Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2646: They Can't Help But Not Agree. (1 More)

Palace, inside the reception hall.

Mu Liang glanced at everyone present, and said calmly: "Is there anything else you want?"

King Haiting hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the matter of the Xu clan has been settled, and the human race is no longer a threat. I should go back after a few days of rest."

The other kings nodded in agreement one after another: "Yes, this time the casualties were horrendous, and we can't appease the hearts of the people after we go back.

The hearts of the kings were heavy. The strong men sent to the Xuanwu Kingdom for support were seriously injured. It was not a small expense to pay pensions to their families.

King Haiting sighed secretly, the city of Salon was destroyed by King Xugui, which severely damaged the vitality of Haiting Kingdom, and now they have to pay a large amount of pension, which will make the entire noble and royal family have to tighten their belts.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he planned to distribute the pension to the major cities, so that the local city lords and nobles could share the pressure.

Mu Liang said slowly: "It should appease the hearts of the people, but you don't necessarily need to pay for this money."

The kings were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, they didn't understand the meaning of Mu Liang's words, and a few of them got up thinking about it.

"Your Majesty, I don't quite understand this." Suyes said in surprise.

Mu Liang leaned back, tapped the armrest of the main seat lightly with his fingers, and said calmly: "Dealing with the Xu clan is a matter for all human beings, and you have already taken practical actions. As for the matter of pensions, others should be involved. "

As soon as he said this, everyone present suddenly realized what Mu Liang was referring to.

"That's right, they should pay for the pension." Wincosa said coldly.

King Haiting's eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips raised, "That's a reasonable statement. Since the other kingdoms don't send people to support them, they should pay their pensions."

"Well, I agree." Su Linyisi nodded in agreement.

"It's just that they will be willing?" Another queen asked solemnly.

King Haiting snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "It's up to them not to agree."

"They will agree." Mu Liang said calmly.

All the kings looked at each other without any doubt about Mu Liang's words.

Now the Xuanwu Kingdom is the existence at the top of the pyramid, and Mu Liang's strength is the strongest among human beings. With his words, all the kings are relieved.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, he remembered the kingdoms that didn't come to help, because there were not enough strong human races who came to help, the soldiers of Xuanwu Kingdom suffered heavy casualties in a disguised form, and he wanted to remember this incident on the heads of other kingdoms.

King Haiting raised his eyes and said calmly: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, after we finish the list of casualties, I hope you can help us to ask for this pension."

"Yes." The other kings said one after another.

The fox fairy asked coldly: "Why, you don't dare to ask for it?"

"Eh..." King Haiting laughed.

"It's not that we dare not, it's a question of whether we can succeed." The other kings sighed.

Mu Liang glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "After the casualties of the Xuanwu Kingdom are counted, I will make this request to the kingdoms that have not supported."

"Your Majesty Muliang is righteous." Wen Kesha got up and bowed slightly.

Su Linyisi stood up and bowed, with a respectful expression on her face.

Whether the other kings wanted it or not, they had no choice but to stand up and thank Mu Liang. This was also a disguised recognition that the status of the Xuanwu Kingdom was higher than that of the other major kingdoms.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said peacefully: "Everyone is willing to fight against the Xu Clan together with the Xuanwu Kingdom, I will naturally take care of this little matter."

King Haiting completely relaxed after hearing the words, at least the royal family can spend less money on pensions and spend more on rebuilding the royal city.

Mu Liang thought of something, and said, "Five days later, the Xuanwu Kingdom will hold a memorial service for the heroes who died in this war, I hope you can attend.

Winksha nodded: "Of course, I will be there."

"Your Majesty Mu Liang invited me, so of course I will go." King Haiting nodded with a smile.

"I will also be there." The other kings expressed their views one after another.

Mu Liang continued: "Well, after the mourning meeting is the celebration banquet, everyone can leave after attending the celebration banquet."

"Okay." The kings agreed again.

Mu Liang raised his hand to signal: "Alright, if you have nothing else to do, let's all go back and have a good rest for a few days."

"Okay." Except for a few people, everyone stood up and saluted, then turned and left the living room.

Soon there were only five people left in the living room, the Dragon Lord, King Haiting, Wincosa, and the president of the Magicians Association.

Mu Liang asked indifferently: "Are you still busy?"

The Dragon Lord cleared his throat, summoned up his courage and said, "Your Majesty Muliang, I want Feilong Valley to be incorporated into the Xuanwu Kingdom."

Mu Liang looked calm, raised his eyes and asked, "Accept your reason?"

"The Dragon Lord moved his mouth, but he didn't expect to receive such an answer.

...asking for flowers...

He took a deep breath, bowed respectfully and saluted: "Your Excellency Muliang, Feilonggu is willing to serve you without any conditions.

Mu Liang's fingers tapping on the armrest paused, which made the living room quiet.

Dragon Lord felt uneasy in his heart, and his heart gradually sank.

Just when he thought it was over, Mu Liang slowly opened his mouth.

Mu Liang's calm voice sounded: "Yes, let the Flying Dragon Knights be incorporated into the air force. As for the other people in the Flying Dragon Valley, they can be scattered and resettled in the cities of David."

The flying dragon knight's combat power is good, and it is beneficial to join the air force, which can make the air force's combat power more complete and fill the empty power zone.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Excitement flashed in the Dragon Lord's eyes, and he willingly called Mu Liang Your Majesty.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Well, this matter is not urgent, we will arrange it after the celebration banquet is over, and take a good rest these few days.

"Yes." Dragon Lord respectfully agreed.

He is now in a much more relaxed mood. Even if Feilong Valley will become history, he is also happy. After all, he has found a livable place for the tribes and people of Feilong Valley.

Winkesha's eyes sparkled, and many thoughts flashed in her heart, but they were finally dismissed.

Her identity is different from that of the Dragon Lord, and she cannot do whatever she wants, and she has to think about the entire snake-human race and Sha Kingdom.

The president of the Magicians Association watched his heart, and was surprised by the Dragon Lord's decision, but he also felt that he could understand it. With the strength of the Xuanwu Kingdom, it was a good choice to stay here.

King Haiting lamented in his heart that the Xuanwu Kingdom needed another flying knight to be stronger.

"Go down first." Mu Liang raised his chin.

"Yes." Dragon Lord raised his hand to salute, which he learned from other soldiers.

Before he left, he glanced at Wen Kesha and the others, and then left the living room with his head held high.

Mu Liang looked at Wen Kesha and the others, and asked, "What's the matter if you haven't left?"

Win Kesha looked at Mu Liang and asked, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, the Xu Clan is extinct, which means that the previous transaction has been completed. After the celebration banquet is over, can I go back to the Kingdom of Sand?"

"Yes." Mu Liang nodded calmly.

The deal he made with Wincosa in the past was to heal her wounds, and the price was for her to go to the Old Continent to help deal with the Xu Clan.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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