Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2663: You Shameless Old Man. (2 More)

Feilitai City is the capital of the Kingdom of Iconel.

Outside the palace, the space fluctuated, and two figures appeared out of thin air.

Hu Xi held Randy's hand tightly, and as soon as he appeared in the air, he couldn't wait to complain: "This old man, I started before I finished speaking.

The bad old man she was talking about was the king of the Kingdom of Iconel, a supreme power. After seeing the documents they handed over, he shot at the two women without saying a word.

Randy said in a serious tone: "The old man tore up the document written by His Majesty, and it seems that he wanted to tear himself apart with the Xuanwu Kingdom. You have to talk to Your Majesty about this."

Hu Xi puffed up his mouth and said angrily: "Of course, if you don't work hard and don't want to pay money to deal with the Xu clan, how can there be such a good thing."

"Catch them." A cold shout came from the depths of the palace.


Hundreds of figures rushed out from all parts of the palace, leaped over a block and headed straight for the two women.

"Damn, it came so fast." Randy pouted.

Hu Xi took a deep breath, turned around and shouted: "28 Bah, Ikner, you shameless old man, wait for our Majesty to come to your door.

..." The corners of Randy's eyes twitched, and he secretly sighed boldly.

"You are looking for death." The angry voice moved from far to near, and the next moment Ikner appeared on the high wall of the palace, only a few hundred meters away from the two women.

"Slightly slightly~~~"

"Old man, you can't catch us, bye~~~" Huxi stuck out his tongue, rolled his eyes, and then used his awakening ability to take Randy away in place.


Ikenel's angry roar resounded over the palace, with the torn documents still in his hand, the gloomy look in his eyes lingered for a long time.

He ordered angrily: "Follow me, if you die, you will see people.

"Yes." The strong men trembled in their hearts and left the palace in a flash.

It's a pity that there is no trace of where Huxi's space jumping ability landed, and they are doomed to return disappointed.

In a dark alley somewhere in Feilitai City, Zhou Xi appeared out of thin air with Randy.

"Didn't you come after them?" Randy poked his head out from the alley to check, but he didn't see any pursuers.

Hu Xi comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I've jumped three times in a row, they won't be able to catch up.

Randy looked back at the orange-haired girl, and said angrily, "You're going to drive that old man crazy, and it will affect the friendship between the two countries."

Hu Xi didn't care and said: "The old man doesn't even want to give pensions and bonuses, and he doesn't want to make friends with the Xuanwu Kingdom, so I just scolded him a few times, and it won't change anything."

"If you let His Majesty know about this, you will be scolded." Randy nodded.

"Hee hee, if you don't tell me, no one will know." Huxi's orange eyes flashed a hint of cunning.

Randy blinked his brown eyes, and muttered: "The old man has a long mouth, and when His Majesty comes over, he will naturally know."

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it when the time comes." Hu Xi waved his hand heartily.

Randy thought about it and thought it was the same, so she put her troubles behind her and asked Jiaohan, "Then what should we do now?"

"Let's find a place to stay for one night. I'm already tired, so I'll leave tomorrow." Hu Xi suggested.

"Live here?" Randy's pink lips parted.

Hu Xi nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty said that sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest.

"Oh, then dress up before going out." Randy replied.

She took out a mask from the space storage magic tool and put it on her face, then changed the clothes on her body.

"Let's go." Huxi also changed his clothes, walked out of the alley with his head held high, and dragged Randy to the long street with the most traffic.

The two came to the long street full of people, there were many hawkers on the side of the street, garbage could be seen everywhere on the ground, and from time to time they could smell a sour smell from a certain turret.

Randy muttered in disgust: "It's really dirty...?"

"Be patient, not all places are the same as the Xuanwu Kingdom." Hu Xisi showed disgust on his face.

"Find a place to live." Randy sighed.

"Okay." Huxi nodded his head, looking around at the hawkers and shops with beautiful eyes, and also wanted to find something to eat to fill his stomach.

She remembered what happened in the palace not long ago, and she said angrily: "That old man is really stingy, he lost nothing to eat and no tea.

"Who says it's not?" Randy was also depressed.

The two went to the eight kingdoms back and forth, not to mention that every royal family received them with extra courtesy, at least not without a cup of tea.

A commanding voice sounded from not far away: "Quick, go over there and look for it, don't miss any store, search it carefully for me.

Huxi and Randy froze, and they looked at each other.

"Could it be that they came to catch us?" Randy whispered.

Hu Xi frowned and said: "It shouldn't be, this place is not close to the palace, how could we search here so quickly.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two came to the street and stood still, watching the knights with spears passing by, and they searched all the shops along the street.

Suddenly, the knight walking in the front stopped, and his attention fell on Randy and Huxi.

"Oops..." Huxi's pupils shrank, and he quietly tightened Randy's hand.

The knight sternly shouted: "You two, take off the mask."

"Okay." Randy hesitated for a moment, but took off the mask to reveal a beautiful face.

Seeing this, Huxi also took off the mask, and at the same time quietly activated the awakening ability, preparing to take Randy away if there was any abnormality.

The knight's eyes showed surprise, and his face was filled with regret, and he said: "He looks good, but it's a pity that he is not the 053 person we are looking for."

Huxi and Randy both heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and the expressions on their faces became relaxed.

Randy turned her beautiful eyes, and asked sweetly: "Is the knight looking for someone?"

"That's right, a dangerous criminal has escaped from the prison." Seeing that the girl was pretty, the knight casually mentioned it.

Hu Xi asked in surprise, "Criminal, what does it look like?"

"Black hair and black eyes, she looks pretty, that figure...why should I tell you this?" The knight reacted, and glared at the two women angrily.

"I don't know either." Randy blinked her beautiful eyes, and looked at the knight like a fool.

"..." The knight pouted, turned and left quickly.

Randy snorted coldly: "Sexy, I really want to gouge his eyes out.

Hu Xi exhaled, waved his hands and said, "Let's go, let's find a place first.

"Okay." Randy looked at the back of the knight walking away, and nodded thoughtfully.

The two walked through three long streets before stopping in front of a four-story building. There was a plaque at the door with the words 'Huixiang Restaurant' written on it.

"The name sounds nice, shall we stay here tonight?" Huxi said crisply.

"It's all right, I'll listen to you." Randy replied indifferently.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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