Mu Liang stood on the Thousand Thorns Pass, looked at the huge Xuanwu Kingdom Gate, and waited for the group of virtual ghosts to arrive.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of neat footsteps sounded, and Yue Feiyan walked over wearing armor, her red eyes were full of solemnity.

"Your Majesty, all members of the navy are ready for battle." Yue Feiji saluted.

"Okay." Mu Liang's eyes drooped slightly.

He tilted his head and asked, "Where is the warship?"

Yue Feiyan said seriously: "The warship is already on its way, and it should arrive soon.

All the warships in the Xuanwu Kingdom have been activated, and the weapon systems have been fully equipped yesterday, and the weapons on board are fully loaded.

"Very good, keep the virtual ghosts out of the Thousand Thorns Pass as much as possible." Mu Liang said in that tone.

Yue Feiyan pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this is very difficult.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he said, "I know, I have to give it a try."

Now the entire kingdom has entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and the people have been transferred to the underground air-raid shelters one after another. There are domesticated beasts sitting in various acropolises. According to his calculations, the casualties are controllable

"I understand." Yue Feiyan nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang looked at the red-haired girl, and said softly, "Take care of yourself and don't cause any accidents.

Yue Feiyan blushed slightly, raised her chin and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will."

Mu Liang's eyes sparkled, and he nodded slightly.

Yue Feiyan leaned forward and said in a low voice: "Mu Liang, I also ate the spores 287 of the phantom mushroom.

Mu Liang smiled, not just the red-haired girl, most of the people had eaten the spores of the magic mushroom, he didn't want the core members of the Xuanwu Kingdom to be attrition.

He resisted the urge to knock the red-haired girl on the head, and reminded: "Even if this is the case, you must pay attention to safety, the spores of the magic mushroom are not unlimited, what should you do if you encounter danger in the future?"

The spore regeneration ability of Mirage Mushroom can only be used once a year by each person, and taking it twice in a short period of time is ineffective, and the second death is a real death.

Especially if one dies on the battlefield, the corpse will be torn to shreds, and it is difficult to save it with the fountain of life.

Yue Feiyan thought of something, her red eyes widened: "Nuo Beiqi"

"Well, take good care of her." Mu Liang said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Yue Feiyan nodded vigorously, her expression became serious.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Your Majesty Mu Liang, I'll help." A hoarse male voice sounded, and the Dragon Lord walked up to the city wall with the flying dragon guards.

Mu Liang nodded, and asked casually, "Is your injury healed?"

The Dragon Lord's eyes were bright, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, my strength has also improved a lot."

"That's good." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

The Dragon Lord asked hoarsely: "I heard that there will be a million virtual ghosts coming this time?"

"En." Mu Liang replied calmly.

The dragon master's eyes were fierce, and he said with murderous intent: "Very well, this time I want to avenge the people of Feilong Valley.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

The Dragon Lord grinned, flexed his wrists and said, "If you can't take revenge, what is death?"

Mu Liang's eyes were calm, he nodded and didn't speak.

"When will Xu Gui come?" Dragon Lord asked in a deep voice.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "I have already sent people to investigate."

Huxi left the Xuanwu Kingdom two hours ago, and went to the salt water area to investigate the movement of the virtual ghost. The girl's awakening ability can ensure that she can evacuate safely in case of danger.

"Then I'll wait here for Xu Gui to come." Dragon Lord said and sat cross-legged.


The other flying dragon guards also looked at death as if they were at home.

Above their heads, the Flying Dragon King led a group of flying dragons hovering in the air. If they hadn't greeted them in advance, they would have been knocked down by the weapons of Thousand Thorns Pass.

Humming sounds came from a distance, and five warships flew in a 'herringbone' formation, and their huge hulls were much larger than the flying dragons.

The streamlined hull and the dark muzzles make people feel intimidated.

The warships began to land, and the roof of the city wall was wide enough, so it was not a problem to send a warship.

After the warship stopped, Jia Luo got off the first warship, and the Air Force soldiers entered the cabin to start the final weapon adjustment before the battle.


"Your Majesty, I have sent the warship." Jia Luo came to Mu Liang, raised his hand and saluted Shi Shiran.

Mu Liang said softly: (bdce) "Well, thank you for your hard work."

Jia Luo's face was calm, and he raised his hands to rest on the three long swords at his waist.

Mu Liang glanced at it, and asked casually, "Why did you bring your weapon with you today?"

On weekdays, women spend most of their time in shipyards or spirit tool workshops, and don't carry weapons with them.

Jia Luo blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "Don't you need my help in this special period?"

Mu Liang said softly: "You can also continue to study the spiritual weapon."

Jia Luo folded his arms in front of him, and said in a helpless tone, "Your Majesty, I am now a ninth-level powerhouse, and my strength is not weak."

The woman made a breakthrough a month ago and became a ninth-rank powerhouse.

Before she joined the Xuanwu Kingdom, she was originally an eighth-level expert in the future city. She was once famous for using swords, but her reputation as a senior spiritual weapon master was too great, covering up her nakedness.

Mu Liang looked at the woman's three long swords, which were three high-level spiritual weapons, and they were all the three long swords that Jia Luo brought with him at the beginning.

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and took out three long glass boxes from the portable space, and handed them to the woman.

"What is this?" Gallo was taken aback for a moment.

"I'll see you off." Mu Liang wrote lightly.

Jia Luo opened one of the glass boxes suspiciously, revealing the items inside.

It was a long sword, the whole body was a gradual fiery red, the blade was three fingers wide, the blade exuded a scorching breath, and gave people a feeling that it would break if I blow it.

Inlaid at the end of the hilt is a huge red Warcraft spar, exuding an eighth-level aura.

Jia Luo was surprised and said, "A super high-grade spiritual weapon, gave it to me?"

"Well, it should be easier to use than the few swords you usually use. You can try it." I said calmly.

Hearing this, Jia Luo took out the long sword in the box, and casually held a sword flower in his hand. The sound of the blade piercing through the air was so clear that it made hair stand on end.

"Good sword." She exclaimed.

Mu Liang raised his chin: "See if the other two swords fit together."

"Okay." Jia Luo quickly opened the other two glass boxes, and there were two long swords of different colors lying inside.

The second long sword is ice blue, exuding biting cold, and the blade is covered with fine ice patterns, like a work of art.

The third long sword is purple, and the sword body also has many lightning-like lines. It is the lightest of the three swords, and every swing is fast and invisible.

"These three swords are actually super high-grade spiritual weapons, are they really given to me?" Jia Luo looked at Mu Liang in surprise.

With her current ability, she still can't refine a super-grade high-level spiritual weapon by herself.

Mu Liang explained indifferently: "Well, I made it when I was bored, and I just remembered that I still have these three swords.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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