Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2565: This Is To Destroy The Xuanwu Kingdom. (2 More)

Mu Liang looked at the sky, raised his hand and waved.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The giant magma dragon roared, flapped its wings and left the sky above the Thousand Thorns Pass.

Leiling beasts, crystal dragon fish, ghost spiders and other domesticated animals also left one after another, some went back to guard the cities of David, and some lived in the mountains and forests. Appear.

These domesticated beasts are the 'guardians' of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and some guard the city, such as the Ice Snake, Nine-Colored Lizard, Ghost Spider, Flying Fish King and so on.

Some are located in the customs fortress, such as the magma dragon, the holy light golden crow, the black water cloud dragon, the king bee, the sea dragon beast, etc. When there is a major crisis in the customs fortress, they will all appear to solve it.

In addition, there are many domesticated plants on the city wall, which also protect the coastline of the Xuanwu Kingdom, such as square thorn, trapping grass, mist flower, blue silver water grass and so on.

Mu Liang thought of something, and looked at the Thousand Thorns Pass at his feet. Although there are Thousand Thorns Flowers here, the overall defense is still not enough. After all, the Xuanwu Kingdom has a long coastline facing the Old Continent, and the Thousand Thorns Flowers has a lot to take care of. .

"We have to transplant the blue and silver aquatic plants." Mu Liang said to himself.

The weakening field of the blue silver water plant is very powerful, and it will have a miraculous effect against groups of virtual ghosts, so it is very suitable for it to stay in Qianthorn.

As early as a month ago, Mu Liang had evolved the blue silver water plant to level 10990. The weakened field can cover a diameter of three kilometers, and can easily cover the Thousand Thorns Pass.

With the blue silver water plant in charge, it will be much easier to deal with virtual ghosts.

Yue Qinlan asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

Mu Liang talked about his plan and got the woman's approval.

Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement: "Thousand Thorn Pass is the gateway to the old continent, and it will be the most stressful place in the Xuanwu Kingdom after the war, so we should let the blue silver water grass to help.

"Yes." Mu Liang replied.

Yue Qinlan thought of another question, and asked sideways: "The weakened field of the blue silver water plant is effective for any target?"

"It used to be, but now it won't." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

After the blue silver water plant has evolved to level ten, it can freely target weakened targets in the field.

For example, the difference between the human race and the virtual race, the strong human race will not be weakened in the field, while the virtual ghost will.

"That's good." Yue Qinlan felt relieved.

Mu Liang looked at the soldiers cleaning up the battlefield, as well as Xi Beiqi and others who were busy.

It looked back at the woman and said: "I'm going to transplant the blue silver water plants here now, do you want to go back with me?"

"Of course, the (bbfj) administration still has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

War needs logistical support, and she has to go back to deploy supplies.

"Let's go back together." The fox fairy stepped forward and naturally took Mu Liang's arm.

Yue Qinlan looked at the fox-tailed woman, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you going to stay here to help?"

Hu Xian said in a charming voice: "I just solved the clone of Xu Guihuang, and it should be safe here for a while, so I plan to go back to Shanhai Commercial City." The last ten purchase orders

The Xuanwu Kingdom also needs to purchase various raw materials from the New World.

"Then let's go." Mu Liang nodded and took the two of them into the air.

Soon after, the three returned to the highlands of the main city.

Hu Xian went directly to Shanhai Commercial City through the portal, Yue Qinlan went back to the palace, and Mu Liang went to transplant blue and silver water plants.

As soon as Yue Qinlan entered the palace, Xiaomi came out of the liaison room, her face turning pale.

Seeing Yue Qinlan come back, she shouted anxiously: "Master Qinlan, something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" Yue Qinlan frowned, and stopped walking towards the study.

Xiaomi said with a trembling voice: "There is news from the transit base in the salt water area that there are at least a million virtual ghosts crossing the salt water area towards us.

"What, a million virtual ghosts!" Qin Lanshui's beautiful eyes stared at the sky.

Xiaomi nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah, do you want to send someone to the transit base for verification?"

"Let them open the live broadcast spiritual weapon, I will confirm it myself." Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone.

"Yes." Xiaomi agreed, then turned and ran back to the liaison room.

There is a live broadcast spirit weapon at the transfer base, which can contact the high ground at any time. It is also equipped with a space portal, which is an escape channel reserved for the guards.

Yueqin Lanjiao's pretty face is full of seriousness, if there are really a million virtual ghosts coming towards the Xuanwu Kingdom, it will be a fierce battle.

It didn't take long for Xiaomi to establish contact with the transfer base through the live broadcast.

Yue Qinlan took the live broadcast spiritual weapon and looked at the transmitted image, the countless virtual ghosts made her scalp tingle.

The person in charge of the transfer base in the salt water area said tremblingly: "My lord, the number of virtual ghosts passing here is still increasing, and it has already exceeded one million."

"Pay close attention, and report any other situation as soon as possible." Yue Qinlan said in a serious voice.

"Yes." The person in charge of the transfer base nodded quickly.

Yue Qinlan was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "If the transfer base cannot be defended, then all of them will be evacuated."

"My lord clerk, please put it down, the base is fine for the time being, and these virtual enclosures have not launched an attack." The person in charge said respectfully.

"That's good, all in all, be careful." Yue Qinlan nodded slowly.

"Yes." The person in charge raised his hand in salute.

There was no sign of shrinking in his eyes, and he would not lead anyone out of here until the moment of absolute survival.

Yue Qinlan took one last look at him, hung up the live broadcast spirit weapon, got up and strode out of the contact room.

"Master Qinlan, please tell Your Majesty about this matter." Xiaomi asked hastily.

"I'll tell him, you pay close attention to the situation in the Old Continent." Yueqin Lantou didn't say a word, and walked towards the highland Shikang without stopping.

Mu Liang was going back to Thousand Thorns Pass for transplanting blue and silver water plants, and she planned to go back there to wait for him. She also wanted to inform the people guarding Thousand Thorns Pass about this matter, and plan a countermeasure in advance.

As soon as Xue Ji returned to the high ground, she saw Yue Qinlan walking in three steps and two steps, looking in a hurry.

She asked in surprise: "Hey, what happened to Sister Qinlan, where are you going in a hurry?"

"There are millions of virtual ghosts coming, I'm going to the Thousand Thorns Pass." Yue Qinlan explained casually, and quickly walked to the building where the portal was located.

The Variety Witch was stunned for a moment, carefully analyzing the meaning of Yue Qinlan's words, and when she came back to her senses, her expression changed drastically.

"Millions of virtual ghosts, this is going to set fire to the Xuanwu Kingdom." Xue Ji exclaimed, and then went straight to the portal.

Now she is different from before. Facing the Xuanwu Kingdom, she has a strong sense of belonging. If she was replaced by the previous Variety Witch, and heard that there are millions of ghosts attacking the Xuanwu Kingdom, her first reaction would definitely be to flee here.

Now Xue Ji just wants to stay and guard the Xuanwu Kingdom together.

The space portal was activated, the space vortex rotated rapidly, and Yue Qinlan entered the portal first.

Seeing this, Xue Ji gritted her teeth, and finally followed in.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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