Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2645: My Head Is Full Of Question Marks. (2 More)

Mu Liang looked at Su Jin upon hearing this, and had no objection to her staying, but just had an extra mouth to eat.

The fox fairy also looked at Sujin, and his words were full of temptation: "Sister Sujin, please stay and help me, so you don't have to look for other jobs, and you can live in the palace with everyone

Su Jin's eyes flickered slightly, can she live in a palace?

She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then looked at Mu Liang and said, "Can I?"

Mu Liang still needs to nod to this matter, it doesn't matter what the fox-tailed woman said unilaterally.

"Of course." Mu Liang nodded.

Su Jin's eyes flashed with joy, she looked at the fox-tailed woman and said, "Okay, I will work with Miss Fox Fairy from now on.

The fox fairy raised the corners of his lips and said: "Don't worry, following me will not make you suffer, with your help, you will definitely be able to earn more magic beast crystals.

"I will work hard." Su Jin said and glanced at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang said softly: "If you are not used to staying here, you can tell me, there are many jobs to choose from.

"Okay." Su Jin's slender eyelashes trembled.

Hu Immortal turned his head and instructed: "Xiao Mi, go and tidy up the side hall later, and let Su Jin's younger sister live in the side hall where she lived before."

"Okay." Xiaomi nodded obediently.

She looked at the woman and asked with a smile: "Miss Sujin, do you have any requirements for the room layout and bedding?"

"No, I can 777." Su Jin spoke softly.

"Okay, then I'll watch and prepare." Xiaomi smiled like a flower, turned and left the restaurant to tidy up the side hall.

Hu Immortal is in a happy mood, and with Su Jin helping with business matters, she can have more time to rest.

She raised her eyes, met Shang Jialuo's penetrating gaze, and proudly raised her chin and turned her face away.

"Sure enough." Jia Luo had a see-through expression.

Su Jin is in a very happy mood at this time, and finally has a reason to stay here openly, and is afraid that she and Mu Liang won't see each other again in the future?

A thought flashed through her mind, and she said, "Mu Liang, Jinfeng and Dragon Lord should also want to stay. If the Xuanwu Kingdom lacks people, they can fight for them."

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said: "From the perspective of the development prospects of the Xuanwu Kingdom, it's their business to fight for them to stay, and it's another matter whether I accept them or not.

Without the crisis of Xugui, he can develop slowly.

Su Jin nodded gracefully: "Yes. 11

She lit candles for the Dragon Lord and Jinfeng in her heart. If the Xuanwu Kingdom is really short of people and the two are sincere, they still have a great chance to stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom to find a good job.

"Mu Liang, the Dragon Lord is suitable for (cbbj) to go to the Air Force." Hu Immortal said gracefully.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "If he goes to the air force, he will overwhelm Xi Beiqi and Yue Crimson."

With the strength of the Dragon Lord, if he joins the Air Force with the Flying Dragon Knight, his position will not be lower than that of Xi Beiqi and Yue Paiyan.

"You can make them equal." Hu Immortal said indifferently.

"Well, we can consider it." Mu Liang thought about it.

The dinner ended half an hour later, and Sujin followed the maid to the side hall, visited the decorated room, and saw what needs to be added.

Mu Liang went to the study, ready to change his clothes and receive the coming kings.

In the study, Yao Er changed Mu Liang's clothes, fastened the belt and smoothed the wrinkles on it.

"Your Majesty's figure is getting better." Yao Er whispered.

Mu Liang smiled: "I don't think so."

Yao Er blushed slightly, and said obediently: "Your Majesty's waist muscles are more obvious, and the skin is also whiter.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips curled up, and he said calmly: "It's not good if it's too white, it gives people a feeling of being soft.

"Your Majesty, how can you eat soft food?" Yao Er said seriously.

Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded, raised his hand and tapped the little maid's forehead.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the study door.

Buff's voice sounded: "Your Majesty, Your Excellency Sulinis, King Haiting and others have arrived."

"Understood." Mu Liang responded indifferently.

Hearing this, Yao Er quickened her movements, straightened the collar of Mu Liang's body, and then fixed the hairpin.

"Your Majesty, it's fine." She took two steps back obediently.

"Well, let's go." Muzi walked out with his hands behind his back.

Yao Er obediently followed behind, and went straight to the parlor where the side hall was located.

In the living room, there are more than 20 people sitting, all of whom are the kings of various countries in the New World and the rulers of top powers.

Mu Liang walked into the living room and nodded to everyone: the guests are released.

"We just came here too." Sulin Yisi said softly.

King Haiting said calmly: "The war has just ended, so it's normal for Your Excellency Mu Liang to be busy."

"Yes." The others nodded one after another.

Mu Liang sat on the main seat, Yao Er stood behind him, and Hu Immortal sat beside him.

He swept around the crowd, besides Su Linyisi and King Haiting, the president of the Magicians Association, Wincosa, Dragon Lord and others were also there.

"Everyone, are you here for the magic equipment?" Mu Liang said.

King Haiting nodded, and said, "Your Majesty Mu Liang, I want to keep this magic tool, and use the previous monster spar to offset it.

"Yes." Mu Liang responded indifferently.

The other kings spoke one after another after hearing the words, and they all wanted to keep the magic island they had borrowed before.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "In this case, the previous transaction is over, I don't owe you the magic beast spar, and the magic equipment belongs to you.

"Okay." Everyone responded in unison.

The Dragon Lord's mouth moved. The mountain-breaking ax he is using now was borrowed from Mu Liang, but he did not trade it with the beast spar.

The original deal was to lend him the mountain-breaking ax to use and return it after the war. If it was lost by accident, he would use the Dragon King to repay it.

Mu Liang's eyes fell on Dragon Lord, and he said calmly: "Dragon Lord, what about you?"

The dragon master's spirit was shaken, and he was in awe of Mu Liang, especially when he killed the ghost queen, he was in awe of him even more.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, we will talk later." The Dragon Lord said respectfully.

He couldn't see through Mu Liang anymore, although he hadn't seen through it before, but now he felt unattainable at a glance.

"Yes." Mu Liang looked away.

The Dragon Lord let out a sigh of relief, he was reluctant to return the Mountain Breaker Axe, it was rare to have such a handy weapon.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, there is one more thing." King Haiting said suddenly.

"Say." Mu Liang gestured concisely.

A trace of grief flashed in King Haiting's eyes, and he sighed: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, Your Excellency Qi Erna is dead..."

"I know, I'm not dead." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

"What does this mean?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"Ten days later, you will see him." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Zierna has taken the spores of the magic mushroom and has a chance of resurrection. Now the spores have developed in the back garden and will mature in ten days.

Not many people know about this. After all, not everyone has taken the spores of the phantom mushroom, at least half of the people present have not taken it.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their heads full of question marks.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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