Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2633: Where Is Everyone Going? (2 More)

Listening to the conversation between Jinfeng and Shakov, the Dragon Lord lowered his eyes and began to think.

His current situation is the same as that of Jinfeng, Flying Dragon Valley has been destroyed, what will he and the people of Flying Dragon Valley do after the matter of the Xu Clan is over?

An idea came to Dragon Lord's mind, which he had considered before, that is to join the Xuanwu Kingdom and serve Mu Liang.

He faced this problem again, whether to go back to the salt water area to find an island to rebuild Feilong Valley, or to live in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Dragon Lord quickly thought of another problem. It is not easy to find an unowned and suitable island in the salt water area. The island also needs to have fresh water resources and be suitable for habitation.

"What a headache," he lamented.

Su Jinping asked in a harmonious voice, "What's the matter, Your Excellency?"

The Dragon Lord thought about it, and said honestly: "I'm thinking, after this incident, what should Feilong Valley do."

Su Jin said calmly: "Will there be Feilong Valley?"

Long advocated opening his mouth, unable to refute the woman's words.

"Yeah, the island is gone." He sighed.

Su Jin said indifferently: "The Xuanwu Kingdom is a good place to go, the old continent is too barren, even if the future will become as good as it was ten thousand years ago, I don't know when it will be.

Jin Feng took a look at the woman, she was trying to persuade the Dragon Lord to stay inside and out, if she didn't know it, people would think that Su Jin was from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Yeah..." The Dragon Lord nodded slowly. It is not an easy task to change a continent, and it will take a long time to complete.

He thought of something, turned his head and asked: "Your Excellency Sujin, your Jinyuan City is also an empty city right now, do you want to go back?"

Su Jin's eyes flashed, and she said calmly: "Do you think the people of Pu Yuancheng would want to go back?"

"No." The Dragon Lord thought for a while and said.

"Then what should I do when I go back?" Su Jin asked calmly.

She didn't want to be the lord of this city at all, and now the people in the whole city have moved to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and with the prosperity here, not many people are willing to go back to Jinyuan City "She will die alone in the city where no one is guarding." what.

Dragon Lord nodded in agreement: "That's right, it doesn't matter whether you go back or not."

Not far away, Bai Yu's eyes were gloomy. The current situation of Jinyuan City should satisfy Su Jin, not only getting rid of the position of the city lord, but also staying in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Hey, will there be a result between Lord City Master and Mu Liang?" Bai Yu sighed in her heart, without Jinyuan City holding Su Jin back, she could do whatever she wanted.

Su Jin felt the gaze and glanced back at the woman.

Bai Yu looked at the nose and the heart with eyes, closed her mouth and remained silent.

Shakov asked in surprise, "Your Excellency Sujin also wants to stay?"

"Who doesn't like the Xuanwu Kingdom?" Su Jin's lips curled up slightly.

"Yes." Shakov smiled slightly.

The Dragon Lord's thoughts turned all over the place, his eyes gradually lit up, and he had already made a final decision in his heart, waiting for the matter of the Xu Clan to be resolved [he was going to talk to Mu Shen about Feilonggu's joining the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Jin Feng thought of something, and said, "In this way, there will be no human beings in the Old Continent?"

Su Jin's beautiful eyes flashed, and she had already decided to stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom according to Jin Feng's words?

She thought for a moment, and said: "No, without the Xu Clan, there will still be people who are willing to go back.

Everyone will have the idea of ​​returning to their roots, but the difference between strong and weak thoughts.

"In addition, the Xuanwu Kingdom will not give up the old continent." Shakov said in a deep voice.

There are many things that can be done on an uninhabited continent, such as large-scale farming, breeding and other plans. With the branches of the tree of life, it is not difficult to do these things.

"That's right." Jin Feng raised his eyebrows lightly.

She has already decided in her heart that if Mu Liang is willing to take in the people of Fengcheng, then she has no need to go back to the Old Continent, and staying in the Xuanwu Kingdom to spend the rest of her life is also a very good choice

"Just stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom, what can I do?" Jin Feng blinked her beautiful eyes.

Su Jin was also thinking, if she stayed in the Xuanwu Kingdom, what would Mu Liang need her to do?

She wanted to stay with Mu Liang, even if she didn't do anything, she would be willing to cook in the palace.

Bai Yu watched from afar, and when she saw her lord's eyes were empty, she knew that she had started thinking about something again.

"Oh, if Jinyuan City is gone, it will be gone, otherwise I will have to manage it." She sighed faintly.

In the distance, Yueqinlan is arranging for people to clean up the battlefield, and at the same time contacting the cities of David, doing their best to clean up the remaining ghosts in the kingdom.

"I don't know if there are still virtual ghosts in the Old Continent." Yue Qinyi said suddenly.

Yue Qinlan paused, and said, "Ask Mu Liang later, let him ask Xu Guihuang."

Yue Qinyi glanced at her sister and said with a smile: "Do you think Xu Guihuang will tell the truth?"

Yue Qinlan spread her hands and said, "With Mu Liang here, he must tell the truth."

"That's right." Yue Qinyi smiled.

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "But even if there are ghosts in the Old Continent, it's good to arrange people to wipe them out. As long as the emperor of ghosts is dead, the rest is not important."

"Yes." Yue Qinyi nodded again.

She looked in the direction of the salt water area and said, "When the war is over, we have to hold a thank-you banquet and rebuild the country."

"Well, the Thousand Thorns Pass and the port also have to be rebuilt. Yueqin Lanton felt his head avenue.

Yue Qinyi reminded: "These are not in a hurry. It is more important to pay for the dead and thank the powerful people of the major kingdoms. This is useful for the reputation of the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Well, I know, we can make arrangements after the casualty list is calculated." Yue Qinlan sighed.

This battle was too tragic. The number of dead soldiers exceeded 10,000, and there were also strong men who came to support from the major kingdoms. It was even more troublesome to count.

Yue Qinyi said softly: "The appreciation banquet will not be held until half a month at the earliest."

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered slightly, and said softly: "Besides, there is a mourning party, and a martyr's cemetery has to be built..."

These were all discussed before the start of the war. Mu Liang had written a detailed plan, and there were so many things to do after the victory, many of which could not be missed.

"All this, just wait until the battle between Mu Liang and Xu Guihuang is over." Yue Qinyi looked towards the salt water area, and Xu Guihuang's domain was still lying in the air.

"Mu Liang will win." Yue Qinlan said firmly.

Yue Qinyi nodded without any doubts and said: "Of course, he is Mu Liang, the master of Xuanwu Kingdom.

The two sisters looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang's wooden avatar, he had been looking at the salt water area, and had no intention of making a move.

This is also the reason why the two sisters feel at ease. The wooden avatar did not make a move, which means that Mu Liang's body is very strong and can completely deal with the ghost emperor, otherwise the wooden avatar has already stepped forward to help.

"I really hope this battle will end soon." Yue Qinyi said softly.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "As long as Mu Liang is fine, it doesn't matter whether it's fast or slow."

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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