Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2666: There Is No One Who Makes People Take Off Their Clothes When They First Meet. (1 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, inside the Highland Palace.

In the study, Mu Liang put down the documents in his hands, and looked up at the swinging clock on the wall, it was already one o'clock at night.


The study door was gently pushed open, and a delicate little face came in.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and met Yu Feier's eyes.

With a smile in his eyes, he asked, "It's so late, why don't you go to sleep?"

"I woke up after a nap, and wanted to see if you were asleep." Yuffier said, pushing the door open and entering.

Mu Liang lowered his head to look at the girl's feet, it was no surprise that they were bare, but fortunately the ground of the palace was very clean, bare feet would not be dirty.

He raised his hand as a gesture, and said softly: "It's cold on the ground, next time I'd better wear a pair of shoes or socks~"

"Okay." Yuffier obediently agreed, and stepped in front of the man.

She glanced at the documents on the desktop, and asked in a crisp voice: "You haven't slept so late, what are you busy with?"

"I just finished processing the documents sent by the cities of David. Mu Liang said softly.

"Thank you." Yuffier said obediently.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips were raised, and he stretched out his hand to play with the blonde girl's hair. The girl without ponytails looked very cute.

Yu Feier blinked her golden eyes, thought of something, and asked, "Mu Liang, Xiao Zi and the others have been very secretive these days, always chatting in private, what secret do they have?"

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, he certainly knew the secrets of Xiao Zi and the others, but how to explain it to the girl, he couldn't just say that he was going to get married "The little maids are guessing who he is going to marry.

"I don't know. Mu Liang said without changing his face.

"Eh, even you don't know." Yuffier pursed her lips, feeling itchy in her heart because of the little maid's secret.

Mu Liang said with a smile in his eyes: "If you want to know so much, you can ask them directly."

After hearing this, Yu Feier sighed, and said depressedly: "I asked, but they all pretended to be crazy and said they had no secrets, so they couldn't find out.

"Maybe there really is no secret." Mu Liang's eyes flashed.

"Impossible, they definitely have a secret, and it's a big secret." Yuffier said firmly.

Every time she wanted to eavesdrop, she was discovered by the little maids, and then the maids acted as if nothing had happened, and went off to get busy.

Mu Liang raised his hand and touched his nose, feeling inexplicably guilty?

Yuffier clenched her fists with small hands, her eyes turned and she said: "I want to research the secret medicine that can make people tell the truth, and feed it to Xiao Zi and the others when the time comes.

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the words, raised his hand and lightly flicked the girl's forehead, and said amusedly, "Isn't there such a secret medicine?"

Yuffier shook her head, and said in a serious tone: "It's not the same, the current 'Secret Medicine of Truth' is too harmful to the body, so we have to re-study a new one with less side effects, preferably one without side effects."

Mu Liang's mouth twitched, feeling that it would be nice to have such a secret medicine, so he encouraged him: "Very good, then work hard.

"Let's study it tomorrow, I have no idea tonight." Yuffier grinned and yawned.

Mu Liang stretched out his hands to rub the girl's head, and said gently: "Go back to sleep when you're sleepy, a girl needs enough sleep to keep her skin in good condition.

"Ah, aren't you sleepy?" Yuffier thought of something, her brows flushed slightly.

She already dared to look directly into Mu Liang's eyes, she was no longer as shy as before, she would blush when she looked at each other, but her heartbeat would still speed up a lot.

"I'm fine, I'm going to rest too." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

Yu Feier wanted to say something, but there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

"Your Majesty, are you resting?" Buff's voice sounded from outside the study.

"Come in." Mu Liang frowned slightly.


Buff pushed the door open and entered with a serious face, "Your Majesty, Miss Huxi wants to talk to you.

Mu Liang said seriously: "It's so late, there should be something urgent, it's difficult.

"Yes." Buff said as he took out the live streaming device and connected it to the TV in the study.

The TV was turned on, the screen flickered a few times, and the faces of Huxi, Randy, and Ji Zi appeared.

"Your Majesty Wanan." Huxi and Randy raised their hands together to salute.

"Well, who is she?" Mu Liang nodded, and his eyes fell on the black-haired girl.

"Hello, Your Majesty..." Ji Zi stammered and saluted.

She stared at Mu Liang's eyes, she didn't expect His Majesty of the Xuanwu Kingdom to be so good-looking, she lost her mind for a while.

With a respectful tone, Huxi talked about what happened concisely: "Your Majesty, her name is Ji Zi, and she is an experimental subject who escaped from the Longevity Research Institute..."

"The Longevity Research Institute captured Xu Gui for human experiments?" Mu Liang's black eyes flashed with murderous intent.

…0 for flowers……

"These idiots, how can they keep ghosts?" Yuffier was so angry that she wished she could tear the people of the Longevity Research Institute to pieces right now.

"Yes, Ji Zi has the infection of the virtual ghost." Randy said and looked at the black-haired girl.

..Huh?" Ji Zi was stunned.

Randy blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "Let Your Majesty take a look."

"No, it's not good..." Ji Ziqiao blushed suddenly, and she stammered.

Mu Liangtou said, "No need."

He was a little dumbfounded, how could someone take off his clothes when they first met, it was really offensive.

Ji Zi let out a long breath, and looked at Mu Liang gratefully.

Mu Liang asked in a deep voice: "Miss Ji Zi, do you know where the Longevity Research Institute is?"

Ji Zi shook her head, and said in a weak voice: "I don't know, I escaped from hiding in the trash, and I didn't see the outside environment.

"I see." Mu Liang nodded slowly and lowered his eyes, thinking.

Randy asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Mu Liang raised his eyes and ordered: "I will send someone to deal with this matter, and you continue to go to other kingdoms to collect debts.

"Yes." Huxi and Randy raised their hands in salute.

Randy thought of something, and continued: "Your Majesty, that old man is unwilling to pay the pension, and even hunted us down."

"Bah, what an old man, he is the king of the Kingdom of Iconel." Hu Xi corrected.

Mu Liang frowned slightly, and asked, "What's the specific situation?"

Randy and Huxi looked at each other, and each of them told the story in a few words, without embellishment, let alone random nonsense, they knew that Mu Liang could see through lies.

"Well, I'll take care of it, you guys continue with the task." Mu Liang nodded coldly.

"Yes." Huxi and Randy responded in unison.

Mu Liang reminded: "Don't forget the portal."

"Yes, we will find a safe place to install the portal." Huxi said respectfully.

With the portal, it only takes half a day for the people sent by the reform to come from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Be careful."

"Yes." Huxi and Randy nodded vigorously.

The video call was interrupted, and Kaifeng looked at the darkened TV and began to meditate.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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