Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2600: If Something Goes Wrong, There Must Be A Demon. (2 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the palace, the fox fairy walked towards the study wearing a long skirt with tight scale armor. The high slit design on the side allowed her to move freely.

This skirt is a super high-grade spiritual weapon, the whole long skirt is lavender, it must be specially made by Mu Liang for the fox-tailed woman.

The scale armor dress doesn't look heavy, but it has excellent defensive power, and it can also improve the mental power of the foxtail woman, which can save her life at critical times.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The fox fairy came outside the study, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

"Mu Liang, I'm coming in." The fox fairy's charming voice sounded.

"Come in." Mu Liang's voice came from the study.


Only then did the fox fairy push the door open, and saw Mu Liang sitting on the dragon chair, writing and drawing on paper with a pen in his hand.

"What are you doing?" She twisted her slender waist and stepped forward, her breath falling into the man's ear.

Mu Liang paused the pen in his hand, tilted his head and said softly: "Estimate when Xu Guihuang will launch an attack.

"Even the golden phoenix can't figure it out, you can figure it out?" The fox fairy blinked her pink eyes, the words were just asking, and had no other meaning.

Just two hours ago, people from Fengcheng arrived in Xuanwu Kingdom, including people from the transit base.

After Jinfeng arrived in the Xuanwu Kingdom, he met Mu Liang immediately, and obtained a wisp of emptiness with 75 ghosts to make calculations.

At the cost of losing half of her life, she couldn't figure out the specific attack time of Xu Guihuang, and used a drop of the fountain of life to heal the injury.

Mu Liang shook his head, dropped his pen and said, "I can't figure it out, it's all a mess."

"Then don't forget it. In your words, this is called soldiers to block, water to cover." Hu Immortal stretched out his hand to climb Mu Liang's shoulder.

"Know yourself and the enemy to win a hundred battles." Mu Liang replied.

The fox fairy sighed, and said in a charming voice: "But you have already calculated the time for a long time, there is no need to force yourself like this.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said: "What you said makes sense, what should come will always come."

It has been a day and a half since millions of virtual ghosts attacked the Xuanwu Kingdom. If Roy hadn't lied, he would wake up in half a day.

The fox fairy said softly: "No matter what, I will always be by your side."

Mu Liang's downcast eyes met the eyes of the fox-tailed woman, and he saw affection and determination in her eyes.

She stretched out her hand and lightly tapped the foxtail woman's forehead, and said softly: "Silly, we can relax a bit when we get rid of the Xu clan."

The fox fairy smiled by chance, and said charmingly: "You have to live well, or I will go with you."

The smile in Mu Liang's eyes disappeared, and he took the foxtail woman's hand and said, "Don't think about it, I will only win this battle.

The fox stared into Mu Liang's eyes, nodded slowly and said, "I believe it too."

Mu Liang patted the foxtail woman's hand, he could clearly feel the worry in her heart, he said he believed it, but he still couldn't lie to himself in his heart.

He sighed secretly, changed the subject and asked, "Why are you wearing this outfit today?"

Fox Immortal Shi Shiran stood up and turned twice in front of Mu Liang, showing off the exquisite and rare scale armor dress on her body.

She took it for granted: "The battle is about to start, and I am dressed like this to help on the battlefield.

Mu Liang's mouth moved, but he didn't say any words of persuasion, knowing that the fox-tailed woman also wanted to help, and she would not agree if she stayed behind.

The fox fairy stared into the man's eyes, smiled like a flower and said: "I know what you want to say, I won't agree."

Mu Liang had such an expression on his face, he said helplessly, "Protect yourself at all times."

"Of course." The fox fairy nodded gracefully.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she wanted to go to the front line to accompany Mu Liang and witness the moment of his victory.

The two were close together and said a lot of warm words. At this moment, the relationship between the two became closer.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the study door.

"Mu Liang, I'm coming in." Nijisha's voice sounded.

Mu Liang responded, "Come in."


Nijisha pushed the door open and uttered the words before seeing anyone's mouth: "Mu Liang, Xia Kefu and Su Jin have arrived in the Xuanwu Kingdom, do you want to meet them?" (cieb)

"Well, there was no accident, right?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

Nijisha said with a serious face: "No, the virtual ghost over there seems to have evaporated suddenly, and it disappeared without besieging the city."

When the people from Jinyuan City and Feiniao City evacuated, there was not a single ghost outside the city.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, maybe it has something to do with Xu Guihuang waking up." Mu Liang said in a deep voice.

The virtual ghosts can all disappear, it can only be related to the virtual ghost emperor, and only he can command all the virtual ghosts.

"I guess so." Nijisha nodded.

"Where are Su Jin and the others?" Mu Liang asked.

Nijisha explained: "Just arrived at the Thousand Thorns Pass, Yan Bing is helping them settle down.

The battlefield on the Thousand Thorns Pass has been cleaned up, and the wounded have been treated, so the Thousand Thorns Commercial City has been vacated for people who have returned from the old continent to stay temporarily.

Mu Liang nodded and said: "I know, I will go and have a look later."

Mobilization before the battle is very important. Only by knowing your own strength can you better arrange tactics.

The reason why he didn't go to Thousand Thorns Pass now was because he was waiting for the arrival of the new continent.

According to the reliable news sent back, most of the kingdoms have sent strong men to support them, and they are on their way at this time.

He also didn't expect that in less than a day, a large number of knights and magicians came voluntarily or ordered to reach 550,000.

People came one after another.

"Okay." Nijisha replied.

Mu Liang asked again: "How many people from the New World have come to support?"

"Currently, there are 550,000 people." Nijisha said crisply.

Before returning to the palace, she specifically went to the main city square to ask about 550,000 powerful people who had already arrived in the Xuanwu Kingdom, among which knights still accounted for the majority.

The beautiful eyes of the fox fairy narrowed slightly, and his voice became cold: "550,000 people, I don't know how many ghosts the Void Ghost Emperor will bring to attack."

"I don't know, there will always be less." Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, but he felt a little heavy in his heart.

"Those virtual ghosts seem to be endless." Nijisha said angrily.

The fox fairy raised his eyes and sighed: "You have to know that there were quite a few people living in the Old Continent before the mutation happened, and most of them were turned into ghosts later on, so it's not so easy to kill them now.

The old continent used to be very prosperous, and the human race was prosperous and prosperous. Unfortunately, because of Roy's incident, the old continent fell into darkness.

In addition to the humans who fled to the New World, there are also some humans who were deliberately left behind for the "Blood Moon Captive Breeding Project", and the rest were all eaten or infected into virtual ghosts.

"I hope this time I can get rid of all the virtual ghosts at once." Nijisha stretched out her fist and waved it.

"I hope too." Mu Liang's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The fox fairy lightly patted his hand, comforting him silently.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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