and want to live a leisurely life."

With a smile in her beautiful eyes, Yueqin Lan nodded calmly and said: "Yes, I can't keep working hard all the time, and after a few years or more than ten years of busy work, I have thought about leisurely songs.

Wei Youlan pursed her pink lips, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure on her shoulders.

Yue Qinlan patted the little maid on the shoulder, and said gracefully: "I'll just say casually, don't feel pressured, just do your job well."

"Yes, I will." Wei Youlan nodded vigorously, her beautiful eyes full of seriousness.

Yue Qinyi approached the little maid, raised the corners of her lips and said, "Don't feel pressured, as long as you don't work hard, she will keep working."

"..." Wei Youlan was dumbfounded.

"Yue Qinyi, would you like to hear what you are saying?" Yue Qinlan put her hands on her hips, Shui Blue's eyes were full of speechlessness.

"Giggle.....I'm joking." Yueqin Yi said with a coquettish smile.

She blinked her beautiful eyes at the little maid and said, "You are still young, just take your time, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"I will, thank you two adults for your concern." Wei Youlan said seriously.

"Okay, hurry up, it's getting dark." Yue Qinlan waved her hands and urged.

"Yes." Wei Youlan excitedly picked up the pen, and continued to write vigorously on the document.

Yue Qinlan was happy to be at leisure, took a sip of the hot tea at her sister's hand, and enjoyed the moment of leisure.

Yue Qinyi thought of something, and asked: "Didn't Mu Liang go to the Old Continent, come back so soon, there is nothing wrong there.

"Something happened, but Mu Liang has already resolved it." Yue Qinlan spoke lazily, and told what happened.

When the little maid heard Xu Guihuang's avatar appearing, her heart ached, and when she heard that Mu Liang had defeated the avatar, she was relieved.

Yue Qinyi asked: "What about Mu Liang, is he not injured?"

"No, it's very good, not a single hair fell out..." Yue Qinlan waved her hand.

She paused, and said crisply: At least in my opinion, he is not injured. "

The woman knew Mu Liang well, even if he was injured in the Old Continent, he would not tell her when he recovered.

"That's good." Yue Qinyi also heaved a sigh of relief.

Her expression became serious again, and she said in a dignified tone: "Emperor Xu Ghost has clones coming out to move around, and a full-scale war will start soon.

Yue Qinlan nodded and said: "Well, Xu Guihuang may have other clones, I have to inform the people in the old continent to pay attention, don't hit hard when you encounter them, and avoid them if you can."

Yue Qinyi shrank her pupils, and said in a shy voice: "If Xu Guihuang really has other clones, then the casualties of the human race will be difficult to estimate..."

Yue Qinlan fell silent, Xu Guihuang's avatar is also very strong, I don't know if Xin Xi in the mainland can defeat the avatar.

Currently in the Old Continent, Xin Xi's strength is ranked among the top five. After all, it cannot be ruled out that there are hidden strong people, but they have not encountered them so far.

The office fell silent, Wei Youlan buried her head lower, the pen in her hand rustled on the paper.

"Xiao Lan, remember to have someone send the documents back after approval." Lan said and stood up.

"Okay." Wei Youlan obediently agreed.

Yue Qinyi asked suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

Yue Qinlan explained: "To contact the people on the Old Continent, you have to tell them in person about this matter.

"Then I'll go with 0.8." Yue Qinyi said as she was about to get up, but her sister pushed her back.

Yue Qinlan raised the corners of her lips and said: "No need, you can help approve the documents here, you have to learn."

......" Yue Qinyi's eyes twitched, she couldn't escape this task after all.


Yue Qinlan smiled happily, and left the office with light steps, twisting her slender waist.

"Alas~~~" Yue Qinyi looked at the closed door and sighed faintly.

"Master Qinyi, I'll teach you." Wei Youlan's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Yue Qinyi rolled her pretty eyes, raised her chin and said, "No need, you continue.

"Oh." Wei Youlan pursed her lips and continued to review the documents.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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