"Hurry up and fill up the arsenal for me. Xibeqi directed the logistics soldiers to move boxes of shells into the warehouse.

These weapons are all sent from the military factory, and it is necessary to ensure that the arsenal of Thousand Thorns Pass is full during the special period.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The logistics soldiers moved very quickly, moving boxes of shells, explosive bombs, bullets, crossbows and other weapons into the arsenal.

The arsenal of Thousand Thorns Pass is huge, with three floors, and the weapons stored on each floor are different.

Explosive and flammable weapons, weapons like explosive bombs, need to be stored in the bottom layer.

The lowest layer of the weapon arsenal is engraved with a defensive magic circle. Even if the explosive bomb accidentally explodes, it will not destroy the weapons on the other two layers, and it can also minimize casualties.

The second floor of the weapon storehouse stores all kinds of light weapons such as bullets and crossbow bolts, and boxes are placed on shelves.

The heaviest shells, giant crossbows and other weapons are placed on the third floor of the arsenal, which is the closest to the city wall, and it is much easier to transport heavy weapons.

Yue Feiyan came striding forward, and said seriously: "The new Thunder God has arrived, please store it carefully."

"Yes." The soldiers cheered up and escorted Thor, who was on a cart, into the arsenal.

Xi Beiqi looked at the red-haired girl, and said in a sad tone: "I have a hunch that the next battle will start soon.

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense." Yue Feiyan glared at the vampire girl, she still wanted to rest for a while.

"Resign to fate." Xi Beiqi's tone was pretentious.

Yue Feiyan rolled her pretty eyes, went into the arsenal with her hands behind her back, and began to check for potential safety hazards.

Xi Beiqi smiled mischievously, turned around and walked towards the top of the city wall. The battle with Xu Guihuang's avatar had not been over for long, and she couldn't relax her vigilance yet.

As soon as she returned to the city wall, she saw a stream of light descending from the sky, and only after seeing it clearly did she realize that it was Mu Liang.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Your Majesty." Xi Beiqi walked forward quickly.

The surrounding soldiers also raised their hands in salute: "Your Majesty, Wanan."

"Well, let's go get busy." Mu Liang said calmly, still holding the shrunken blue and silver waterweed in his arms.


The blue silver water plant swayed gently, and a few leaves wrapped around his arm, emitting a faint gleam.

"Your Majesty, where do you want to plant the blue and silver water plants?" Xi Beiqi asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

In front of the soldiers, every time the vampire girl opened her mouth, she had to remind herself to call His Majesty Mu Liang, not too polite.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said softly, "Plant in front of the port."

"Yeah, let's go then." Xi Beiqi blinked her golden eyes a few times.

Mu Liang looked at the vampire girl in surprise, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Now you dare to look at me directly?"

Xi Beiqi was stunned for a moment, her pretty face turned slightly red, but she didn't look away, still meeting Mu Liang's eyes.

Since she died once, the vampire girl has seen a lot, and she no longer hides her liking for Mu Liang, and has become daring to look directly at Mu Liang.

"I've always dared." Xibeqi whispered.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled, freeing up a hand to rub the vampire girl's head.

Shibeki's ears turned red, and she followed him to the square in front of the port.

The originally flat square now has some potholes. This is the square in front of the customs.

People who came to the Xuanwu Kingdom had to pass through the square to go to the customs to handle the customs clearance documents. When there were too many people, people queuing up to pass the customs would even fill most of the square.

Mu Liang and Xi Beiqi came to the square, and a few steps ahead were the stairs and escalators leading to the port, and in front of them was the endless sea.

Blue silver aquatic plants need to be planted in water, so Mu Liang needs to go to the sea.

He looked at the vampire girl and said, "You wait for me here."

"Okay." Xi Beiqi obediently agreed.


Then Mu Liang fell into the water holding the blue silver water grass, and dived along the rock turtle's body, until he dived nearly 300 meters deep before stopping.

He raised his hand and patted the rock turtle's body, controlled the earth and rocks to extend a five-meter-long platform, and then planted blue silver water plants on it.

He lightly brushed the roots of the blue and silver water plants with his palm, and injected a mass of life elements into them to help the blue water plants adapt to the new environment.

While Mu Liang was busy planting blue and silver water plants, Yue Qinlan and Xue Ji came to the air force base and met Xi Beiqi in front of the port.

"Hey, Miss Qinlan, why are you back?" Xi Beiqi asked with her golden eyes blinking.

Yue Qinlan answered the wrong question, "Where's Mu Liang?"

Xi Beiqi replied subconsciously: "He is planting blue and silver water plants in the water, and it should be coming up soon."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan took a deep breath, frowning all the time.

ask for flowers...

"Sister Qinlan, what happened?" Xi Beiqi asked again.

Yue Qinlan stared at the beautiful eyes of the vampire girl, and said seriously: "There is news from the transit base that over a million ghosts are coming towards us.

"What, a million!" Xi Beiqi's body trembled, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

"Be quiet, don't cause panic." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to cover the vampire girl's mouth.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

Xi Beiqi blinked her beautiful eyes hard to show that she understood.

Only then did Yue Qinlan put down her hands, and said with a solemn face: "With Xu Gui's advancing speed, we can reach the Misty Sea before dawn, and we don't have much time left."

"Then what should we do, close the country?" Xi Beiqi's voice trembled slightly.


That's a million virtual ghosts, the number that can submerge the entire Thousand Thorns Pass and the Thousand Thorns Commercial City. With the current strength of the navy, it can't stop the attack of a million virtual ghosts.

"Let's talk about it in detail when Mu Liang comes back." Yue Qinlan sighed.

Xi Beiqi's voice trembled slightly: "Just after finishing off the ghost king's clone, another million ghosts came to consume us to death."

She thought of the conversation with Yue Feiyan not long ago, but she didn't expect to be slapped in the face after a while.

Yue Qinlan said in a solemn tone: "No matter what, all these million virtual ghosts must be eliminated, and they must not be allowed to enter the kingdom."

Xue Ji opened her mouth, there are millions of virtual ghosts, how easy is it to keep them all out of the Xuanwu Kingdom?

"Sister Qinlan, I almost lose my confidence." Xi Beiqi smiled wryly.

Yue Qin's blue eyes flickered slightly, "If it's really impossible, let Qin Yu and the others come back.

In her heart, the safety of the Xuanwu Kingdom will always be ranked behind Mu Liang. If Mu Liang is fine, then the Xuanwu Kingdom will be safe as well.

"Then what about the Old Continent?" Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes widened slightly.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyes and said word by word: "It's time for them to evacuate too. Gathering the strong human beings together will have a greater chance of winning against the virtual ghosts."


Water splashed at the port, and Mu Liang came out of the sea, his clothes not half wet.

He was slightly surprised when he saw Yueqinlan and Xueji there.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the correct code. .

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