Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2667: She's Just A Child. (2 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The melodious sound of the bell rings a new day in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Inside the palace, the little maids got busy, some cleaned and some prepared breakfast.


Yue Feiyan yawned and walked into the main hall.

"Good morning, Miss Crimson Yan." Xiaomi greeted sweetly.

"Morning." Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes in response.

Qingwu asked concerned: "Miss Scarlet Yan didn't sleep well last night?"

Yue Feiyan glanced at the study room, turned her head and whispered: "I went to play mahjong last night, and I didn't sleep all night.

Qing Wu widened her beautiful eyes and said: "Hey, if His Majesty finds out about this, he will punish Miss to double her training.

"Then don't let Mu Liang know." Yue Feiyan said guiltily.

She hadn't entertained for too long. Last night, she played mahjong with Xi Beiqi, Nijisha, and Mino all night, and "Two Four Seven" didn't end until dawn.

"Don't let me know what?" An indifferent voice sounded behind the red-haired girl.

"Of course it's about playing mahjong all night..." Yue Feiyan spoke in a crisp voice, and stuttered halfway through her words.

She turned around with a stiff neck, and when she met Shang Muliang's deep eyes, she paused for breath.

Mu Liang raised his hand and knocked the red-haired girl on the head, and said angrily: "Today's training is doubled, if you can't finish it, you can't have dinner.

"Ah, I was wrong." Yue Feiyan suddenly became pitiful.

Mu Liang glanced at the girl, and said calmly: "You want to triple?"

"I don't want to, it's twice as much, I can't change it after the agreement." Yue Feiyan shook her head hastily, for fear that Mu Liang would go back on her word.

"If you do this again, the amount of training will be quadrupled next time." Mu Liang reminded.

Yue Feiyan hastily stretched out her hand to promise: "No more, I will play again after I rest.

"Well, go and comb your hair, it looks like a chicken coop." Mu Hao laughed.

"Oh, let's go now." Yue Feiyan nodded vigorously, and turned her head to leave.

She paused, turned her head and reminded: "Mu Liang, Mino, Xi Beiqi and Nijisha played mahjong with me last night.

After leaving a word, the red-haired girl fled back to the side hall.

"Yue Crimson Yan, you are too much." A charming voice sounded, and Xibeiqi stood not far away and glared at the red-haired girl as she ran away.

Mu Liang said unhappily: "Stop shouting, your training tasks today are also doubled."

Xi Beiqi pouted and looked at Mu Liang aggrievedly, trying to use this method to make him hold his hand high.

"Three times?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly.


Xi Beiqi exclaimed, and quickly said: "Twice, no more.

"I'll let people watch you." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Oh..." Xi Beiqi pouted, listless like frosted eggplant.

She rolled her golden eyes, and asked treacherously, "What about Nijisa?"

"Same." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Xi Beiqi asked again: "Where is Xiao Nuo?"

Mu Liang's mouth moved, and he said peacefully: "She's just a child.

"Huh?" Xi Beiqi's golden eyes widened, with an expression of suspicion that there was something wrong with her ears.

Mu Hao smiled and said, "Xiao Nuo is younger than you."

"Mu Liang, you are biased." Becky said aggrievedly.

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, lightly tapped the vampire girl's forehead, and said with a smile, "Punish Xiao Nuo to go to school for two extra classes today?"

After the war ended, schools resumed classes one after another, and Mino also continued to go to school as a teacher.

"Forget it."

Xibeqi sighed, and said to herself: "Mino is still young, let her be spared."

She walked away dejectedly, going to wash and change clothes.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yue Qinlan came out from the side hall, and said elegantly: "What's the arrangement for today's work?"

Mu Liang responded casually: "Go to the instant noodle factory."

A few days ago, he researched the production method of the new taste of instant noodles, and he has asked the instant noodle factory to try production, and it is time to see the production results today.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded lightly, turned around and went to the convoy where people were preparing to travel.

The instant noodle factory is not in the main city, and inspection work still requires a convoy. As a king, traveling can't be low-key.

Soon after, Yue Qinlan came back, and the little maids also prepared breakfast.

Mu Liang walked into the restaurant and sat down, Liyue and others also entered the restaurant one after another, greeted each other habitually and sat down.

Liyue looked at Nijisha and the others, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you become thieves last night?"

"No, I just know how to play mahjong." Nijisha said with a guilty conscience.

She had a rest yesterday, and although she had to train and take turns today, she still couldn't resist the temptation at night, and was pulled by Yue Feiyan and Xibeqi to play mahjong.

"It doesn't look like it, it looks like you are rewarding yourself for a night... 0" the fox fairy said in astonishing language.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

As soon as Nijisha took a sip of the soup, she choked on the fox-tailed woman's word of jackal.

"Hehehe, don't say it really looks alike." Yue Qinlan said with a smile like a flower.

Nijisha gritted her silver teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Mu Liangping interrupted in a harmonious voice: "Okay, I have something to arrange."

"What's the matter?" Li Yue took a bite of the meat bun, blinking her silver eyes.

Mu Liang said in a serious tone: "The people of the Longevity Research Institute are using virtual ghosts to do research on the human body, and someone needs to deal with it. 17

"What, there is a ghost's corpse in the Longevity Research Institute?" Nijisha's beautiful eyes widened.

"Could it be the ghost who smuggled there before?" Yue Qinlan's face turned cold, thinking about the ghost king who smuggled to the New World before.

"If it's just a corpse, it shouldn't be too harmful." Hu Immortal frowned.

Mu Liang's eyes turned cold, and he said word by word: "It's a living ghost."

"What, a living ghost." All the girls exclaimed at the same time, with killing intent welling up in their hearts.

Li Yuesha revealed unexpectedly: "No, there must be no living ghosts.

"The corpses of virtual ghosts cannot exist." Mu Liang said coldly.

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "The corpses of virtual ghosts can also infect people, but no one will know who is infected, and they will eventually be assimilated into real virtual ghosts. After a long time, it is easy for the virtual clan to reappear."

Li Yue nodded and said: "That's right, Xu Gui's corpse will be destroyed, and all infected people will be cured on 4.9."

When a person is infected by a virtual ghost, if not treated, his life will come to an end, and eventually he will die and become a virtual ghost.

Xibeiqi said viciously: "Damn immortals, they didn't do any good things, but they did some bad things."

"Tell me, who will be sent to handle this matter?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

Yue Qinlan said in a crisp voice: "After all, it is in the Kingdom of Iconel, and the person who handles this matter must have certain strength.

Hu Xian said in a charming voice: "Then let Xin Xi go, and Mia will also go with her, so that it is convenient for things like checking information.

Catwoman's awakening ability allows her to hide in the dark, and it will be safe to inquire about information and will not be discovered.

"Well, that's it." Mu Liang thought for a while, then nodded and finalized.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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