Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2618: Carry Out The Second Solution. (2 More)


The city wall of Thousand Thorns Pass vibrated, and the reinforcement magic circle and defense magic circle lit up at the same time, offsetting the power generated by the vibration.

Yue Qinlan's face was solemn, and she whispered to herself: "It seems that the evolution of Little Xuanwu is not over yet..."

Since Mu Liang retreated, this kind of vibration has been happening every few minutes, sometimes it is slight and sometimes it is very violent. If there is no reinforced magic circle, the city wall may have broken

Yue Qinlan looked up at the densely packed virtual ghosts. If the evolution of the rock turtle is completed, it will be much easier to deal with these virtual ghosts.

It's a pity that the rock turtle's evolution has only started in less than two days, and there is still a long time before it ends.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the president of the Magicians Association, he looked much better after taking Yuffier's potion, and he will attack Xu Guichou after he recovers.


The city wall shook again, but this time it was smashed by a domesticated beast.

Flying Fish King slammed into the city wall hard, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises. This was the deepest wound he had been beaten by the Three Kings Xu, and the bones on Xingba could be seen.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

Seeing this, the giant magma dragon roared angrily, opened its mouth and sprayed hot magma at the Three Xu Kings.

The Thunder Spirit Beast was also angry, and rushed towards the Three Xu Kings with purple lightning, all the low-level Xu ghosts passing by were unlucky and died.

"All come." Xu Sanwang smiled contemptuously, his body was raised to three hundred meters, surrounded by pitch-black emptiness.

"Let me come." The hoarse voice sounded, attracting the attention of many people.

Xin Xi opened his eyes abruptly, looking at the figure ejected from the Thousand Thorns Pass.

"Sen." She breathed a sigh of relief and recognized who it was.

Sen's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the third king Xu, holding a sharp bone spear, and pierced the third king Xu's shoulder with precision.

The Three Xu Kings roared angrily, never expecting that there are other holy rank powerhouses in the human race.

"Who is he?" Wincosa asked in surprise.

Xi Beiqi looked happy, and explained casually: "He is Sen, who came out of the holy city deep in the sea of ​​mist."

Winkesha showed surprise on her face: "The holy city..."

Xinxi coughed a few times, looked at the old man who had pulled out his spear and landed on the ground, and said angrily, "I thought you died in the New World."

"Don't curse me." Sen turned and glared at the old woman.

He was quiet for a moment, and explained: "I just went back to visit my old friend, and now I'm back after I'm done with work.

"Damn it." Xu Sanwang roared, and a dozen tentacles shot out from his body and rolled towards the old man.

Xin Xi hurriedly reminded: "Be careful."

"Understood, you take care of your wounds." Sen held a bone spear and dodged to avoid the attack of the tentacles, cut off a few tentacles, and then shot up with the help of force, and went straight to the head of the third king Xu

Winksha dodged the attack of the five virtual kings, glanced at the old man's skill, and said in surprise: "He is very strong."

"My Lady Queen, don't be distracted. The snake-human strongman shouted.

Wen Kesha nodded calmly, and continued to wrestle with the Five Xu Kings.

Too bad~~~"

There are more and more virtual ghosts passing through the stormy sea area, and they have already occupied the entire port, starting to attack the towering city walls.

"Boom boom~www

Fire lights up on the oasis, and all the spirit weapon cannons fire in salvo. At the same time, the annihilating weapons release the gravity field, restricting the actions of the virtual ghosts, so that the spirit weapon cannons can accurately hit the target.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The artillery fire raged, and the weapons of the warships also fired salvos, destroying large areas of Xu Ensheng.

There are countless ghosts killed and injured, but it seems that they can't kill them all. Looking around, they are still densely packed with ghosts. They keep attacking Thousand Thorns Pass with their bloody mouths open.

Belline gritted her teeth and cursed: "These damn ghosts."

"The Oasis is under your control, I'll help you." The Elder Oasis said hoarsely.

Belline nodded vigorously: "Okay, pay attention to safety."

The oasis elder waved his hand, jumped off the oasis, used his awakening ability to compress the air under his feet, and used his strength to go to the nearest virtual ghost.


He raised his hand and swung out one after another, the surrounding air was compressed rapidly, forming sharp crescent blades and shooting at the ghosts.

This battle has lasted for two days, and the casualties of the Xu clan have exceeded 30 million, and the human race has also been killed and injured countless times. Their corpses cannot be recovered, and even more, not even a single corpse has been left behind.

In addition to Sen, there are still many strong people coming from the New World, whether they are voluntary or involuntary, they must participate in the survival war of this race.

As time passed, more and more people were injured.

Yue Qinlan's face was solemn, and she looked outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom. The battle between Mu Liangmu's avatar and Xu Guihuang was not over yet.

Xi Beiqi descended from the sky, gasped and said, "There are too many ghosts, it's impossible to stop them if they go on like this.

"Let some virtual ghosts enter the kingdom, and spread the pressure to the cities of David." Yue Qinlan said suddenly.

This was originally the second option, and now is the time to proceed.

Xi Beiqi was shocked when she heard the words, and said, "This will disturb Mu Liang's retreat."

"No, as long as the holy ghosts don't enter, nothing will happen." Yue Qinlan said firmly.

Each David city has a large defense formation, and there is a tree of life on the main city side. As long as there are not a few holy ghosts attacking the main city together, then Mu Liang's retreat will not be disturbed.

The pressure on the Thousand Thorns Pass is too great. If this continues, the powerhouses of all races will be killed or injured. It is better to disperse the virtual ghosts and kill them in different areas.

Xi Beiqi nodded slowly and said: "It makes sense, then let some virtual ghosts enter the kingdom." 943

Yue Qinlan ordered: "Notify the cities of David to prepare."

There are many domesticated plants on the rock turtle's back. Without Mu Liang, no one can transplant them to Qianthorn Pass to help. It is better to put Xu Gui in there and let these domesticated plants help clean up Xu Gui.

For example, the "Phoenix Tree" planted in Shanhai Commercial City, with its powerful ability, it is not difficult to block thousands of eighth-level ghosts, and even more.

Fengshu can "scatter leaves into soldiers", using her natural ability to turn leaves into high-level flying monsters.

There are also trap grasses, mist flowers, exploding trees, rubber trees, and more.

"Yes." Hearing this, the communications soldier turned and left, conveying Yue Qinlan's order.

Her eyes were calm. In addition to the magic circles protecting the cities, there were also domesticated beasts left behind, and they were all very strong.

The power of the Ice Hades Snake is beyond doubt. There are also Bailing Beasts with the ability to 'shape change', nine-horned bloodthirsty worms with the talent 'blood poison control', and centipedes that can release 'soul poison', all of which will become gigantic Four-eared golden beast.

The Neptune Beast who can release the 'Sea King Domain', the Moon Wolf King who owns the 'Moon Night Domain', and its thousands of fierce moon wolves.

In addition, there are nine-colored lizards, ghost spiders and other domesticated animals in the Acropolis.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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