"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

At this time, the main city was very lively, people came out of their homes one after another, and everyone rushed to the main city square with big bags and small bags.

Shops along the street were closed one after another, and the street was full of patrolling guards and soldiers, directing the public to the nearest air-raid shelter entrance.

At this time, the entrances of the air-raid shelters are all wide open, and there are signs at the entrances, and the entrances can be seen from a distance.

Xue Ye stepped on stilettos and followed the flow of people to the entrance of the air-raid shelter.

The vampire girl was originally working on a costume shoot, and when the signal for the first-level combat readiness sounded, she was still a little dazed, and she hurriedly left the place where she was reminded by her colleagues.

Xue Ye came out of work without any food on him, so she threw it into the air-raid shelter empty-handed.

"Sister, why didn't you bring anything?" A surprised voice sounded, and Cheng Xiao and Yuzi hurried along and walked beside the vampire girl.

"I don't have time to go back and get it." Xue Ye panted slightly.

Yuzi frowned and said, "Then you didn't bring anything to eat?"

"No." Xue Ye's mouth moved.

Yuzi asked concerned: "Then what should I do, if there is no food in the air-raid shelter, then you will not be hungry?"

Xue Ye heard the words and looked at the other people who were on the road. Everyone had big bags and small bags. Obviously, they were filled with food and clothes.

Cheng Xiao said crisply: "Didn't my sister read the newspapers before? There are things to pay attention to when avoiding emergency, and the school also teaches them."

Xue Ye was silent. She came to Xuanwu Kingdom and didn't go to school. She only read the newspaper occasionally, and didn't pay attention to the precautions for avoiding danger that the girl said.

In fact, she wasn't worried about going hungry. After all, there were so many people in the main city, and it was a pity that the Xuanwu Kingdom's constitution did not allow her to do so.

Thinking of this, the vampire girl couldn't help but sigh.

"It's okay, I don't need to eat every day." Xue Ye said coldly.

Yuzi thought for a while, then said softly: "Don't worry, you will follow us when you get to the air-raid shelter, I brought a lot of food, enough for us to have a lot of fun.

"Yeah, that's right, just follow us." Cheng Xiao nodded in agreement.

Xue Ye was stunned for a moment, then asked puzzledly: "Why are you so kind to me?"

Yuzi didn't think too much, and explained casually: "There is no reason, everyone is from the Xuanwu Kingdom, so help if you can.

What she didn't say is that her husband is the deputy head of the patrol guard, and as the family member of the deputy head of the guard, she should take the lead and help the people in need.

Xue Ye pursed her lips, feeling a little moved in her heart.

"Don't talk about it, because we are going to the air-raid shelter." Lianzi urged.

The three of them remained silent, followed the flow of people to the main city square, arrived at the nearest air-raid shelter entrance, and went down the stairs in a line to enter the air-raid shelter.

When the three of them walked into the air-raid shelter, it was very spacious and there was no peculiar smell. This was all due to the roots of the tree of life.

The air-raid shelter is very bright, and many people are already sitting on the ground, and some have started to use the animal skins or cloth they brought to set up tents.

Yuzi looked around, pointed to the place near the exit and said, "Let's stay here."

"Okay." Cheng Xiao heard the words and walked over with the suitcase, opened the suitcase, took out a piece of animal skin and spread it on the ground.

Yuzi sat down and greeted the vampire girl, "Sit down."

"Okay." Xue Ye didn't refuse, sat down beside the two of them, looked up at the entrance, and there were people coming into the air-raid shelter.

She asked curiously: "What happened, that the first level of combat readiness was activated so suddenly?"

"Maybe it's the same as last time." Cheng Xiao said softly.

"Last time?" Xue Ye's eyes showed doubts.

Cheng Xiao nodded: "Yes, we also come here to take refuge during the ghost tide."

Xue Ye nodded slowly, thought of something, frowned and said: "Could it be that Xu Guihuang has awakened?"

She counted the time and felt more and more that her guess was right.

The girl learned the news that the Xu Ghost Emperor would wake up from Texid's ancestor, and she kept remembering it until now, but she never thought that time would pass so quickly.

"What did you say?" Cheng Xiao asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Xue Ye shook his head.

Yuzi reassured: "Don't worry, this place is very safe, even if ghosts really enter the city, they won't be able to enter here."

Cheng Xiao nodded and said: "Yes, the Xuanwu Kingdom is stronger than before, and we still have the protection of the holy tree and the holy beast that protects the city, so nothing will happen.

Domesticated beasts such as Thunder Spirit Beast, Nine-Colored Lizard, and Holy Light Golden Crow are all holy beasts protecting the city.

"Okay." Xue Ye nodded slowly.

She knows that the Xuanwu Kingdom is very strong, but facing the Void Ghost Emperor, can the Xuanwu Kingdom really win?

The vampire girl fell silent, even if the Xuanwu Kingdom would lose, she would have nowhere to escape, so she might as well pray in her heart that the Xuanwu Kingdom would win.

Xue Ye thought of Yeyue City, what's going on there now?

"Sister, are you worried?" Cheng Xiao asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

Xue Ye shook his head: "No."

"What are you thinking about, do you need help?" Cheng Xiao asked with concern.

Xue Ye thought for a while, and asked, "...do you know Night City?"

"I know." Taro nodded.

What did she think of, Meimou looked at the vampire girl again, and asked in surprise: "Are you from Yeyue City?"

Xue Ye was surprised instead, and asked, "How do you know about Yecheng?"

Cheng Xiao said crisply: "When Xuanwu Kingdom was still Xuanwu City, I went to Yeyue City."

Neither she nor her mother had been to Yeyue City, but Cheng Mao had mentioned it, and also mentioned many places that Xuanwu City had been to.

Cheng Mao works as a patrol guard and is also the deputy head of the guard. He knows a lot of information that ordinary people don't know.

Xue Ye suddenly nodded, almost forgetting that when Xuanwu Kingdom was still Xuanwu City, she did go to Yeyue City.

It was precisely because of this incident that the Yeyue family regained a firm foothold in Yeyue City, and they were no longer afraid of the coveted eyes of several other pure-blooded vampire families.

Cheng Xiao asked suddenly: "Is my sister a vampire?"

"Are you afraid of vampires?" (Wang Liao Zhao) Xueye asked calmly.

"Of course I'm not afraid, I'm just curious." Cheng Xiao shook his head.

She said in a serious tone: "Vampires are actually the same as ordinary people. In my opinion, there is no difference, like orcs, elves, sea monsters, half-orcs and so on" are all the same

Xue Ye took a deep look at the girl and felt much more comfortable in her heart.

"The space in the air-raid shelter is limited, everyone please pay attention to safety, don't make noise and fight at random, and don't risk leaving the air-raid shelter, waiting for the release of the first-level combat readiness status...'

The voices of the staff sounded in the air-raid shelter, and the prompts came out through music playing spiritual weapons.

"We provide food once a day, don't worry about having nothing to eat..."

Many people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, as long as there is food and drink, there is nothing to be afraid of.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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