Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2660: Debt Collection Trip. (1 More)

The Kingdom of Heluo is located in the central part of the New World. Its comprehensive national power ranks in the middle of all the kingdoms, and its land area is larger than that of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The king of the Kingdom of Hero is called Skeki, a supreme power who is over fifty years old.

Tailun King City, located in the middle of the Kingdom of Heluo, where most of the royal family and nobles live, is the capital of the Kingdom of Heluo

In the apse of the palace, Skeki was dining with the queen.

"Your Majesty, try this." The queen put a piece of meat pie in the king's bowl.

Skeki picked up the meatloaf and took a bite, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said in surprise, "It tastes delicious, how does the queen make it?"

"This is marinated with new seasonings." The queen smiled.

Skeki praised: "Very good, this seasoning should be very precious."

"Yes, I bought it from the Xuanwu Kingdom." The queen nodded with a smile.

Skeki paused with the chopsticks in his hand, and suddenly said: "Xuanwu Kingdom, no wonder."

The cuisine of the Xuanwu Kingdom is the most delicious in the world, which is recognized by the world, including him.

The queen put down the chopsticks in her hand, and asked for proof: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Xuanwu Kingdom has destroyed the Xu clan, is it true?"

Skyeki nodded hoarsely: "Well, it is indeed true."

TV 093 broadcasted the process of the race war live, and he knew about the destruction of the Xu Clan, so he had listed the Xuanwu Kingdom in his heart as a force that could not be provoked.

"That's great, so we don't have to worry about the Xu clan invading the Kingdom of Heluo." The queen let out a long sigh of relief and smiled a little more on her face.

Skyeji raised the corners of his lips, and said triumphantly: "Hmph, I already knew that the people of the Xuanwu Kingdom were scaremongering, no matter how strong the Xu Clan is, they won't be able to get over here.


The queen covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said gracefully: "Your Majesty is still thinking clearly. We didn't send anyone to die. We didn't lose anything."

"Yeah, and let all the kingdoms send people to help again, it's a fool to go. Skeki also showed a smile on his face.

That's right, the Kingdom of Helo only sent a strong man to the Old Continent for support once, and Mu Liang came to "be a guest" himself.

"Hehehe, the powerhouses of other kingdoms suffered heavy losses." The queen smiled happily.

The corners of Skeki's lips were raised, and he was in a very happy mood, so he couldn't help eating more for lunch.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hurrying footsteps came, and the maid's voice sounded outside the hall: "Your Majesty, there is an envoy from another country in the front hall to ask for an audience.

"An envoy from another country? What kingdom..." Skeki frowned.

The queen coquettishly interrupted: "Your Majesty, go and have a look."

"Queen, come with me." Skeki said and stood up. There is no rule in Heluo Kingdom that concubines are not allowed to participate in politics.

The queen said indifferently: "Then don't worry, just let them wait for a while, let's eat first and then talk."

"Hahaha, what the queen said is right." Skeki's heart moved, and he sat down again.


From the apse came the queen's charming smile, and the king's happy voice.

Front hall, inside the reception hall.

Hu Xi put his arms around his body, sat on the wooden chair and waited patiently.

Randy was sitting next to her, and it was just the two of them who were going on a mission this time.

Hu Xi felt a little depressed, she was sent out to 'collect debts' just ten days after the war with the Xu Clan ended.

She murmured in a low voice, "I don't believe you even said that I was asked to travel."

When Liyue explained the content of the task to her, she said that it was to perform the task while playing, and it would be fine as a tour.

Randy looked at the orange-haired girl and said with a smile: "Sister Huxi, going to dozens of countries this time is really like traveling.

Hu Xi rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "I've been on the road most of the time, very tired."

..." Randy was speechless for a moment.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Sister Huxi, most of the time I'm driving you to fly, why are you tired?"

Hu Xi laughed dryly when he heard the words, changed the subject and said, "That's tiring, and life-threatening."

"Sister Huxi is here, we will withdraw if there is danger." Randy said heartily. (chfh) The awakening ability of the orange-haired girl is space jump, and when she encounters danger, she can leave directly with Randy.

For safety's sake, the orange-haired girl also wears a space spirit weapon. Even if the opponent has a space magician, it can't affect the girl's awakening ability.

Hu Xi gasped and said: "We are really a match made in heaven. You can become a big bird and travel long distances, and I can guarantee your safety."

"..." Randy twitched the corner of his mouth, what a big bird, it sounds very restricted.

Hu Xi couldn't sit still, and muttered, "Why don't you come?"

"Sister Huxi, bear with me." Randy comforted her.

Huxi took a few deep breaths, suppressed her impatience, and looked at the watch on her wrist, wanting to see how long she would be left hanging.

"Da da da~~~"

The second hand of the watch is walking in circles, and the minute hand is also moving slowly.

"It's been half an hour." Huxi's face darkened.

Randy said without changing his face: "Be patient."

"Da da da~~~"

time flies.

Gritting teeth: "It's been an hour."

. " Randy also had a cold face and was very upset in his heart, but he couldn't just walk away like this.


There were footsteps in the reception hall.

There was also a respectful salute from the maid: "My lord, Your Majesty, Queen."

"It's finally here." Hu Xi snorted coldly, and looked sideways at the door of the reception hall.

Randy's little hand rested on the orange-haired girl's hand, and she was taken away as soon as she encountered danger.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Skeki and the queen walked into the reception hall one after another, and their eyes fell on the two young girls, their eyes were indifferent and contemptuous.

Huxi and Randy sat on the wooden chairs, watching the king and queen with cold eyes, without any intention of getting up.

The coldness in Skeki's eyes became more intense, and he sat on the main seat and said indifferently: "Are you two not polite when you see this king?"

Huxi and Randy then stood up, raised their hands and said indifferently: "I have seen Your Majesty.

"It's not polite, I don't know which kingdom taught the messenger. The queen sneered.

The corners of Hu Xi's mouth twitched, suppressing the urge to curse, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Our Majesty is the King of Xuanwu.

The queen's beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't help taking a deep breath: "Hiss..."

"King Xuanwu, what did you ask you to do?" Skeki narrowed his eyes slightly, puzzled in his heart.

Hu Xi straightened his waist, and said calmly: "We are here on behalf of His Majesty Xuanwu. First, we are sending sincere condolences. Second, we are here for pensions and bonuses."

The corners of Skeki's eyes twitched, and he didn't believe in sincere condolences at all. When Mu Liang beat him up violently, he never softened his hands every time, so there was no sincerity.

Thinking of this incident, he just felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if it was yesterday when he was beaten.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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