Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2665: This Is Courting Death. (2 More)


Ji Zi sucked the noodles with big mouthfuls, her black eyes sparkled, and her face was full of satisfaction.

"It's so delicious. Instant noodles are really the most delicious food in the world." She puffed up her face, and her words of praise were ambiguous.

"Eat slowly." Huxi twitched the corner of his mouth.

In the end, she cooked two packs of instant noodles for the girl, so she couldn't let her faint from hunger in her room.


Ji Zi gulps down the noodles, looking like a starved ghost reincarnated, and finally eats all the noodles and soup.

"It's so full, it's really delicious." She patted her belly in satisfaction.

Randy asked crisply, "Are you full?"

"Is there any more?" Ji Zi's beautiful eyes lit up again when she heard the words.

..." Randy twitched the corners of his mouth, and took out new instant noodles from the magic space storage tool.

"No, no, I'm full." Ji Zi blushed and waved her hands quickly.

She looked embarrassed and said: "I'm just surprised that you still have such delicious food.

"It's just instant noodles. If it's in the Xuanwu Kingdom, there are even better delicacies." Randy said crisply.

"Eh, really?" Ji Zi's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Randy licked the corner of her lips and said: "Of course, Xuanwu Kingdom has the best food in the world, such as hot pot, spicy 353 hot pot, barbecue, teppanyaki, etc... No, I'm going to drool. 17

Ji Zi swallowed, yearning for the Xuanwu Kingdom that the brown-haired girl was talking about.

"I really want to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom." She sighed.

"You can go." Randy said casually.

Ji Zi shook her head, regretfully said: "But the Xuanwu Kingdom is so far away, I don't know where it is.

Hu Xi said indifferently: "The Xuanwu Kingdom is in the Misty Sea, you can find it by taking a boat out to sea, and there are ships going to the Xuanwu Kingdom in many ports."

Since the reputation of the Xuanwu Kingdom has spread far and wide, the ports in coastal cities have begun to operate ships to and from the Xuanwu Kingdom, and they only need to pay a certain tax to Xuanwu Jinguo.

"Then I have to go to work first, and only when I earn money can I go." Ji Zimei's eyes lit up.

"That's right, we still need the travel expenses." Hu Xi nodded.

Ji Zi said in a serious tone: "The two sisters invited me to eat such a good food, how should I report it?"

Hu Xi sat down and said, "Tell us about the situation in the Longevity Research Institute."

"Okay." Ji Zi agreed without thinking.

Her face became serious, and her tone was full of hatred: "They tricked me under the guise of recruiting (cibd) workers, and they were stunned by magic potions when we first met, and I was in the Longevity Research Institute after waking up ..."

Huxi and Randy listened carefully, and turned on the recording device, recording everything the black-haired girl said.

"In the first month, they fed me a lot of potions, used me for various experiments, and then began to take my blood and feed it to other people like me.

Ji Zi showed a look of fear, and continued: "I tried to escape several times, but failed. Every time I was captured, I would starve for several days, and then I would be fed the potion."

Randy's eyes showed anger. She hates people who use living people for evil experiments.

Ji Zi's pupils contracted, and she said in a trembling voice: "I had resigned myself to my fate, until I saw a monster two days ago, and they injected the monster's blood into my body, that feeling was very uncomfortable.

I didn't want to wait to die, so I still managed to escape. "Her throat moved, and there was still a palpitation on her face.

"Monster?" Huxi frowned.

Randy added, "What kind of monster?"

"The monster is huge, its whole body is black, and it emits an unpleasant smell." Ji Zi said in fear.

When Huxi and Randy heard this, their pupils constricted violently, and at the same time, the appearance of a virtual ghost appeared in their minds.

"Does it look like this?" Randy thought of something, and took out a photo from the space storage magic tool and handed it to the black-haired girl.

Ji Zi glanced at it and almost screamed, but luckily covered her mouth with her hands.

She nodded vigorously, and the fear in her black eyes deepened.

"It's really a virtual ghost!" Randy said coldly.

Hu Xi said angrily, "Damn it, where did the Immortals get the horse ghost?"

"Is that monster called Xu Gui? Do you know monsters?" Ji Zi asked nervously.

"Xu Gui, I know everything that has turned into ashes." Randy gritted his teeth.

Hu Xi thought of something, and quickly asked: "Did they inject the blood of Xu Gui into your body?"

"Yes." Ji Zi nodded weakly.

Hu Xi frowned, and asked concerned: "Has there been any changes in your body?"

Ji Zi hesitated for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and tore off the tightly wrapped collar, revealing the scarlet lines.

"Sure enough, it's the infection of the virtual ghost." Hu Xi sighed.

"Am I going to die?" Ji Zi tremblingly asked.

"It used to be, but now it won't." Randy reassured.

Ji Zi's heart trembled, and she stared at the two girls expectantly.

Randy raised his hand to his forehead, and finally took out the secret medicine to cure the 'Infection of Void Ghost' from the space storage magic tool.

She said in a deep voice: "Taking this secret medicine can weaken the infection. If you want to cure it completely, you have to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom. I don't have the latest secret medicine with me."

There are several kinds of secret medicines for treating the 'infection of virtual ghosts', all of which were researched by You Fei'er successively, and only one of them can completely cure the infection.

"Thank you." Ji Zi wept with joy, without thinking too much, she took the secret medicine in her hand.


After a while, the black-haired girl felt her body was burning hot, and at the same time, the scarlet lines on her chest lit up, and then wisps of black emptiness radiated from the lines.

Half an hour later, the scarlet lines faded a lot, at least they no longer looked scary.

Ji Zi said pleasantly: "I feel much lighter."

Hu Xi said crisply: "Well, if you want to be completely cured, you have to go to Xuanwu Kingdom, any hospital can cure you."

"Hospital?" Ji Zi blinked her black eyes.

"You'll know when you go." Hu Xi said casually.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Ji Zi said with teary eyes.

Hu Xi hurriedly said: "Stop it, don't cry."

Randy said in a serious tone: "This news must be told to His Majesty, the virtual ghost must not be allowed to continue to exist, the Longevity Research Institute is courting death."

The two hated virtual ghosts deeply, and thought that the virtual clan had been extinct, but they didn't expect that there were still living virtual ghosts hidden in the Longevity Research Institute, and they dared to use them for experiments.

"Maybe the royal family is behind the Longevity Research Institute. Don't forget that most of the immortals are nobles and members of the royal family." Hu Xi's face was gloomy.

"Yes." Randy nodded vigorously.

"Contact Gaodi." Huxi said.

Randy glanced at the black-haired girl, hesitated for a while, and felt that it would be fine for the girl to know, so she took out the live broadcast spiritual weapon to contact Gaodi.

"Should I hide for a while?" Ji Zi asked in a low voice.

"No need." Huxi replied.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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