Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2604: Rock Turtles Evolve Again. (2 More)

The fox fairy stared at Mu Liang's eyes, and asked worriedly, "When do you plan to start?"

"After half an hour, we can't delay any longer." Mu Liang said with a serious expression.

Half an hour is enough for Liyue and others to convey the news, so that the people in the underground air-raid shelter can prepare in advance to avoid panic and chaos.

"Alright, is it on the high ground?" Hu Immortal nodded slowly and asked.

Mu Liang said softly, "Well, right here, there is the tree of life."

With the tree of life, if an accident occurs while strengthening the body, the tree of life can help repair the body, and at the same time, the fountain of life in the tree of life can also save him.

The fox fairy said seriously: "Okay, you go and prepare, Qinlan and I will arrange other things.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Mu Liang said softly.

The fox fairy shook his head, and said in a flattering voice: "It is you who have worked the hardest.

Mu Liang's deep eyes flashed with tenderness, and he said: "Take care of yourself, me."

"I will." Hu Immortal nodded seriously.

Mu Liang wanted to say something, but the fox-tailed woman covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head slowly.

He nodded, then looked serious, looked around and ordered: "Everyone in the area evacuates."

"I'm leaving." Hu Immortal waved his hand, and then left the eighth floor of the high ground without looking back.

"Your Majesty, we will wait for your return." Buff waited for the maid to speak respectfully.

Mu Liang nodded, waved his hand and said, "Go.

"Mu Liang, I'll wait for you to come back too." You Fei'er bravely looked directly into Mu Liang's eyes, the golden eyes filled with worry.

"Okay." Mu Liang showed a smile on his face, calming down the worries of the blond girl with twin ponytails.

With a smile on Yu Fei'er's face, she nodded vigorously at Mu Liang, and then walked away quickly without looking back.

Xi Beiqi said hoarsely: "Mu Liang, we are going to Thousand Thorns Pass, we will kill as many virtual ghosts as they come, so you don't have to worry."

"Yeah, we've all recovered." Yue Feiyan raised her chin, trying to make herself look stronger.

"Okay, take care of yourself." "Mu Liang smiled, watching everyone leave one after another.

Twenty minutes later, everyone in the highland had completely evacuated, leaving only Mu Liang in the whole highland.

Mu Liang looked around and murmured softly, "I'm the only one left..."

He stood still for a moment, then turned around and walked towards the back garden. Not long after, he came under the tree of life again, and walked into the space of the tree body step by step, with a strong breath of life rushing towards him.

All the elves appeared and danced around Mu Liang.

"You all leave too, go to the top of the tree." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

The elves looked at each other, flapped their wings obediently, and left, even if they stayed there, it wouldn't be of much help.

Mu Liang sat cross-legged in front of the fountain of life, staring at the green fountain of life, his heart gradually calmed down.

He closed his eyes, communicated with the wooden clone far away in the Old Continent, and arranged the last thing before opening his eyes again.

"It's about to start." Mu Liang let out a breath slowly, stretching out his hand to press on the ground.

He ordered in his mind: "System, evolve the rock turtle to level 13."

"Ding! If you evolve from level 12 to level 13, one trillion evolution points will be deducted." The system prompt sounded.

Mu Liang's face was calm, waiting for the evolution to begin, will it become multi-zone this time?

"Ding! The thirteenth-level 'Rock Turtle' evolved successfully."

"Ding! Do you inherit the talent of 'Rock Turtle': Law of Earth?"

"Inheritance." Mu Liang responded in his heart, and the word "law" shocked him.

"Ding! The 'Law of Earth' is improving...adapting...inheritance is complete. "

When the system prompt fell, Mu Liang felt a scorching breath emerge from his body, as if his body was going to be stretched apart.

He quickly calmed down, preparing for the next strengthening.

"Master, do I need to become bigger?" An ethereal voice sounded from his mind.

Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise: "Little Xuanwu?"

"It's me." The ethereal voice sounded again.

Mu Liang used his consciousness to ask in surprise: "Can this evolution not increase the size of the body?"

Little Xuanwu asked: "Yes, I can change the size at will, do I need to make it ten times bigger?"

Mu Liang thought for a moment, then responded: "No need, just keep the status quo."

The current rock turtle is already big enough, if it is ten times bigger, it will raise the sea level and cause a tsunami, and at the same time flood the coastal areas of the two continents, which will cause countless casualties.

Little Xuanwu obediently agreed: "Good master."

Mu Liang wanted to ask more questions, but the severe pain from his body blocked this thought.


All the bones in his body were making abnormal noises, as if a millstone was crushing the bones, this feeling was too painful to live.

Mu Liang gritted his teeth, passively endured the pain from his body, and at the same time his strength was increasing bit by bit.


The earth shook, and the evolution of the rock turtle began.

Its huge body trembled, and roars resounded through Miji Sea.

"々`Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

Just listening to the roar can make one's scalp tingle, as if experiencing the pain of the rock turtle at this time.

The ground shook, causing the people in the underground air-raid shelter to panic, but they were quickly calmed down by soldiers and patrol guards.

Liyue stood on the main city square, turned around to look towards the high ground, and murmured softly: "Has it started..."

The rock turtle roared in pain, its body size remained the same, but its body underwent earth-shaking changes. At the same time, in the uninhabited area, many grounds began to bulge, as if something was about to emerge from the ground.

As time passed, these areas gradually formed mountain ranges, and many terrains of the Xuanwu Kingdom began to slowly change.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The rock turtle roared continuously, and the surrounding sea water kept churning.

Yue Feiyan and the others stood on the wall of Qianthorn Pass, staring at the surging sea water, their expressions became solemn (Zhao Dezhao).

The city walls are shaking, giving people a feeling that they will collapse at any time.

"Why doesn't it feel like it was scary last time?" Yue Feiyan said while supporting the city wall.

Xi Beiqi nodded in agreement, "This time the city walls haven't been cracked, could it be that the evolution hasn't officially started yet?

Yue Feiyan shook her head slowly, and said in a serious voice: "I don't know."

The city wall lit up, the magic circle was activated, the defensive magic circle and the reinforcement magic circle were activated at the same time, making the city wall stable again, and it was not broken by the evolution of the recipient Shen Gui.

Yue Feiyan shouted loudly: "Everyone is on alert from now on, proceed according to the standard of first-level combat readiness, and beware of sneak attacks by virtual ghosts."

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison.

At the same time, the sea monsters in the depths of the misty sea began to flee, and the intelligent sea monsters surrendered to the Iwata turtle.

. . . . . . idle.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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