Yue Qinlan was stunned for a moment: "The strong man of Lanlupo Kingdom?"

"Yes, it is His Royal Highness Su Linyisi who has come down." The communications soldier nodded hastily.

A look of surprise flashed across Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes, she didn't expect Su Linyisi to come over, to help deal with Xu Gui?

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Your Excellency Yueqinlan, I have brought someone to help." Su Linyisi's voice sounded, followed by noisy footsteps.

Yue Qinlan hurriedly turned around to look, and thousands of people came into view, and the one walking in the front was Su Linyisi.

Behind her is Uncle Zhang's Knights, besides that there are many strong men and magicians.

Yue Qinlan stepped forward to meet her, and said with a serious expression, "Your Excellency Su Linyisi, thank you."

Su Linyisi shook her head, and said in a serious tone: "It is the responsibility of all races to deal with virtual ghosts.

Yue Qinlan took a deep look at the woman, nodded and said: "The situation is urgent, let's clean up the ghosts first.

Su Linyisi responded, turned her head and ordered: "Listen to the order and help clean up the virtual ghosts."

"Yes." Uncle Zhang agreed loudly, leading the knights to kill Xu Gui.

The magicians began to chant 20 incantations and cast various departments of magic for remote support, which relieved the pressure on the soldiers of the armed forces.

Yue Qinlan cheered up and shouted: "Support from the warships, we will do our best to wipe out the remaining virtual ghosts."

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison.

The battle continued, and with the help of Su Linyisi and others, Xu Gui's retreat accelerated a bit.

Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan supported each other and stood up, leaning against the battlements and looking towards the port area.

The virtual ghosts attacked the city wall six times successively, only the first time they succeeded in breaking through a gap in the city wall, and failed several times after that.

Now the number of virtual ghosts is less than 200,000, and there are many high-level virtual ghosts killed and injured. It is wishful thinking to break through the defense line of the Thousand Thorns Pass.

"I'm going to win." Shibeki let out a breath.

"Yeah, cough cough..." Yue Feiyan coughed violently, but there was still a smile on her face.

She looked into the sky, Tai Keke was holding a huge sword, and fought three times in and three out of the ghosts, and every day the ghosts were killed by her directly.

Taikeke is very strong, especially after taking the star fruit and the secret medicine continuously, the body is continuously replenished and has inexhaustible strength.

After she casts her awakening ability and turns into a dragon-man state, as long as she has energy support in her body and is not hungry, she can fight like a battle robot.

Fighting can make Tai Keke grow rapidly, and with the supplement of star fruit, she has reached the time when she can advance at any time.


Tai Keke roared angrily, flapped his back wings vigorously, and thrust out the huge sword in his hand, piercing through the head of a fifth-order ghost.

Equally ferocious was Zhen Huan from the Navy, who charged Fang Tian's painted halberd into the group of Xu ghosts, and no Xu ghosts could stand within tens of meters, and all of them were chopped down by her halberd.

After Xinxi killed a king-level ghost, there were no living king-level ghosts among the ghosts that attacked this time, and the rest were ghosts below the ninth rank.

"It's about to end." Her eyes flickered slightly, she took a bottle of healing medicine, and began to help others deal with high-level virtual ghosts.

Yue Qinlan looked outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, the Void Ghost Emperor domain was still there, but the sound of fighting inside could no longer be heard.

"Too, toe, toe~~~...


The number of virtual ghosts was less than 100,000. Once the cooling time of the spirit weapon cannon and annihilation weapon passed, a new round of shelling began.


As if they were not afraid of death, the virtual ghosts attacked the Thousand Thorns Pass in the face of the artillery fire, and fell down again under the artillery fire.

The battle at the Pass of Thousand Thorns continued, and the battles at the cities of David did not stop.

In Acropolis No. 11, the virtual ghosts are entering the large formation to protect the city.

On the city wall, Mia was wearing shadow armor, directing the spirit weapon cannon to fire.

Standing behind Catwoman is Mi Xidi. As the manager of Acropolis No. 11, he never backs down in times of crisis and chooses to fight the enemy together on the front line.


The city wall vibrated, and the magic array on it shone, absorbing the recoil when the spirit weapon cannon was fired.

With the large moat formation, Xu Gui failed to enter No. 11 Acropolis.

As for the incoming Void Ghost, he is fighting fiercely with the giant magma dragon in the air.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The giant magma dragon roared, spewing hot magma to attack the king-level ghost.

"Step by step~~~"

Not to be outdone, Wangjie Xugui spit out blood-colored breath to attack the magma dragon, and the violent roar continued to sound.

Mia looked into the air, thanks to the giant magma dragon restraining the king-level ghosts, they could easily deal with the rest of the ghosts.

There were nearly 30,000 virtual ghosts attacking No. 11 Acropolis this time, and there was only one king-level virtual ghost. It was very difficult to break through the large formation guarding the city by relying on other virtual ghosts alone.

With annihilation weapons and spirit weapon cannons, the number of casualties of the virtual ghost group will only increase.

"From this point of view, Acropolis No. 11 is safe." Mi Xidi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Mia glanced at her, and said coldly: "Don't relax your vigilance, it's safe to completely eliminate these ghosts.

"Yeah." Mi Xidi nodded vigorously.

Mia put on the mask of the shadow armor, and ordered in a cold voice: "There are not many ghosts left, follow me to clean up the remaining ghosts..."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a violent explosion above her head.

The next moment, the corpse of Wang Jiexu ghost fell from the sky, smashing hard into the group of ghosts.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The giant magma dragon roared to the sky, as if showing off its victory.

Seeing Wang Jiexu's death, Mia relaxed.

Just as she was about to continue giving orders, the magma dragon moved again.

I saw it opened its mouth wide, the fire element in the air became agitated, and a large area of ​​fiery red appeared on the top of its head, and then the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

In the astonished eyes of Mia and the others, a large piece of magma fell from the sky, like a heavy rain pouring on the group of virtual ghosts.


The ground shook, and the virtual ghosts had nowhere to escape, and the withering magma mercilessly devoured the virtual ghosts.

In just a few minutes, 80% of the virtual ghosts were submerged in magma.

Mia opened her mouth, seeing that there were only less than two thousand ghosts left, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"That virtual ghost seems to be dying soon." Mi Xidi whispered.

Mia took a deep breath and said seriously: "Resolve the battle as soon as possible."

"Yes." The highland guards and soldiers responded in unison.

Mia stepped into the darkness and disappeared. When she reappeared, she was outside the city, walked out of the darkness, and killed the nearest Ten Song Xugui with a long sword in her hand.

She is like a ghost, jumping in the darkness and shadows, killing ghosts one by one and then retreating.

The battle lasted for an hour, and the remaining virtual ghosts were cleaned up.

Xu Gui's body was lying on the ground, because it was partially covered by magma.

Mia flicked the blood off the sword, turned her head to look in the direction of Thousand Thorns Pass, worried about the battle situation there.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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