Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2599: There Are Many More Ways To Save Lives. (1 More)

Mu Liang looked up at Qi Runa, and said in a calm tone, "Why, you want me to forcefully sell you the magic tools and the secret medicine?"

Zierna's expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "How could that be, Your Excellency is thinking too much."

Mu Liang glanced at him, and said: "To deal with the Xu clan, I need a lot of magic beast crystals to set up a magic circle, the more the better."

Arranging a magic array is just an excuse, you can't let outsiders know about your special ability, and arranging a magic array to deal with the Void Clan is a good reason.

Qi Yuna lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded and said: "I understand, someone will send the Warcraft spar over."

King Haiting said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty Muliang, you also know the situation of my Haiting Kingdom, I will try my best to get all the cities to send Warcraft crystals, but I can't guarantee how much.

Salun'er City was destroyed by the Void Ghost King, causing heavy losses to the royal family, and rebuilding the king's city also required a lot of Warcraft crystals.

"Well, I hope the Warcraft spar can be delivered as soon as possible." Mu Liang said seriously.

He hoped to let the Rock Turtle evolve before the Ghost Emperor fully awakened, so that he would have greater confidence in dealing with the Xu Clan.

The evolution of rock turtles takes time and there are many variables.

Qi Erna looked at Mu Liang, and said in a serious tone: "If you can use the portal, one day is enough to go back and forth."

They already knew the existence of the portal. In this special period, Mu Liang didn't want to keep the portal 'hidden', but used it to quickly mobilize personnel.

"Yes." Mu Liang nodded.

He looked at King Haiting, who nodded in the same way, and promised to bring the magic beast spar to Xuanwu Kingdom as soon as possible.

Satisfied, Mu Liang reached out and took out a bunch of magic tools from the portable space, and put them on the table for the two to choose.

"These are all advanced magic tools?" Zierna's eyes widened.

King Haiting was also short of breath. There were nearly twenty pieces of advanced magic equipment on the table, including armor, swords, knives, sticks, shields, etc. Just by looking at the glossy appearance, it was not ordinary high-end magic equipment.

Mu Liang lifted his chin, and said calmly: "Choose||."

"I'm short of weapons." Zierna looked serious, and reached out to pick up a spear, which was heavy and weighty.

"I want this set of armor." King Haiting said with bright eyes.

Mu Liang nodded: "Take it."

These magic tools are all made by him in his daily life. Since there is nothing special about them, he put them in his portable space and ate them.

King Haiting picked up the armor short of breath, impatiently started dripping blood to enlighten his spirit, and soon completed the process of recognizing the Lord.

The same is true for Zierna, the gray spear has become much lighter after being enlightened, and it can make a buzzing sound every time it is swung.

Mu Liang put away the rest of the magic equipment, and took out several glass boxes from the portable space, which contained various magic medicines.

"This is a potion that can temporarily increase strength." He casually picked up a warm glass bottle, shaking the bottle with his hands.

He looked at the two people who were short of breath, and said lightly: "The side effect is that you will be weak for three days after using it, and you will become like ordinary people within these three days. There are no other side effects

"How much strength can it increase?" Zierna asked.

Mu Liangping said in a peaceful voice: "The stronger the person, the weaker the effect after taking it. For example, after taking it, a strong person of the ninth level can only be promoted to the ninth level."

As soon as these words came out, Zierna and King Haiting couldn't sit still.

The two said in unison: "I want it."

Just imagine, allowing a ninth-level strong man to temporarily have a ninth-level high-level strength, how much the odds of winning can be improved when facing the enemy, and then he will only be weak for three days afterwards, and this side effect is not a big deal.

With a wave of Mu Liang's hand, two glazed medicine bottles flew out and landed in the hands of the two of them respectively.

Zierna opened the medicine bottle and took a look, there was a dark red pill in it, exuding a peculiar fragrance.

"Only one?" He couldn't help asking.

Mu Liang glanced at him, and said in a light tone: "You can only eat one in a month, if you eat more, you will explode and die.

This potion was researched by Yuffier, and the medicinal materials used are rare and hard to find. In addition, angel tears are used, so this potion is destined not to be mass-produced.

Hearing this, Zierna withdrew his hand, and put away the medicine bottle angrily.

Mu Liang took out another medicine bottle, and introduced: "This is the best secret medicine for healing, even if you are cut open, using one bottle can quickly stop bleeding and relieve pain, and can improve the speed of wound healing... ..."

Qierna and King Haiting's eyes lit up again, knowing that the potions and secret medicines that Mu Liang took out this time are all rare and good things.

"This is a potion that can cure all poisons..." Mu Liang took out more potions.

Zierna and King Haiting were breathing faster, and they could get more and more potions.

Mu Liang introduced in an unhurried tone: "This is a potion that can prevent mental attacks, but it is ineffective against the spiritual attacks of the supreme and above powerhouses.

""This is a good thing." King Haiting said hastily.

High-level virtual ghosts will display mental attacks, making people feel frightened, thus affecting the display of their own strength.

Mu Liang nodded calmly, and gave the rest of the medicine to the two of them.

Qierna and King Haiting were also not polite, they took what they gave, feeling like they were in debt.

Mu Liang looked at the two of them, and said peacefully: "I have taken so many good things, I hope you will not perfunctory me when it comes to Warcraft spar."

"Your Excellency, rest assured, I Zidana will never do this." Zirner said seriously.

"Me too." King Haiting nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang wrote lightly: "I think you will not do this. If the Human Race loses to the Xu Race because too few Warcraft crystals are sent, the consequence will be nothing more than the two continents being occupied by the Xu Race."

Qierna and King Haiting's hearts tightened, and they imagined what Mu Liang said, because all their plans were suppressed.

King Haiting's complexion (so good that Zhao) said seriously: "Don't worry, Your Excellency Muliang, the magic beast spar will be delivered tomorrow."

"It's the same on my side." Zierna said solemnly.

Mu Liang nodded lightly, and said: "I hope you can tell other kings about this matter, the more monster crystals the better.

Zierna asked: "What if they also want advanced magic equipment?"

Mu Liang calmly said: "I can lend them magic tools. Similarly, the monster spar will be returned after the battle, or the monster spar and magic tools will be cleared."

"I understand, I will tell them on your behalf." Qinina replied thoughtfully.

King Haiting also nodded, and left contentedly holding a pile of medicine bottles.

They came to the Xuanwu Kingdom for support, and they didn't want to lose their lives here. Now that they had the assistance of potions and magic tools, there were many more ways to save their lives.

ps: [1 more]: The second is more lucky for the correct size. .

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