Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2637: Ten Thousand Years Of Panic. (2 More)

"So happy, what are you talking about?" An elegant voice sounded, and Yue Qinlan walked over with a tired face.

She had just arranged for the aftermath of the battlefield to appease the wounded soldiers.

Hu Xianmei said: "There is something interesting, let Yu Feier tell you."

Yu Feier blushed slightly, and briefly explained what happened just now.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips raised, she nodded gracefully and said, "Yes, if the old man can stay, then the Magicians Association can be considered as part of our Xuanwu Kingdom."

"It depends on what Mu Liang thinks." Hu Xian said in a charming voice.

"Where's the wooden clone?" Yue Qinlan suddenly asked.

The fox fairy looked up at the sky above the port, and said in surprise: "I don't know, it was still there before."

"Could it be that something happened to Mu Liang, the wooden avatar went to help, right?" You Fei'er widened her beautiful golden eyes, a look of worry appeared on her face.

Yue Qin's "383" Lan and Hu Immortal's hearts sank when they heard the words, Yu Fei'er's guess was very likely, otherwise how would they explain the sudden disappearance of the Shu avatar.

"What are you thinking, how could I lose." An indifferent voice sounded from behind several people, and Mu Liang stepped out of the space.

The fox fairy's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and she exclaimed in surprise, "Mu Liang!"

At a glance, she recognized that the person in front of her was not a wooden clone, but a body with feelings.

Jia Luo's beautiful eyes lit up, and he asked for proof: "Your Majesty is back, does it mean that the Xu Guihuang has been resolved?"

"Is it true?" Yue Qinlan stared at Mu Liang closely, and felt more at ease after seeing that he was unharmed.

Mu Liang nodded with a smile, and said peacefully: "That's right, Xu Guihuang is dead, his body has been refined by me, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

There was a moment of silence on the city wall, and the next moment, deafening cheers erupted.

"Great, Ghost Emperor Xu is finally dead, we are safe." Yuffier screamed with tears in her eyes, and jumped three meters high on the spot.

Yueqin's beautiful blue eyes turned red, and she murmured: "I knew it, you will definitely be able to kill Xu Guihuang."

"Finally..." Hu Immortal took a few deep breaths, reached out and hugged Mu Liang's waist, buried his head in his chest and began to sob.

The Xu Clan has been pressing on the Human Clan for too long, and the panic that lasted for thousands of years has finally been resolved.

Mu Liang raised his hand and gently patted the back of the fox-tailed woman, soothingly said: "It's all right, don't worry about ghost tides in the future.


Hu Xian nodded his head, but his head was still buried in Mu Liang's arms.

"I feel light now." Yue Qinlan let out a long breath, a beautiful smile blooming on her tearful face.

Jia Luo looked back at the devastated port. The battle for the survival of the race has not really ended until now. The previous casualties are worthwhile, and of course they are also tragic.

"Great." She was also smiling, without the threat of the Xu Clan, the human race will usher in prosperity in the future.

Yuffier continued to jump, and shouted happily: "There are no Xu clans anymore, and I don't need to study the secret medicine to deal with Xu ghosts anymore."

Mu Liang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, is this the most important thing?

Yue Qinlan smiled, looked at Mu Liang and said, "I need you to tell everyone the good news.

"Yes." Hearing the words, the fox fairy came out of Mu Liang's arms, and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

She said in a serious tone: "Tell everyone, the casualties of this war have been too tragic so far, and we need a good news.

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded vigorously.

He said word by word: "Bang the drum."

"Yes." Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower, turned around and walked towards the war drum, she wanted to beat the drum personally to represent the end of the war.

She came to the drum, took the drumsticks off the stand, took a deep breath, and then beat the drum vigorously.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The sound of the drum shook the sky, resounding in everyone's hearts. This time, the sound of the drum did not intend to kill, but it also lifted the spirits of everyone in the Thousand Thorns Pass.

The drums sound very rhythmic, one after another, but they are not in a hurry.

"What's the matter, another ghost is attacking?" The strong men from all the kingdoms who came to help panicked.

"Hasn't the virtual ghosts been dealt with by His Majesty Xuanwu?"

"I can still fight, and the virtual ghosts will kill as many as they come." Some strong men roared angrily and stood up.

Mu Liang floated up out of thin air and came to the top of Qianthorn Pass, and a majestic voice sounded: "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient."

"It's Your Majesty Xuanwu." Everyone fell silent, looking up at the figure in the air.

The appearance of Mu Liang made everyone quiet, watching him with respect in their eyes.

Mu Liang's deep eyes were shining, and he took a deep breath and said word by word: "I have killed the Void Ghost Emperor, this battle for the survival of the race is over, we have won...

His voice was not loud, but it resounded in everyone's ears, and the words he said hit the soul directly, making everyone present tremble, because he was too excited.

Wen Kesha's mouth moved, and she murmured: "It's over, Xuhuang is dead...

"Hahahaha, I knew that His Majesty would definitely win." Tai Keke grinned, holding the giant sword and laughing out loud.


Shakov directly looked up to the sky and laughed, he has fought against the Xu clan for too many years, and now he feels more relaxed than ever.

Su Jin's eyes sparkled, staring at Mu Liang in the air, the corners of her lips raised: "It's okay, I can stay here with confidence.

Bai Yu was at a loss for words when he heard the words, for his family, it was the greatest blessing to be able to stay by Mu Liang's side.


The Dragon Lord grinned loudly, even if the wound was involved: "The Xu Guihuang is dead, we have won."

"Great, we won~~~"


All the powerhouses shouted excitedly, some cried and some laughed, and without exception, they were all cheering and celebrating the victory of this war.

Mu Liang looked down at the strong men, many of them had tears on their faces, these people were all strong men from the Old Continent, and they knew the benefits of the Xu Clan's demise.

"His Majesty Xuanwu, are all the virtual ghosts dead?" asked the strong man from the New World.

Mu Liang looked at it with 4.2 eyes, and said calmly: "It will take time to confirm, but Zhou Jiehuang said that all the virtual ghosts are here.

"If this is the case, then send someone to the Old Continent to investigate and ensure that all the ghosts are extinct." Someone said.

"That's right, the Xu Clan cannot be allowed to come back again, they must all be killed."

Quite a few people expressed their stance that they hated the Xu Clan deeply.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said calmly: "Well, this is something that must be done, and I will arrange it.

Needless to say, Mu Liangmu's avatar has already gone to the Old Continent, and it is necessary to ensure that all Xu ghosts are extinct, completely cutting off the possibility of Xu clan's comeback.

After Mu Liang killed Xu Guihuang, the wooden avatar set off. It's not too late to do this kind of 'extinct' thing, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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