The Flying Fish King soared up to the sky again, circled around and then swooped down, controlling the wind in front of the Thousand Thorns Pass to blow away all the emptiness.

The figures of the virtual ghost kings are exposed, and they can no longer use the virtual energy to cover their whereabouts.

The death of the second ghost king made the other ghost kings extremely angry, and the four ghost kings roared angrily and started a fierce offensive.

Wen Kesha and others struggled to support, and were almost destroyed by the Void Ghost King several times.

Xin Xi coldly said: "Damn it."

Too bad~~~"

King Xu Yi roared, his arm turned into a giant scythe, and Lan slashed towards Nanxi with hundreds of knives a second.

The old woman's movements were not slow, and she blocked Xu Yiwang's attack every time, but the long and fierce battle made her a little powerless.

"You're slow." King Xuyi grinned, suddenly a tentacle grew from his abdomen, and sent Xinxi flying.

"Zero five zero" "Puff~~~"

Xin Xi spouted blood and flew backwards, slamming into the branch of the tree of life.


She stood up staggeringly, with four broken ribs and tumors all over her body.

King Xu Yi licked the blood on his tentacles, grinned and looked at the old woman, the murder in his blood-colored eyes unexpectedly revealed.

He leaned forward slightly, and the next moment he rushed towards the old woman like lightning, the tentacles on his abdomen became sharper, and went straight to the old woman's head.

Xinxi's complexion turned pale, watching the tentacles that were flying towards him weakly waiting to die.


Nan Xi leaned back slightly, stretched the spiritual weapon longbow in his hand, and shot ten arrows like lightning, so fast that people couldn't react.

Three of the arrows hit Xu Yiwang's tentacles respectively, piercing through the entire tentacle, and an explosion occurred at the same time to remove the tentacles.

The other seven sharp arrows were shot at King Xu Yi's head and body limbs, and each sharp arrow carried a strong breath of life, which was threatening to King Xu Yi.

The physical arrows used by the Elf Queen are all specially made. The arrow body is made of the branches of the tree of life, and the arrowhead and arrow tail feathers are soaked in the sap of the tree of life.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

King Xuyi tilted his head back, avoiding the arrows aimed at his head dangerously, but he couldn't dodge the arrows aimed at his body, and the severe pain soon spread all over his body.

He roared angrily, turned his head to look at the elf queen suspended in the air, the anger and murderous intent in his eyes could not be concealed.

Nan Xi's face was cold, and without saying a word, he raised the longbow in his hand, condensed emerald green arrows and shot at the ghost king again.

There are not many physical arrows, and it is difficult to recover them in this situation, so the Elf Queen should use them sparingly.


King Xu Yi roared again and again, raised his hand and smashed the arrows that were shot, his body bounced up and flew straight towards the elf queen.

"My Lady Queen." Sicily shouted nervously.

She originally followed the Elf Queen to shoot arrows in the rear to support her. She only shot when she saw that Xin Xi was in danger. If she wanted to fight the Void Ghost King in close combat, she would definitely be at a disadvantage.

"Be careful." Xinxi was supported by soldiers and stood up.

Nanxi quickly flapped her wings and backed away. At the same time, she stuffed an empowered pearl into her mouth, and soon gained eight times the speed. In the blink of an eye, she separated from King Xuyi. shoot out.


King Xu Yi's forward movement paused, and he was forced to block the incoming arrows.

Although these arrows are not physical, they will also deplete the Void Ghost King's qi after hitting them, indirectly weakening the Void Ghost King's strength, and the pain they bring is even more unbearable for the Void Ghost King.

Xinxi saw that the Elf Queen had restrained the Ghost King, and there would be no accident for the time being, so she sat down cross-legged in peace of mind, took out the best healing secret medicine, and controlled the injury as soon as possible to help.

The branches of the tree of life lit up, and strands of life elements fell on the old woman, helping her to heal her wounds.

The other virtual ghost kings were not idle either, and launched a strong attack on the domesticated beasts and the strong men of various races. The goal was still to destroy the branches of the tree of life, thereby weakening the recovery ability of the human race.

On the city wall, the president of the Association of Magicians sat cross-legged and had already taken the secret medicine to restore magic power.

His light-type forbidden curse magic is a sharp weapon against the Void Clan. If there is endless magic support, he can release the forbidden spell to restrain the Void Ghost King and create opportunities for other strong people to kill

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

With the sound of crisp footsteps, Yuffier came to the president of the Magicians Association, and the two high ponytails swayed back and forth with the movement of walking.

The president of the Magicians Association opened his eyes to look at the girl, and asked with a pale face, "What's the matter, Your Excellency?"

Yuffier took out a glazed medicine bottle from the space magic tool, and handed it forward with a serious face: "This is a new potion I researched, and the speed of recovering magic power is five times that of the previous potion, try it."

In order to make this potion, the girl with two ponytails used a lot of rare medicinal materials, to the extent that it would make all alchemists feel pained for several years.

The president of the Association of Magicians frowned and stared at the blonde girl vigilantly. He had never heard of any potion that could increase the speed of mana recovery so much. This was shocking.

You must know that the magic power recovery potion he is taking now is given by Mu Liang, and the magic power recovery speed is already amazing enough. Now that the girl said that there is a better recovery potion, he doesn't believe it.

Yuffier noticed the suspicious look on the old man's face, and said angrily, "I researched the potion you just took, why should you question my words?"

The head of the Association of Magicians was stunned. The magic recovery potion given by Mu Liang was researched by the girl in front of him?

"Take it at ease, the potion that Yuffier researched will not be a problem." A cold voice sounded, and Yue Qinlan walked over with a pale face.

The head of the Association of Magicians looked back at the woman, frowned and asked, "Is she really the one who researched this magic potion?"

"Of course." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

The face of the president of the Magician Association was full of shock. He thought it would be researched by an experienced senior alchemist, but he never expected it to be the girl with big breasts in front of him.

Seeing him in a daze, Yuffier stepped forward angrily and poured a whole bottle of potion into his 3.8 mouth.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

She moved swiftly, and said in a vicious tone: "What time is it, you're still wasting time here in a daze, give me a drink quickly, drink it in big gulps."

The president of the Association of Magicians stared wide-eyed, and swallowed all the liquid medicine with his face up. The taste was like refreshing water in the throat.

"The corners of Yue Qinlan's eyes twitched, seeing the irritable appearance of the blond girl with double ponytails, she felt absurd.


Yuffier threw the medicine bottle away, clapped her hands in satisfaction and said, "Okay, hurry up and restore your magic power to help."

The president of the Association of Magicians didn't have time to worry about the young girl's rudeness. There was already a lot of magic power in his body, so he had to quickly adjust his state to improve the efficiency of magic power recovery.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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