Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2589: You Cannot Be A Deserter. (2 More)

In the main city, Liyue stood on the city wall, waiting for Xu Gui's arrival.

Beside her stood Gesmey and Keina, both of them were looking forward, their murderous aura filled the air.

Under the city wall, ghost special forces, holy light guards, and army soldiers are already in full battle.

After receiving the news from the front line, a group of virtual ghosts came to the main city. The number of virtual ghosts exceeded 30,000, and there were three king-rank virtual ghosts among them.

Calculated according to the advancing speed of the virtual ghosts, they will reach the main city in half an hour at the slowest.

Although the main city doesn't have a large protective formation, there is a tree of life. If Xu Gui attacks the main city, he will seek his own death.

Kaina said coldly: "I haven't seen Xugui yet."

"It should be soon." Li Yue's beautiful eyes were shining, her hand was always on the quiver at her waist.

She is now wearing Holy Light Armor, and her golden body is extremely dazzling.

Kaina nodded slowly, she was here specially to help, otherwise the main city would be too big, it would be difficult for Liyue and others to take care of everything.

Li Yue looked at Kai Na, and asked softly, "Have you seen Yao Er?"

Keina shook her head, and said peacefully: "She will take care of herself, she is not a child anymore.

After she joined the Ghost Special Forces, she was very busy every day, either performing tasks or training. Although the mother and daughter were reunited, "there is still very little time to chat alone.

Li Yue pursed her lips, and said softly: "Yao'er usually trains very hard, and she is already a fourth-order powerhouse."

A hint of relief flashed in Kaina's eyes, she nodded lightly and said nothing.

Gesmei blinked her beautiful eyes, only then did she realize that the woman in front of her was Tiao'er's mother.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The earth shook suddenly, attracting everyone's attention, and they quickly raised their eyes to look into the distance.

A large piece of billowing black emptiness entered the sight of everyone, getting closer and closer to the main city.

"Here we come." Li Yue's expression became serious.

"Get ready to fight." Keina put on the ghost armor helmet and moved her joints.

Although her body is made of ferocious beasts, it is stronger and stronger than that of ordinary people. Except that she has no flesh and blood, her daily life will not be affected, but it will make her stronger

After Kaina returned to the Xuanwu Kingdom, Mu Liang helped her upgrade her body, replacing the materials of her hands and feet with better ones.

Liyue took out a nearly two-meter golden longbow, looked sideways at Gesmei and said, "Take care of yourself.

"I will." Gesmei nodded with a serious expression.

Liyue nodded, waved her hands and ordered: "Fight."

The tree of life lit up, and billions of stars appeared in the sky, driving the main city to the country.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghost group stopped outside the city, and the air was filled with a strong breath of life, which made them very uncomfortable.

The three king-level ghosts squinted their eyes, staring at the tree of life vigilantly, not daring to easily step into the tree of life.

Gesmei swallowed her saliva, frightened by Xu Gui's battle.

Li Yue tilted her head and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"Not bad." Gesmei shook her head.

Li Yue said coldly: "If you are afraid, you can't back down, and you can't be a deserter."

She has warned the young girl many times, if she insists on going to the battlefield, there will be no turning back.

"I won't." Gesmei said calmly.

"En." Li Yue took a deep look at her.

Kaina said in a solemn tone: "How do we deal with the three king-level ghosts?"

"Just let Xiao Hong and the others go to each other." Li Yue said indifferently.

As soon as she finished speaking, a dark red figure climbed up to the main city, that three-dimensional grimace was so lifelike, as if it was about to emerge from the ghost spider.

The ghost spider stood on the city wall, its eight oily green eyes staring at Wang Jie Xugui.

Its sharp eight legs are like steel spears, giving people the illusion that they can easily pierce through steel plates.

"Zi La~~~"

The purple lightning flew across the sky, and the Thunder Spirit Beast came riding on the purple lightning, rushing towards the group of virtual ghosts like a cannonball.

Wang Jie Xugui roared, and charged towards the Thunder Spirit Beast.


The thunder continued, Wang Jiexu ghost was knocked down by the purple figure and flew out, smashing hard to the ground.

The ghost spider also moved, opened its mouth and spit out a spider web covering the group of virtual ghosts, while its body was hidden in the darkness.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The low-level virtual ghosts couldn't dodge in time, their bodies were corroded by poisonous spider silk, and their stumps and arms fell to the ground.

Wang Jiexu ghost roared angrily, waved a bloody flame, and burned most of the spider silk in his chest.


The ghost spider appeared from the darkness, its oily green eyes flashed, and it used its innate ability to control the ghost of the king rank.

The shadow spider silk bound the body of Wangjie Xugui, making it immobile for a while.


Purple lightning fell from the sky and landed on Wang Jie Xugui with precision.

The Thunder Spirit Beast and the Ghost Shadow Spider cooperated tacitly and beat Wang Jie Xugui by surprise.

Thunder and Lightning is the nemesis of Void Ghost. The Thunder Spirit Beast fell with all its strength, and the Thunder Spirit Beast hit was directly seriously injured.

The other two king rank ghosts roared angrily and directed the ghosts to attack.

"Ho Ho Ho ~ www

The Thunder Spirit Beast soared into the sky, its whole body surrounded by purple arcs, and it was not afraid of the threat of the king-level ghost at all.

The virtual ghost group launched a charge and went straight to the main city.

The thunder spirit beast roared fiercely, and lightning bolts descended from the sky to attack the approaching ghosts.

Gusme took a deep breath and began to chant incantations to cast magic.

Liyue glanced at her, and the blind soldiers attacked.


The soldiers raised their weapons, crossbow bolts, explosive bombs, and bullets—launched out, pouring into the group of virtual ghosts.

The three king-level virtual ghosts fought fiercely with the thunder spirit beast and the ghost spider, and the lightning kept falling.

The ghost spider and the thunder spirit beast cooperate tacitly. The former is responsible for controlling the actions of the king-level virtual ghost, while the thunder spirit beast is responsible for attacking.

Wang Jie Xugui, who was already seriously injured, couldn't stand it anymore, and was defeated by the purple lightning bombardment.


Gesmei raised (Wang Hao) waved her hand, and the sound of the incantation fell, a large thundercloud appeared in the sky, and a piece of lightning bombarded the group of virtual ghosts.

She saw that the lightning from the Thunder Spirit Beast was effective, so she thought of casting the Thunder Magic Man.

Keina also moved, leading the ghost special forces to kill the virtual ghost group.

A cold light flashed through Liyue's silver-white eyes, she raised her longbow and started shooting, with three arrows resting on the bowstring, she drew the bow and aimed at the group of virtual ghosts.


Three sharp arrows shot out in volley, hitting three Zhou En's heads with precision.

The holy light guard moved, the holy light armor on his body lit up, and the sky rained down a series of holy light thunder punishments, which is the ability of the holy light armor.

The Holy Light Thunder Punishment released by the Holy Light Armor, the weakest one is equivalent to a full-strength blow of a sixth-order powerhouse, which is enough to deal with ordinary ghosts.

The higher the strength of the strong man wearing the armor of the Holy Light, the more powerful the Holy Light Tomioka will be.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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