In Xu Guihuang's domain, Mu Liang opened his eyes.

The holy rank magic circle is still in operation, obliterating the Void Ghost Emperor's domain, more than an hour has passed.

"Soon." He murmured softly, and raised his hand to input energy into the holy magic circle, so that the magic would run faster.

The entire Void Ghost Emperor's domain trembled, giving people a feeling that it was about to collapse.

Mu Liang regained his energy, stood up slowly and stared at the direction of the Xuanwu Kingdom, raised his hand to gather strength and punched out with all his strength.


The trembling of Xuguihuang's domain became more serious. With Mu Liang's three punches, the holy magic circle collapsed along with Xuguihuang's domain.


In a burst of explosions, the space distorted irregularly a few times, and the Void Ghost Emperor's domain completely disappeared.

Mu Liang stood in the air, the emptiness around him slowly dissipated, and his vision became clearer.

Before the Thousand Thorns Pass, there were less than 50,000 virtual ghosts left, and the destruction of the surrounding ghost emperor's domain attracted their attention.

Mu Liang's face was cold, and he raised his hand to grab it from the air.


The sky outside the sea of ​​storms was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and then streaks of holy light and thunder fell from the sky, falling on the ghosts who had not yet entered the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom.

The golden thunder light stings people's eyes, and there are tiny golden arcs dancing in the air, making people's hairs stand on end.


After the golden holy light thunder punishment, all the ghosts outside the stormy sea area were killed by Mu Liang with one blow, only the Shukai ghosts in the port were still struggling.

"Your Majesty has come out." The soldiers cheered, their faces filled with the joy of escape.

On the city wall, Yue Qinlan's tensed shoulders relaxed, and she said softly, "That's great."

Wen Kesha and the others also looked at Mu Liang, seeing that he was still calm and calm, they knew that humans had won this battle.

Mu Liang glanced at everyone, seeing familiar faces there, which made him feel much more at ease.

He raised his hand, the air became colder, the sea surface began to freeze, and the extremely cold breath covered Xu Gui who had never had time to escape.


With just a wave of his hand, Mu Liang eliminated all the remaining virtual ghosts, bringing the battle to an end.

"It's so strong." Su Linyisi's pupils shrank, and she was surprised by Mu Liang's strength again.

"His Majesty Mu Liang has become stronger." Uncle Zhang nodded slowly with a solemn expression.

Su Linyisi stared at Mu Liang in a daze, her throat moved and said: "If he becomes stronger, then the human race's winning rate in the battle with the Xu clan will be greater."

Uncle Zhang nodded in agreement, already thinking that Mu Liang is the strongest of the human race.

He turned his head to look at the woman, and she still stared at Mu Liang without blinking her beautiful eyes, as if there was no room for other people.

Uncle Zhang shook his head slowly and remained silent.

Mu Liang flew into the port and landed on the city wall, and the soldiers who were still able to move raised their hands in salute.

"Your Majesty, Wanan." A tidy roar rang out over the port.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's take a good rest." Mu Liang's peaceful voice sounded, and at the same time, the life field expanded to cover everyone.


The air is full of life elements, which makes the injured and exhausted strong people feel much more comfortable, and their bodies and minds are soothed.

The Dragon Lord leaned against the Flying Dragon King, looked up at Mu Liang on the city wall, accidentally touched the wound and pulled the corner of his mouth in pain.

He curled his lips and muttered to himself: "I thought I was dead, as long as I'm still alive."

Mu Liang has been in Xu Guihuang's domain for too long, and many people think that something happened to him, or he is not the opponent of Xu Guihuang's avatar.

"Mu Liang, are you not injured?" Yue Qinlan came to Mu Liang and asked softly.

"No." Mu Liang shook his head, raised his hand and condensed a mass of life elements into the woman's body.

"It's fine." Yueqinlan breathed a sigh of relief.

Her expression became serious again, and she hurriedly said: "One hundred and fifty thousand virtual ghosts have entered the kingdom, you should go and have a look."

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he said, "Don't worry, with Xiao Zi and the others here, and the large formation protecting the city, everything will be fine.

He is training soldiers, letting his subordinates see the blood, and also letting the major cities really practice defense and emergency drills.

Yue (ccba) Qin Lan felt relieved when she heard the words, knowing that Mu Liang could communicate with Thunder Spirit Beasts, if he said it was okay at this time, it was really okay.

Mu Liang patted Yue Qinlan's shoulder, turned around and went to treat Yue Feiyan and others.

"Mu Liang, I finally waited for you to come back. Xi Beiqi leaned on the shoulder of the red-haired girl, and looked at the man who was walking with tears in her eyes.

The corners of Yue Feiyan's eyes twitched, she raised her hand and patted the vampire girl feebly, and said angrily, "Stop pretending."

"You can still fight, so the injuries should not be serious." Mu Liang smiled, squatting down to heal the two of them.

"Who said, I can't do anything with Zhutai." Xi Beiqi said aggrievedly.

Hearing this, Mu Liang held the vampire girl's hand and carefully checked her physical condition, the smile on his face faded a lot.

After examination, the vampire girl was indeed exhausted, and there were still many injuries on her body, some of which directly injured her internal organs.

She also had a wound on her chest, if it shifted by an inch, the vampire girl would have to die again.

Mu Liang's expression became serious, and he concentrated on healing the vampire girl.

Seeing this, Yue Feiyan stopped smiling and waited quietly.

A few minutes passed.

Mu Liang put down his hands, and said softly: "It's okay, the rest of the injury will be healed in two days."

Xi Beiqi let out a breath, with a relaxed smile on her face, and said softly: "I'm fine."

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand to rub the girl's head pitifully.

Xibeqi's pale face flushed slightly, and she looked away uncomfortably.

Mu Liang looked at Yue Feiyan, stretched out his hand to hold her slender hand, and examined her body carefully.

Sure enough, the condition of the red-haired girl was not much better than that of the vampire girl, and her internal injuries were also very serious, even a comminuted fracture of one arm, and a bone spur penetrated the liver.

Mu Liang quickly treated her, and at the same time used mist pollen to make the red-haired girl fall into a coma for a short time.

His deep eyes lit up, he first dealt with the red-haired girl's internal injuries, and then reconnected the comminuted fractured arm.

After the arm is healed, Mu Liang will continue to deal with Yue Feiyan's trauma, trying to avoid any sequelae as much as possible.

Yue Qinlan just took a few glances and left, with Mu Liang around, she wasn't worried that something would happen to her daughter.

The battle has just ended, there are many things to deal with and aftermath, she can't stop and rest, at least not now.

Yue Qinlan went to the medical area first, where the wounded soldiers were treated.

She wants to ensure that the medicines for treatment are sufficient, and try to save the lives of the soldiers as much as possible. These people are heroes of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The medical area is built behind the Thousand Thorns Pass, that is, in the Thousand Thorns Commercial City. Foldable beds are lined up, and there are seriously injured soldiers lying on them. The medical soldiers are very busy running.

Some soldiers have already gone to rest after simple bandaging, and the soldiers who can still move are helping.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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