Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2603: Make Up One Trillion. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang walked through the gravel path to the depths of the back garden, and looked up at the towering tree of life, which was glowing green.

The green light flowed, and the life element spirit appeared from the tree, and came to Mu Liang barefoot.

Ling'er's beautiful eyes were curved with a smile, and she said in an ethereal voice: "Is father here to see Ling'er?"

"Yes." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to rub the head of the life elemental elf, his eyes were doting.

Ling'er blinked her beautiful emerald eyes, leaned closer and asked, "Father doesn't seem very happy, is he worried?"

Mu Liang was taken aback, and nodded slowly: "I'm a little uncertain."

He didn't know how strong Xu Guihuang was, and he didn't know what would happen next, so he felt a rare sense of uneasiness.

Ling'er stretched out her arms to hug his waist, raised her delicate face and said: "Ling'er has been with father all the time, with me here, father and Xuanwu Jinguo will be fine."

Mu Liang's eyes softened, he stretched out his hand to gently follow the girl's hair, and said with a smile: "You, I am still a child."

Ling'er pursed her lips, trembling her slender eyelashes, and said, "Father, I'm no longer a child, I'm even 28 taller than Xi Beiqi.

Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, the life element spirit had indeed grown taller again, it was already 1.75 meters tall, but its face looked 28 years old.

He carefully looked at the elf girl, and unknowingly, she had grown up, and her mentality was the same as that of an adult, even smarter than her peers.

"In my opinion, you have always been a child." Mu Liang said with a smile.

Ling'er's beautiful eyes were curved, and she smiled like a flower and said: "Yes, I have always been a child in front of my father.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he stretched out his hand to gently scratch the bridge of the elf girl's nose.

"Father, I will really protect you." Ling'er raised her face and said seriously.

Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded, nodded and said: "Okay.

"But before that, Ling'er must protect the people in the kingdom first, and father must let little Xuanwu evolve first." He said softly.

He has already decided to let the rock turtle evolve when the evolution reaches trillions. The thirteenth-level rock turtle can deal with more virtual ghosts.

The movement of the rock turtle evolution is too great, and the underground air-raid shelters will be affected. Mu Liangcai let the tree of life protect these air-raid shelters [to prevent the common people from being neglected when the turtle evolves.

There are roots of the tree of life around the underground air-raid shelter, and it is best to protect the air-raid shelter with the tree of life.

"Yeah, I will." Ling'er nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang gently pinched the face of the life element spirit, and asked in a low voice, "Isn't Ling'er angry?"

Linger tilted her head and asked back: "Why is Linger angry?"

"The tree of life was not evolved first." Mu Liang said bluntly.

Ling'er's pretty face became serious, and she said: "Father, don't think too much, as long as it can make father stronger, it doesn't matter whoever evolves first.

A hint of relief flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, and he said softly, "Let the tree of life evolve next time, and Ling'er can become stronger."

Ling'er blinked her beautiful eyes, and said crisply: "Father, I was born from the tree of life. I am one or an independent individual. I can become stronger without the tree of life evolving.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements, which could make the life element spirits stronger.

Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she hugged the life element and sucked it.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, seeing the cute appearance of the life element elf, he couldn't help but start to imagine what his child would be like in the future.

Whether it has fox ears and looks weird, or has silver hair or blue hair, or black hair like myself.

"What is father thinking?" Ling'er, who had finished eating the life elements, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"It's nothing." Mu Liang came back to his senses, temporarily hiding the image of the child he imagined in his mind.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hasty footsteps came.

An Qi ran into the back garden and excitedly said after seeing Mu Liang: "Your Majesty, the Warcraft spar is here."

Mu Liang's eyes lit up, and he said peacefully: "I see.

"Father, hurry up and get busy, Ling'er needs to sleep again." Ling'er said and stretched, the previous consumption has not fully recovered, and now eating the life element just helps to recover.

"Okay." Mu Liang finally rubbed the girl's head before turning around and leaving the back garden.

When he turned around, his pace quickened, and he couldn't wait to turn all the Guangshou crystals into evolution points.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

When Mu Liang came to the square in front of the palace, thousands of wooden boxes were piled up into a mountain, and Li Yue, Hu Xian and others were there.

The fox fairy hurriedly shouted: "Mu Liang, quickly see if these monster crystals are enough?"

"Okay." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand to control piles of wooden boxes to float up.


All the boxes were opened, and all the magic beast crystals floated up, converging in a long stream and coming to Mu Liang's palm.

He issued an instruction in his mind: "System, convert all Warcraft crystals into evolution points.

"Ding! The conversion is successful." An emotionless system prompt sounded.

Mu Liang took a deep breath, and Yiyi opened his own four-dimensional attribute panel.

Trainer: Mu Liang.

Physical strength: 30082.3. Speed: 30004.8.

Strength: 30089.5. Spirit: 30090.5.

Lifespan: 25 years/186477 years.

Domestication points: 8950. Evolution points: 1,1000,8770,9544.


Looking at the long string of numbers on the evolution point, Mu Liang couldn't help letting out a long breath, and a smile appeared on his face.

The beautiful eyes of the fox fairy lit up, and his tone became brisk: "It seems that enough is enough." 850

"Really?" Liyue looked at the man nervously.

"Well, that's enough." Mu Liang nodded vigorously.

"Great." Alina and the others showed joy on their faces.

"Can the tree of life evolve together?" Nijisha asked subconsciously.

Mu Liang smiled wryly when he heard the words, shook his head and said, "Then we need far less magic beast crystals."

"Okay." Nijisha shrugged regretfully.

Mu Liang didn't hesitate, and ordered: "Notify, the Xuanwu Kingdom will be upgraded and expanded, the duration is undecided, let the people get ready."

"Yes." Liyue's expression became serious, she exchanged a glance with Elina and the others, turned around and ran away at the same time.

They knew that Mu Liang was about to start to evolve the rock turtle, and there was not much time left, and every minute and every second was tense, and they had to be notified as quickly as possible.

The fox fairy came to Mu Liang, and said softly: "You have to pay attention to safety, this time you have to rely on yourself."

Judging from the movement of Mu Liang strengthening his body last time, no one can get close to him this time, otherwise he will be directly crushed to death by the unleashed coercion.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Mu Liang looked serious.

"Well, I will help you block the attacking virtual ghosts." The fox tail behind the fox fairy swayed slightly.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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