Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2659: There Must Be A Big Secret. (2 More)

Xiaozi walked out of the side hall where Yueqinlan lived, her face was still in a daze, and the conversation with Yueqinlan was lingering in her mind.

She frowned, His Majesty is getting married, who will she marry?

The little maid thought about many people, and substituted all the people in the palace, thinking that many people were possible.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice when someone came behind her.

Yao Er raised her hand and patted the girl's shoulder, Xiao Zi was startled.

"Ah, I'm scared to death." She turned her eyes wide and looked behind her, and was relieved to see that it was Yao Er and the others.

Buff asked suspiciously: "What are you thinking, I told you to ignore us a few times.

"That's right, it's like being hooked." Qingwu nodded in agreement.

Xiao Zi hesitated for a moment, but still whispered: "Your Majesty is getting married."

"What?" Qing Wu and the others exclaimed in surprise, their beautiful eyes staring at each other.

Xiao Zi quickly covered Qing Wu's mouth, lowered her voice and said: "Be quiet, don't shout."

Qing Wu and the others nodded quickly, but the shock on their faces hadn't dissipated, but they quickly put on gossip expressions and surrounded Xiao Zi.

Cen Feier hurriedly asked: "Quickly tell me, how did you know that His Majesty is getting married? Why didn't I hear the news?"

"Yeah, no one knows about such a big event, how do you know?" Qing Wu urged.

"Quickly, who is Your Majesty going to marry?" Buff gently bumped Xiao Zi with his arm, his face full of curiosity.

Xiao Zi looked around, seeing no one else, said: "I heard Master Qinlan say, as for who to marry, I don't know, Master Qinlan doesn't seem to know either."

"Hey, Lord Qinlan doesn't know?" All the maids looked at each other.

"What Master Qinlan said must not be false." Bamei's face became serious.

She rubbed her chin, turned her beautiful eyes and said: "Even Lord Qinlan doesn't know who His Majesty is going to marry, isn't it with Lord Qinlan?"

All the maids looked at each other again, muttering and discussing.

"It's not Lord Qinlan, maybe it's Lord Huxian~~." Qing said with a serious expression.

Buffy said naively: "Maybe it's Miss Liyue."

"Could it be Miss Sujin, she has always liked His Majesty." Yao Er guessed.

Buff shook his head, and said seriously: "Probably not, I'm not familiar with Miss Sujin, so I can't make wild guesses...

"I'm so curious, who will His Majesty marry?" Xiao Zi scratched her ears and cheeks.

Several people were discussing like biting their ears, completely forgetting the surrounding situation.

"What are you guys talking about?" A suspicious voice sounded, and Yuffier stared at Zhong Anzheng with her hands on her hips.

Behind her was Alina and the others, all of whom had just returned from the great hall, and the celebration banquet was over.

"It's nothing." Buff and the others trembled and stood up straight.

Yuffier said suspiciously: "No, I see that you guys had a good chat just now.

Buff's eyes were erratic: "This, that..."

"Miss Yuffier, Your Majesty hasn't had dinner yet, we're going to prepare food." Xiao Zi said in a serious tone.

Yuffier was surprised and said, "Hey, Kai hasn't had dinner yet?"

"Yeah, Your Majesty is busy and came back very late." Xiao Zi nodded.

"We're off to work." Buff and the others breathed a sigh of relief, left a word and hurried away.

Alina's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she said dumbfounded: "There is something weird and mysterious, there must be a big secret.

"Then go ask." Yan Bing said calmly.

"I'll talk about it later, I'm going to write down my inspiration, so as not to forget it." Alina left the sentence and returned to the side hall.

In the Great Hall, she suddenly thought of the content of the new book to be written.

Yan Bing raised his eyebrows lightly, turned around and walked towards the side hall.

Yuffier thought of the mysterious appearance of the maids just now, and felt as if ants were crawling in her heart. It felt uncomfortable that other people had secrets but she didn't know about them.

"No, I have to ask." She opened her eyes slyly.

A thought flashed in Yu Feier's mind, Angie's mouth was the most stupid, and she could only ask questions from her.


An Qi sneezed, rubbed her nose and muttered: "Who is talking about me?"

Xiaomi greeted: "An Qi, hurry up and wash the vegetables, don't make His Majesty wait too long.

"Okay." An Qi agreed, and got busy in front of the vegetable sink with her green vegetables in her arms.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Yuffier stood at the door of the kitchen, looked at the busy maids, and decided to wait until they finished their work before asking.

Thinking of this, she turned and went back to the side hall.

Seeing the girl leave, Xiao Zi and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter with you, you are mysterious." Xiaomi asked with a frown.

She has been busy in the kitchen, and she doesn't know what they did just now.

"Miss Xiaomi, Your Majesty is getting married, do you know?" Yao Xiao asked in a low voice.

Xiaomi's face was full of astonishment, and she blurted out: "" "How do you know, why don't I know?"

Xiao Zi said in a low voice: "What Master Qinlan said is probably not a lie."

"Master Qinlan's words should not be false...Xiaomi's expression became serious.

Xiao Zi said solemnly: "Your Majesty didn't tell us, so you can't tell it, and you can't tell anyone who asks.

Xiaomi said with a serious face: "That's right, I think Miss Yuffier will definitely ask more questions, everyone can't talk nonsense."

"We know." Buff and the others responded in unison.

Only then did Xiaomi feel relieved, her heart was full of gossip, she couldn't help asking: "Then who is Your Majesty going to marry?"

"We don't know, and Lord Qinlan doesn't know either." Xiao Zi shook her head.

"Strange, Master Qinlan doesn't know, so why does His Majesty marry? Xiaomi was stunned for a moment.

She quickly understood, and said in surprise: "So maybe the marriage partner is not Lord Qinlan."

Qing Wu hurriedly said: "Shhh, we don't know either, don't guess randomly, it would be bad if His Majesty knew about it." (Nonuo Zhao) "Mmmm, hurry up and cook. "The maids got busy and continued cooking.

In the study, Mu Liang frowned, and looked towards the kitchen with a feeling.

"Who's talking about me?" He frowned, but he didn't feel any malice, so he didn't delve into it.

Mu Liangjiang focused his attention back on the sand table, the terrain was slowly changing, and in just one day, there were more than a dozen high mountains at the bottom.

"Half a month." He whispered softly.

Half a month later, the rock turtle's evolution will come to an end, and then a new plan can be made for the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang thought in his heart that by then, several national parks should be built, and tourism projects should be developed to attract people to increase income, and he should be able to earn a lot.

"Many scenic spots in the previous life can be reproduced." With an idea in his mind, he pulled a piece of paper and wrote down the plan.

. . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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