Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2591: No Time To Talk About The Future. (2 More)

Yue Feiyan's eyelids trembled, and she slowly woke up, the confusion in her red eyes quickly faded away.

She blinked her beautiful eyes, and met Mu Liang's black eyes.

"Wake up, how do you feel?" Mu Liang asked concerned.

After hearing the words, Yue Feiyan sat up and moved her limbs, especially the arm with a comminuted fracture.

Her beautiful eyes lit up and she said: "Hands don't hurt anymore."

"Well, then have a good rest." Mu Liang patted the girl on the shoulder.

Yue Feiyan stood up and said: "No need, my soldiers have been injured a lot, I have to go and see them.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said in a warm voice, "You should go and see."

Xibeqi also shouted after hearing the words: "I will go too. There are many casualties in this battle, so I have to go and see."

Seeing that the two of them were in good health, Mu Liang didn't stop him. A boss who cares about his subordinates is worthy of praise.

The two left one after the other, and went straight to the rear medical area.

Mu Liang looked at the port in front of the Thousand Thorns Pass. The ice on the water surface had not yet melted, and Xu Gui's corpses were already piled up in the port.

His deep eyes lit up, opening up the devouring space.


The ice shattered, and Xu Gui's corpse was swallowed by the devouring space.

The devouring space is like a bottomless pit, which can't be filled even after hundreds of thousands of ghost corpses have been devoured.

The disappearance of the ghost's corpse made the surrounding air much fresher. Under the cover of the life domain, the ghost's smell and bloody smell disappeared.

Su Linyisi stepped forward and asked, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, is Xu Guihuang dead?"

Mu Liang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The one who died was Xu Guihuang's avatar, not the main body.

Su Linyisi's face became serious, and she asked: "Will the ghost emperor's body be stronger?"

"Yes. Mu Liang nodded.

Su Linyisi's throat moved, and she asked in a serious tone: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, do you have the body to defeat the Xu Guihuang?"

Mu Liang glanced at the woman, and said calmly: "If I lose, do you have any other ways to deal with Xu Guihuang?"

Su Linyisi shook her head slowly, and said with a serious face: "Your Excellency Muliang, you are the hope of the two continents.

Mu Liang chuckled, raised his chin slightly and said, "I'm not, I'm just the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Su Linyi shook her head again, quietly looking into Mu Liang's eyes.

He said slowly: "Dealing with ghosts is a matter for all human beings. If the major kingdoms do not cooperate in dealing with ghosts, they will be destroyed if they are destroyed."

I have already thought about the way out, but I can avoid it for a while, but I can't avoid it for a lifetime.

Su Linyisi sighed and said: "Your Majesty Muliang, the Kingdom of Lanlupo will always unite with the Kingdom of Xuanwu.

Mu Liang smiled slightly, and said peacefully: "There are no eggs under a nest.

Su Linyi frowned, although the words were hard to pronounce, they could understand what they meant.

Relying solely on the support of the Lanlupo Kingdom, it is impossible to deal with the Xu Clan.

Mu Liang glanced at Su Linyisi, and said calmly: "Your Excellency, rest well, if the Xu Clan dies in the future, the Lanlupo Kingdom will get the support of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Su Linyisi's pupils shrank, Mu Liang's words contained a lot of gold, and he did have the capital to say such words.

If the Lanlupo Kingdom is compared with the Xuanwu Kingdom, it is not too much to describe it as a sky and a land.

"Thank you." Su Linyisi said seriously.

Mu Liang shook his head, and said calmly: "I should thank you this time.

Su Linyi pursed her lips, and just about to say something, Mu Liang turned and left.

He still has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't have time to talk about the future with Su Linyisi at this time.

Mu Liang walked towards Dragon Lord, and some medical soldiers were helping him heal.

"Your Majesty, Wan An." Seeing Mu Liang approaching, the medical soldiers hurriedly saluted.

"Go and treat others." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

"Yes." The medical soldier nodded respectfully, got up and approached.


The Dragon Lord coughed violently a few times, pulled the corners of his mouth and said half-jokingly: "Why, you don't want her to cure me?"

Mu Liang raised his eyes and said calmly: "I can heal you faster, if you don't need it."

The dragon master shrank his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: "Please, Your Excellency."

Mu Liang glanced at him, stretched out his hand and began to heal the wound on the Dragon Lord.

In two days, the ghost emperor will really wake up, and then it must be the time for a full-scale war. The dragon master is not weak, and he can only help if his ears are healed.

Dragon Lord endured the pain, closed his eyes as if letting Mu Liang move.

Mu Liang said coolly, "Don't look like you're at a disadvantage."

The dragon master twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: "I trust you."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "This kind of injury, I can't die."

In fact, the Dragon Lord's injury is not serious, and he needs the fountain of life to heal. Although it is only the most common fountain of life, it is hard for outsiders to find.

...asking for flowers...

Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and a drop of emerald green liquid condensed from his fingertips, which bounced into the Dragon Lord's mouth.

The Dragon Lord swallowed the fountain of life without hesitation.

He knew the fountain of life, and the strong breath of life on it also told him that it was not an ordinary thing, so he was a little moved.

"Take care of it well, the injury will heal soon." Mu Liang stood up and looked at the injured Flying Dragon King.

"Thank you." Dragon Lord said hoarsely, and could clearly feel the wounds on his body healing rapidly.

Mu Liang began to heal the Flying Dragon King. It was seriously injured, its wings were broken, and there were many deep wounds on its body, which were infected by Xu Gui.

Before starting to heal his wounds, he took out two star fruits and fed them to the Flying Dragon King to stabilize the wounds in his body.

The dragon master's eyes flickered, and a thought flashed in his heart, it seems that it is not a bad thing to let Feilong Valley exist in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and it can be said that it is a good thing with no harm.

He lowered his eyes and pondered, ready to talk to Mu Liang about the 'merger' after the matter of the Xu clan was completely resolved.

Mu Liang's treatment process ended soon, most of the wounds on Fei Longwang's body healed, and the rest of the wounds will also heal within the next two days.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

Flying Dragon King roared, rubbing his head against Mu Liang's body intimately, making a cry of attachment.

The Dragon Lord twitched the corner of his mouth, and suddenly hesitated again.

Mu Liang smiled and touched Flying Dragon King's head, and said softly, "Have a good rest."

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The Flying Dragon King growled, and nodded his head humanly.

Mu Liang glanced at the Dragon Lord, then turned around and walked towards the resting Wen Kesha, who was also injured.

"How's the injury?" he asked gently.

"It's okay." Wincosa glanced at the tail, and a lot of scales had fallen off, and it looked bloody.

"Give me your hand." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

Winkesha hesitated for a moment, but still put her hand on Mu Liang's.

Mu Liang closed his eyes and checked the snake queen's body. The internal injuries were serious, and the external injuries were also serious.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize it. .

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