Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2632: I Can't Refute It For A While. (1 More)

In the sky above the salt water area, Mu Liang looked indifferent, and a palm that condensed the law of earth divine pattern knocked the Void Ghost Emperor back.

He said indifferently: "You are no longer my opponent."

Roy stabilized his figure, his body was burning with bloody emptiness, and his bloody eyes stared at Mu Liang, wishing he could swallow him alive.

He was very afraid of the human being in front of him. He had fought hundreds of moves, but he couldn't suppress the opponent, and instead was weaker than the opponent.

Mu Liang raised his eyes, he who has mastered the power of the law of the earth, his strength is dozens of times stronger than before.

Roy raised his head and said in a cold voice: "Don't be complacent, it's hard to say who wins and who loses."

"Really." Mu Liang's face remained calm, and his body disappeared in place.

Royton felt his scalp go numb, and he raised his hand and punched reflexively, but unfortunately the punch missed.

The next moment, Mu Liang appeared beside him, and the divine lines of the "two-three-zero" law of the earth spread out, restraining Xu Guihuang's body.

When the divine pattern fell on Roy's body, it was like a huge boulder falling on him, causing his whole body to crack.

"Damn it." Roy roared angrily, feeling the fear from Mu Liang again.

He wanted to break free from the shackles of the divine pattern of the law of earth, and the blood-colored emptiness ignited blazingly, bursting out with power that could break the space.

Mu Liang's expression was calm, and the Divine Pattern of the Law of Earth lit up, suppressing the bloody deficiency energy.

Roy's eyes were about to crack, and he frantically stimulated the energy in his body, trying to break free from the shackles of the divine pattern of the law of earth.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, the divine pattern of the law of earth that suppressed Xu Guihuang had indeed loosened a bit.

"Break it for me." Roy's eyes widened with anger, releasing a terrifying aura.


Mu Liang's body flitted back for a certain distance, and the explosion sounded loudly.

When the bloody flame dissipated, the Void Ghost Emperor was revealed in a mess.

'He's playing tricks on me!' Roy stared at Mu Liang, knowing that his situation was over, and it was impossible to clean up all the clans now.

His thoughts changed sharply. If he is not Mu Liang's opponent, then there is no need to stay here and wait for death in vain. It is better to return to the old continent and settle the case after improving his strength.

Thinking of this, Xu Guihuang's face remained unchanged, his blood-colored eyes still fixed on Mu Liang, thinking in his heart how it would be safer to escape.

"You want to escape." Mu Liang said calmly.

Roy's heart was shocked, he was seen through according to the law?

He said with a gloomy face, "If I don't kill you, how could I leave?"

Mu Liang's eyes were calm, and he said indifferently: "Really."

Roy showed anger, and released the Void Ghost Emperor domain to cover it, and the bloody emptiness distorted the surrounding space, looking like he was about to fight to the death.

With a wave of Mu Liang's hand, countless divine patterns of the law of earth floated out and were imprinted in the air, covering the realm of the Void Ghost Emperor.

Roy's heart was shaken, the Void Ghost Emperor's domain was fixed by those mysterious runes, and it was difficult to take it back.

This made Xu Guihuang feel uneasy, Mu Liang found out that he wanted to avoid the battle, so he fixed the domain and wouldn't let him go?

Mu Liang stepped forward, and his body appeared in front of Xu Guihuang, surrounded by the divine pattern of the law of earth in his hand, and punched Xu Guihuang.

The corner of Roy's eyes twitched. He already knew the power of the Law of Earth God Rune, so he quickly condensed his bloody energy and stood in front of him.

The divine pattern of the law of earth cast by the wood avatar is different from the one cast by the main body. The law of earth cast by the latter is complete and powerful.


The two sides fought quickly, and the violent roar made the strong men who were still at the Thousand Thorns Pass tremble with fear.

The Dragon Lord leaned against the city wall, looked at the salt water area with his deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know when the winner will be determined.

"I don't know." Su Jin lightly shook her head, still worried about Mu Liang.

The ghost emperor has lived for ten thousand years, and his strength is extremely terrifying. He is only half a step away from going further. Can such an existence be defeated by Mu Liang's strength?

Jin Feng sat down and said softly: "For the time being, we have nothing to do, just wait at ease."

The Dragon Lord thought of something, and asked with his head sideways: "Your Excellency Jinfeng is good at divination, why don't you calculate whether Your Excellency Mu Liang can win?"

Jin Feng glanced at the Dragon Lord, and said angrily: "What kind of strength are Mu Liang and Xu Guihuang, you let me count them, you want me to die."

Although her awakening ability can be calculated, but when facing people who are stronger than her, she has to pay a price, not to mention the simultaneous calculation of Mu Liang and Xu Guihuang, who has lived for thousands of years, is her life. .

The Dragon Lord twitched the corners of his mouth and said apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't expect this."

Jinfeng snorted coldly, and said, "Even if we know the result in advance, what's the use of it, we can't change anything, why don't we just wait quietly..."

"That's right." Dragon Lord comforted himself inwardly, not to fuss too much with an old woman.

If Jinfeng knew that she was thought of as an old woman, she would probably tear Dragon Lord alive.

Shakov came and sat down next to them, and said in a deep voice, "This battle is over, are you going back to the Old Continent?"

Jin Feng's eyes flashed, and he said: "When the Xu Clan is completely extinct, I will go back to Fengcheng.

"Go back and guard that empty city?" Shakov asked calmly.

Fengcheng is already an empty city at this time, and the humans living there have all migrated to the Xuanwu Kingdom. After the war is over, these people may not want to go back to Fengcheng.

Everyone who has been to the Old Continent knows how good the Xuanwu Kingdom is. Compared with the two, Fengcheng can be said to be a barren land. If there is no transit base nearby, Fengcheng will be even more uninhabitable.

Jinfeng fell silent, Fengcheng was indeed nothing compared to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and now the humans in the entire Old Continent were in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Even if the Xu clan is exterminated, the people who used to live in Fengcheng may not necessarily want to go back. After all, the Xuanwu Kingdom has beautiful mountains, clear waters, birds singing and flowers fragrant. Compared with Fengcheng, this is heaven.

If Jinfeng goes back to Fengcheng, it is very likely that he will live in the empty city.

Her eyes flickered, if the transfer base resumes operation, Fengcheng may not necessarily return to its former 'prosperity'

What's more, the human beings in the entire old 1.4 continent are now in the Xuanwu Kingdom. What are they going to do when they go back, guarding the land where there is no one and waiting to die?

Thinking of this, Jin Feng looked at Shakov, and asked, "How about you, the place where Bird City is located is not a good place, are you planning to go back?"

The Wanku Forest is shrouded in wind and sand all year round. The entire Wanku Forest doesn't grow any grass, and it doesn't see the sun all the year round. There is no transit base. Bird City is also a barren place.

Shakov's eyes flickered, and he said calmly: "I am originally from the Xuanwu Kingdom, and I am loyal to His Majesty, and I will follow His Majesty's instructions on how to arrange things afterwards."

Jinfeng opened her mouth, unable to refute for a while.

That's right, Bird City has already surrendered to the Xuanwu Kingdom, it doesn't matter whether Shakov returns to Bird City or not.

She pondered, what should she do next?

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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