Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2664: Longevity Research Institute. (1 More)

Huixiang Restaurant, the deepest room in the corridor on the third floor.


Huxi pushed the door open and entered, and a musty smell wafted in his face.

"Hey, it smells musty." She frowned in disgust.

Randy bypassed the orange-haired girl and walked into the room, her brows were also frowning, and her beautiful brown eyes were full of disgust.

The room is small, with a large bed, a table and chairs, a wardrobe, and nothing else.

The whole room is made of wood, the wooden floor is cracked and warped, and the wood on the wall has many mildew spots.

"There is no dust. Someone should have lived here." Hu Xi looked disgusted, and brushed the table with his hand. There was only a little dust on his fingertips.

"Just stay for one night, bear with it, and leave tomorrow." Randy said and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Hu Xi yawned and said, "That old man's people probably wouldn't have searched here."

"Well, I'm not afraid to come here." Randy said indifferently.


"I'm hungry." Hu Xi blushed pretty, and covered her stomach with her hands.

"Let's go down and find something to eat." Randy smiled beautifully.

The two left the room and went downstairs on the creaking wooden floors.

In Huixiang Restaurant, you can eat and stay, but the conditions are not good.

Ten minutes later, the two swallowed their saliva while looking at a table of food whose ingredients were difficult to distinguish.

"What is this plate?" Hu Xi frowned, staring at a plate of green viscous liquid and twitching the corners of his mouth.

Randy's stomach was churning, and he said harshly, "It's so disgusting..."

The clerk introduced with a smile: "This is a unique delicacy in our store. It is made from the saliva of the nine-section insect. It has an excellent taste and has the effect of beautifying the skin."

"The saliva of the nine-section insect...vomit." Huxi couldn't hold back, and retched with his head turned sideways.

Randy's complexion turned pale, and she couldn't help but ask, "What does Qiu Zhi look like?"

"It's behind the kitchen, I'll get it for you to see." The clerk walked away with a smile.

Huxi sat up, took a deep breath, and pushed away the green thing in front of him.

"Tap Tat ~~#||~"

The clerk came back, holding a big worm in his hand. It was as thick as an adult's arm, and its body was emerald green.


Randy screamed, quickly waved his hands and said: "Okay, I understand, take it away.

The clerk was also taken aback, and hurried away with the bug.

Randy took a deep breath, suppressed the feeling of disgust in his heart, and said in a bad mood: "It's so disgusting, I can't even eat anything."

"Forget it, let's go back and eat instant noodles." Hu Xitou said.

"Let's go, let's go." Hearing this, Randy stood up and went back to the third floor as if fleeing.


After the two returned to the room, they immediately closed the door.

"Quick, take out the instant noodles." Huxi urged.

She has already taken out the self-heating pot, poured water into it, and boiled it to cook instant noodles.

"Don't rush." ​​Randy responded, and took out two packs of instant noodles from the space storage waste.

Instant noodles have become a hot commodity in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and they are also one of the reserve grains. They are much more delicious than dry noodles.

Huxi reminded: "I want to eat three packs, two packs are not enough."

Randy paused, and then took out four packs of instant noodles from the space storage waste.

"You want to eat three packs too?" Huxi blinked his orange eyes.

"Of course." Randy snorted, tore off the packaging of the instant noodles, and put the noodles into the pot.

"Gulu Gulu~

Soon the house was filled with fragrance, all the fragrance of instant noodles.

"It smells so good." Randy took a deep breath, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and started serving the noodles.

"Si Liu~~~"

Huxi sucked the noodles, narrowed her beautiful eyes, and let out a happy voice.

"It's delicious, no matter how many times you eat it, you won't get tired of it." She sighed.

Randy said crisply: "I heard that His Majesty has asked people to start researching new flavors, and I hope to be able to eat them when I go back.

"New instant noodles, I'm looking forward to it." Hu Xi's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Half an hour later, the two of them were so full that there was not even a drop of soup left in the pot.


Randy burped and lay comfortably on the big bed.


Huxi also lay down, satiated and didn't want to move.

Randy touched the person beside him with his arm, and reminded: "You haven't washed the pot yet."

Hu Xi squinted her beautiful eyes, and said in a vague tone: "I will wash it tomorrow, and there is no place for me to pour water here, which is very inconvenient.

"That's right." Randy replied casually. There is no bathroom or toilet in the room, and the pot cannot be washed.

As the two of them lay down, their breathing became longer and they fell asleep unconsciously.

The sky outside the window had already darkened, and there were no pedestrians on the street, and it was pitch black everywhere.


After an unknown amount of time, the wardrobe in the room was gently pushed open, and the wooden cabinet door creaked.

In the darkness, Huxi and Randy opened their beautiful eyes at the same time, but did not move in tacit understanding.


The sound of hunger came from the closet, and a figure crept out of the closet.

She came to the table cautiously, staring at the empty pot for a while, speechless.

"Ah, don't leave me a sip, not even a little bit." The girl let out a helpless voice in a low voice.

"Who?" A cold drink sounded, and the room lit up.

The lantern beetle flew up, and the light from its tail illuminated the room, allowing Huxi and Randy to see the girl clearly.

She has short black hair and black eyes. She is thin but beautiful, and her beautiful face surprised both Huxi and Randy.

"Ah, I was discovered." Ji Zi widened her black eyes, a little flustered.

Her eyes fell on the window, and she secretly looked at the door on the other side, thinking about the chances of escaping.

Randy suddenly said: "Black hair and black eyes, you are a criminal who was hunted down by knights this afternoon.

"The criminal who escaped from the prison doesn't look like it." Hu Xi commented.

"Ah?" Ji Zi was stunned, and the two people in front of her (Qian Li Zhao) seemed harmless.

She came back to her senses and said angrily after hearing the words: "Fart, I'm not a criminal, if I don't escape, I will be arrested for experiments.

"Hey, experiment?" Randy said in surprise.

Hu Xi frowned and asked, "Then where did you escape from?"

"Longevity Research Institute." Ji Zi's eyes showed fear.

"Eternal Life Research Institute." Huxi and Randy looked serious, and exchanged simple glances with each other.

Randy asked solemnly: "Is there a Longevity Research Institute here?"

Ji Zi whispered: "Yes, but I don't remember where, I was hidden in a bucket and was transported out as garbage, and I found a chance to escape.


Ji Zi's stomach growled loudly, making her blush.

She said pitifully: "Well, can you get me something to eat?"

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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