Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2587: Mu Liang Is Trapped. (2 More)


In Xu Guihuang's domain, Mu Liang was still trying to find a way to leave.

He enlarged the universe scroll to the maximum, trying to break through the realm of the ghost emperor, but no matter how the universe scroll was rotated and crushed, he could not break through the realm of the ghost emperor.

After all, it is also a field of the same level. If you can break through it all at once, you will be able to crush Xu Gui.

"Damn it." A cold light flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, he couldn't leave if he couldn't break through the domain, did he really have to wait for half a day?

He didn't want to waste time here, he had to leave the Void Ghost Emperor's domain as soon as possible, and only after he had dealt with the millions of Void Ghosts could he have the energy to deal with Roy himself.

"Zhen Tiandi. Mu Liang snorted coldly.

Invisible fluctuations spread out from his body, quickly covering the entire Void Ghost Emperor's domain, and suppressing this space.

Mu Liang took a deep breath and used the gravity of the black hole to distort the space "320", trying to forcibly demolish this space.

The space trembled, black holes appeared in the field one by one, and a large amount of emptiness was swallowed up.

Time passed slowly, and two hours passed quickly. A lot of energy in the Void Ghost Emperor's domain was consumed, but it still could not be destroyed.

"It's really troublesome. It's worthy of the disaster that destroyed a whole continent." Mu Liang said with a cold face.

He sat cross-legged in the air, thinking about how else he could leave the realm of the Void Ghost Emperor.

Mu Liang originally wanted to contact Ling'er for help, to cooperate inside and outside to destroy the Void Ghost Emperor's domain, but he didn't expect that the communication of consciousness could not be used, and he couldn't contact the life element spirit at all.

After more than ten minutes, he opened his eyes, took out hundreds of Warcraft crystals from the portable space, and prepared to draw a magic circle to deal with the Void Ghost Emperor's domain.

The monster crystals floated up one by one, and Mu Liang used his three-headed and six-armed ability, releasing huge soul power and spiritual power, and began to draw a magic circle in the monster crystals.

Time passed again, and the magic circle gradually took shape. This is a holy-level magic circle, which is composed of multiple ninth-level, king-level, and supreme magic circles.

"Get up." Mu Liang's deep eyes lit up, and the life domain unfolded, and cooperated with the holy magic circle to attack the virtual ghost emperor's domain.

The holy-level magic circle became bigger and bigger, and finally superimposed with the Void Ghost Realm.

Countless magic runes are floating in the air, they are like rotating millstones, starting to wear away the energy in the Void Ghost Emperor's domain.


The entire field trembled, and the speed of energy dissipation in the field accelerated.

Mu Liang's eyes lit up, and at this speed, it only takes an hour to break through the Xuguihuang domain.

"Soon..." He looked in the direction of the Xuanwu Kingdom. As long as there are no accidents, these million ghosts will not pose a threat to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

At this time, before the Thousand Thorns Pass, the battle continued.

Yue Qinlan stood on the city wall, staring at the devastated port, the corpses of Xugui were already countless.

The battle lasted for four hours, and there were less than 200,000 of the million virtual ghosts left, and the army, land and air forces suffered heavy casualties.


Yue Feiyan sprayed blood from the mouth and fell to the sky, and her body staggered and sat on the city wall.

"Xiaoyan." Yue Qinlan's face was pale, and she quickly took out the healing medicine and fed it to her daughter.

"Mother, I'm fine." Yue Feiyan took a few deep breaths, her pale face looked much better.

Yueqin's blue eyes were full of distress, and she comforted: "You have a good rest."

"No, Xu Gui is not dead yet." Yue Feiyan tried to stand up.

"You're exhausted." Yue Qinlan sighed, pushed her daughter back to the ground and sat down.


Xibeqi also fell on the city wall, and sat down clutching her chest. There were more than a dozen wounds on her body, and she looked much worse than the red-haired girl.

She said weakly: "I have no strength, is there any way for me to recover quickly?"

"Enough, let's have a good rest." Yue Qinlan shook her head, took out the best healing medicine and handed it to the vampire girl.

Xi Beiqi leaned on the red-haired girl and felt much better after drinking the healing medicine.

She held back the pain in her body, and asked in a hoarse voice: "How can I return the remaining virtual ghosts?"

Yue Qinlan moved her mouth, stood up and looked at the battlefield, Dragon Lord and others were also covered in wounds, fighting with the remaining virtual ghosts.

With the help of the life elemental elves, Xinxi has already dealt with two holy-level ghosts, and the other holy-level ghost was also killed by Wen Kesha, but there are still a few supreme ghosts and king-level ghosts left.

The spiritual weapon cannon and annihilation weapon have entered the cooling time, and it takes half an hour before they can be used.

One of the five warships was destroyed, and the other four warships were damaged to varying degrees, and many weapon systems have been shut down.

If it weren't for the life domain, the Xuanwu Kingdom's casualties in this battle would have been even more serious..0


Many of the subsidiary vines of Ten Thousand Thorny Flowers were broken, and two of the ten main vines were also broken by the attack of the Supreme Void Ghost.

The king bee was also injured, and the bee colony suffered even more serious casualties. Fortunately, the number of worker bees was large enough to block the attacks of many virtual ghosts.

Yue Qinlan looked outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, the realm of the Void Ghost Emperor was not there.

"Why hasn't Mu Liang come out yet?" She looked worried.

The bloody emptiness had disappeared, and lightning fell again in the stormy sea area, blocking most of the virtual ghosts outside.

Yue Qinlan guessed that Xu Guihuang's avatar was dead, or that he was unable to control the bloody qi, which meant that Mu Liang should have the upper hand.


It was the flying dragon king who hit the city wall, and the dragon master was also seriously injured

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Wang Jiexu ghost grinned, raised his hand and condensed his emptiness into a sharp blade to end the life of the Dragon Lord.

"Ugly thing, get out of here." Ling'er appeared in front of Wang Jiexu ghost, raised her hand and slapped its head into pieces.

She had just dealt with the last Holy Void Ghost before she had time to help the Dragon Lord deal with his opponent.


The Dragon Lord coughed violently, spewing out mouthfuls of blood, and his breath became sluggish.

He looked at the life elemental spirit, his mouth moved: "Thank you......

Ling'er waved her hand, she was also a little bit powerless, this battle lasted too long, she had to go back to the tree of life to recover her energy.

She looked at Yue Qinlan, and said in a weak 4.4 voice: "Sister Qinlan, I will leave the rest to you, I am sleepy."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan showed a wry smile on her face, and as soon as Ling'er left, the pressure on Thousand Thorns Pass became even greater.

The life element spirit turned into a piece of green light and disappeared. Fortunately, the high-level virtual ghosts were almost dead, and the remaining virtual ghosts could not pose a threat to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered slightly, there were no high-level virtual ghosts, but the casualties of the soldiers had passed.

Just when she was trying to find a way, good news came from behind.

"Lord Qinlan, the strongmen of the Lanlupo Kingdom are here to support you." The communications soldier said excitedly.

There is a space teleportation magic circle in Yili City, which directly connects to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and through the space teleportation gate of Shanhaiguan, it can directly reach Ziciguan.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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