Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2543: Enter The Countdown. (1 More)

In the palace, in the study.

Mu Liang looked serious, holding three magic beast crystals in his hands, all king-level crystals, and was going to draw a magic circle on them for the production of new spiritual weapons.

This is the last step to complete the production of the new spirit weapon. As long as the magic circle is successfully drawn, the follow-up work of "spirit enlightenment" can be carried out.

"Success is allowed and failure is not allowed, time is running out." Mu Liang's deep eyes flashed a trace of determination.

On the table in front of him was a picture scroll, the length of which was the same as that of the console. When fully unfolded, the picture scroll was three meters long and one meter wide.


Mu Liang took a deep breath, and with a movement of his mind, he used his three-headed and six-armed ability to draw a magic circle on the three Warcraft crystals at the same time.

He also opened up the sound-free area, making the studio completely quiet, so as not to disturb the depiction of the magic circle.

Soul power and magic power surged in the studio, Mu Liang's three heads and six arms were working at the same time, and the magic power lines appeared in the Warcraft spar and intertwined into one side of the magic circle at a speed visible to the naked eye. 28

Outside the studio, Buff listened intently to the movement in the house, and suddenly became quiet, without a single sound coming out.

"It's so quiet, is Your Majesty asleep?" She whispered.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

With the sound of footsteps, Liyue stepped forward wearing ghost armor, holding the helmet in her hands, and her long silver hair was scattered behind her.

"Miss Liyue." Buff greeted obediently.

Li Yue asked crisply, "How is Mu Liang?"

"I don't know, it's very quiet in the studio, there's no sound at all." Buff shook his head, turned sideways to make room for the door.

Hearing this, Li Yue stepped forward and listened carefully to the movement in the room, it was indeed quiet.

"Miss Liyue, is Your Majesty okay?" Bamei asked in a low voice.

"Flying Bird City is applying for trial support." Li Yue explained casually.

She used her ability, Silver White's eyes lighted up slightly, the door in front of her became transparent, and she saw the man in the room who was concentrating on drawing the magic circle.

The silver-haired girl closed her eyes, and when she opened her beautiful eyes, she had returned to normal.

She looked at Buff and said, "Mu Liang is busy, don't disturb him."

"Okay, I see." Buff obediently agreed.

She couldn't help asking: "Then what about Bird City?"

"It's okay, it's the same if you ask Sister Qinlan to nod." Li Yue said softly.

Buff nodded slowly, and said coquettishly: "That's right, His Majesty said before entering the studio that Master Qinlan can make decisions on matters."

"En." Liyue nodded lightly, glanced at the studio door, turned and left.

She went to the study, where Yue Qinlan was flipping through documents.

"What's the matter?" She looked up at the silver-haired girl, her eyes softened.

"Flying Bird City asks for support from the trial." Li Yue said succinctly.

Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, and asked: "Isn't the president of the Mage Association over there, and he still can't stop Xu Gui's attack?"

"There are many high-level virtual ghosts besieging Bird City, and the people from the Mage Association blocked them all." Li Yue shook her head as she said.

She continued in a cold voice: "But the number of low-level virtual ghosts besieging Bird City has exceeded 100,000. Given the current situation in Bird City, it is difficult to block them all.

Yue Qinlan thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then let the trial support, Thor and Vulcan."

She opened the drawer and took out a piece of paper, picked up a pen to write instructions on it, and finally stamped the king's seal.

Liyue took the document, turned around and left the study quickly, and had to send it to the launch base as soon as possible.

The launch base is specially used to launch missiles and is independent in the main city.

The guards around the launch base are extremely strict, and the Common people cannot approach the base within 500 meters.

This is for the sake of the confidentiality of the trial weapons, but also for the safety of the people. In case of an accident, this can effectively avoid affecting the Common people.

Yue Qinlan raised her hand and rubbed her temples, suspecting that the sudden increase in the number of virtual ghosts is related to the imminent awakening of the virtual ghost emperor.

She whispered to herself: "There are still four days..."

Four days later, the Ghost Emperor Xu will probably wake up completely, and it will be a catastrophe for the Old Continent.

During the past two days, Yue Qinlan received a lot of news from the Old Continent, and the number of active virtual ghosts doubled, which made the strong fighters against virtual ghosts miserable.

Every day, many powerful human beings fall, including the aborigines of the old continent, and the mages and knights who came from the new continent to support them.

Yue Qinlan sighed again, and whispered softly: "Sitian, improve...

In the studio, Mu Liang's hands paused slightly, feeling a strange feeling in his heart. Fortunately, his own strength was so strong that it did not affect the construction of the magic circle.

He murmured in his heart, did someone miss him?

Mu Liang stopped distracting his thoughts and concentrated on building the magic circle, which must be completed before tomorrow.

Soul power is wrapped in magic power to form the pattern of the magic circle. On the surface, it looks like just a line. If you can zoom in and examine it carefully, you will find that those lines are made of tiny magic runes.

The higher the magic circle is, the smaller and more runes are used to draw it, which requires extremely strong requirements for the magic power and soul power.

Only a strong man like Mu Liang, who can build three complex high-level magic arrays at the same time, by taking advantage of his spiritual power and soul power, and with the assistance of the ability "three heads and six arms"

Time passed slowly, and Mu Liang's three faces were as serious as they were at the beginning.

His six arms moved 150 degrees in a small range, and the Warcraft spar floating in front of him slowly rotated, and the magic circle inside had been completed into two parts.

Eight hours passed quickly, and the Tree of Life brought the Xuanwu Kingdom into darkness.

Due to the influence of the sound-free zone, the lantern beetle in the studio did not emit light, but it did not affect the movements of Mu Liang's hands.

"It's almost successful." He whispered to himself, and his expression became more serious.

More than an hour later, Mu Liang's hands paused, and all his soul power and mental power returned to his body.

The next moment, the three Warcraft crystals lit up at the same time, floating in the air and spinning, emitting waves of magic power.


Mu Liang let out a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face: "It succeeded."

He stretched out his hand, took the three Warcraft crystals floating in the air into his hand, and carefully checked the inside and outside to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the construction of the magic circle.

If a corner of the magic circle goes wrong, it will cause serious consequences, and if you are not careful, the entire spiritual weapon will be destroyed.

Mu Liang looked at the picture scroll on the operating table, the corners of his lips raised and he muttered to himself: "Next, let's do the rest in one go.

He spent two full days for these three Warcraft crystals, and he couldn't delay like this any longer.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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