Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2636: People Can't Help But Look Sideways. (1 More)

At Thousand Thorns Pass, the Fox Immortal is leaning against the city wall, with beautiful eyes overlooking the salt water area.

She said softly: "Isn't the battle over yet..."

Jia Luo stepped forward and said crisply: "The battle at that level should not end so soon."

"That's right, I just don't know how strong Mu Liang is now." The fox fairy shook his ears, put his hands on his chin and sighed.

Jia Luo's eyes sparkled, and he said gracefully: "I don't know how strong His Majesty Mu Liang is."

Hu Immortal glanced at the person beside him, and asked in a charming voice, "How is your injury?"

"It's nothing serious. After drinking the water of life, it's almost healed now." Jia Luo said as he sat down, took out the three long swords from his waist, and began to carefully wipe the blades.

She was not seriously injured in this battle, but her body was more exhausted. After drinking the water of life, most of the consumption of her body recovered.

"That's good." Hu Immortal nodded slowly~.

"Miss Yuffier, this battle is over, can you sell me the magic power recovery potion?" A hoarse voice sounded, attracting the attention of Fox Immortal and Jia Luo.

The fox-tailed woman looked and realized that it was the president of the Magicians Association who was talking to Yuffier, and the cautious look made people look sideways.

Yuffier put her hands on her hips, raised her chin slightly and said, "No, this potion is very expensive and uses a lot of rare medicinal materials."

The President of the Magicians Association smiled, and said in a serious tone: "Miss Yuffier, don't worry, I used to be the President of the Magicians Association [there are still many Warcraft crystals.

Yuffier blinked her golden eyes, and said suspiciously: "No, I heard from Xiao Zi and the others that Mu Liang asked the Magician Association to hand over all the magic beast crystals?"

"Ahem, this........."

The president of the Magicians Association froze, coughed twice and said, "That's right, all the Warcraft crystals in the warehouse have been turned in, and I still have some.

Yuffier squinted at the old man, and said 'tsk tsk'.

The president of the Association of Magicians said in a serious tone: "I only buy three copies, and Miss Yuffier will sell them to me.

Before he was severely injured by the Void Ghost King, he saw Yuffier re-refining three recovery potions, and he eliminated the remaining Void Ghosts before he had the chance to eat the wooden clone.

Yuffier asked puzzledly: "Why do you have to buy these recovery potions, now you don't have to fight to the death."

"I'm preventing it from being used suddenly in the future, and you're not around." The president of the Magician's Association explained.

In fact, after taking these magic power recovery potions, he can not only speed up his own magic power recovery speed, but also help improve his strength.

In this battle, the president of the Magicians Association took the recovery potion four times successively, used the forbidden spell magic intensively, and after taking the recovery potion, his strength, including his mental power, was qualitatively improved.

Yuffier rolled her golden eyes and said crisply: "I can't sell potions casually. There are regulations in the Xuanwu Kingdom. Individuals can't sell medicines privately."

"Really?" The president of the Magicians Association opened his mouth. Does the Xuanwu Kingdom have this regulation?

He didn't stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom for a long time, and he didn't know the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and naturally he didn't know the sales regulations of the medicine.

"Of course it's true." Yuffier rolled her eyes beautifully.

She said with a serious tone: "If you really need these potions, you can tell His Majesty, and I can only sell them to you if His Majesty nods."

The president of the Magicians Association fell silent. He just didn't want to find Yu Feier directly through Mu Liangcai. He didn't expect that the Xuanwu Kingdom had restrictions on the sale of potions.

He blinked his eyes and said in a low voice: "Then if you sell it to me secretly, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you, and no one will know."

You Feier widened her golden eyes, put her hands on her hips and said: "You are breaking the law knowingly, if Mu Liang finds out, you will be jailed.

The head of the Association of Magicians twitched his lips.

He was speechless, he talked about the secret deal, how could Mu Liang know.

There was a hint of cunning in Yu Feier's eyes, and she taught: "We have to take the lead, how can we break the law.

The president of the Association of Magicians raised his hand, and said with a look of surrender: "I see, I will ask His Excellency Mu Liang for instructions.

"That's right." Yuffier nodded in satisfaction, with a look of understanding.

. " The president of the Association of Magicians was speechless.

Hu Immortal and Jia Luo saw all this in their eyes, and they looked at each other with smiles in their eyes, knowing that Yu Feier didn't want to sell to each other.

Jia Luo said indifferently: "It is expressly stipulated that neither magical medicine nor secret medicine can be traded in private, and his plan will definitely come to nothing. w

The fox fairy said calmly: "This is not an ordinary potion, even if it is to be traded, the price will not be low."

...asking for flowers...

This is a potion that can quickly restore the magic power of a holy magician. It is priceless outside, so how can it be cheap.

The president of the Magicians Association also knew this, so he wanted to make a private deal with Yu Feier, but he didn't expect her to be so old-fashioned

"Oh." He sighed and left with his hands behind his back.

A gleam flashed in Yu Fei'er's eyes, and she hummed coquettishly, "I'm not an idiot, don't try to fool me."

She raised her eyes to look at the fox fairy, and jumped forward.

"Quite smart." The fox fairy praised.

You Fei'er raised her chin and said arrogantly: "Of course, I'm not a three-year-old child."

Hu Immortal couldn't hold back, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said with a smile: "You have to tell Mu Liang about this.


Yuffier nodded, and said crisply: "I think Mu Liang can use this potion to keep that old man in the Xuanwu Kingdom."

The fox fairy raised his hand and lightly tapped the girl's forehead, and said with a smile: "He is the president of the Magicians Association after all, and it's too rude to talk to an old man.

Yu Feier pouted and muttered: "He wants to fool me, calling him an old man is not too much."

Hu Xian shook his head with a smile, and said: "As for letting him stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom, it depends on Mu Liang's intentions.

"He might not be willing. The Association of Magicians has existed for so many years, how could the old man be willing to give up." Yuffier shook his head and said.

Jia Luo said indifferently: "Not necessarily, the status of the president of the Magicians Association does not conflict with whether he stays in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Blinking her beautiful eyes, "That's right, he can be the president of the Magicians Association, but he can also be a member of the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"In this way, the Magician Association is the power of the Xuanwu Kingdom." Hu Xian's beautiful eyes lit up, presumably Mu Liang would be very interested.

"Yeah, we have to handle that old man well." Yuffier's beautiful eyes sparkled.

The fox fairy couldn't laugh or cry, and teased: "You are not innocent anymore."

You Fei'er rolled her pretty eyes, and said charmingly: "Sister Hu Fairy, I've always been very simple."


Hu Immortal and Jia Luo couldn't hold back, they both laughed lowly.

ps: [1 update]: The correct code is the second and the eighth. .

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