Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2668: Perfect The Biological Chain. (1 More)

"Knock knock knock~~~"

Liyue knocks on the door of the study, and pushes in after getting Mu Liang's consent.


"Mu Liang, the convoy is ready and ready to go at any time." Yue Qing said briefly.

"Then let's go." Mu Liang stood up as he said, and put the documents in his hands back into the cabinet.

The silver-haired girl followed him out and closed the study door smoothly.

Outside the palace, the highland guards stood in two rows wearing ghost cloaks and shields, with a motorcycle beside them.

Yue Qinlan stood beside the car, thoughtfully opened the rear door, and said gracefully: "My Majesty, please get in the car."

"Okay." A smile flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, and he bent down and got into the car.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Liyue skillfully inspected all the parts in the car to ensure the safety of the car.

Yue Qinlan closed the door after getting into the car, and said elegantly: "We can go."

"Let's go, the journey is not short." Mu Liang said softly.

"Yes." Li Yue replied, started the car and drove forward slowly.

The highland guards saw the car start, so they all straddled their motorcycles and took the lead to drive towards the highland. 30


The convoy drove away from the high ground, galloped on the main city road, and fled to the outside of the local area.

Liyue looked ahead and gradually increased the speed, the car was still very stable.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Mia and Xinxi are leaving?"

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "It's not long since we set off, but Huxi hasn't installed the portal yet, so we may not be able to reach the Kingdom of Iconel until evening.

"Well, don't worry, the Kingdom of Iconel will not be destroyed suddenly." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Yueqin's blue eyes were full of coldness, and she said, "If the Changsheng Research Institute is related to the Imperial Family of Iconel, maybe he should really be destroyed."

Mu Liang said lightly: "Well, the immortals in the immortal crowd are basically royal nobles, maybe there is a real connection between the two.

The research funds of the Immortal Research Institute are basically provided by the Immortals, and the Immortal Research Institute is responsible for the study of longevity, and the Immortals enjoy the results of the research, which is a relationship of mutual help and mutual benefit.

"Hmph, they shouldn't have set their minds on Xu Gui, it's self-destruction." Yue Qinlan said coldly.

"Yeah, self-destruction is dark." Mu Ye's eyes were radiating coldness.

He will never allow the Xu Clan to have a chance to make a comeback, and all signs will be killed in the bud.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and asked, "Are you going to let Xin Xi go to collect the debt, or will you go there yourself later?"

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "Let Xinxi go, her strength can easily deal with King Ikenel."

"Okay, I'll let someone tell her." Yue Qinlan nodded.

"Well, let her go to Hulie Kingdom by the way." Mu Liang reminded.

The Kingdom of Hulie is also unwilling to pay pensions and bonuses. Since Xinxi is going to the New World, let her go by the way.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded in her heart.


The convoy drove out of the main city, and the speed increased again until it left for the factory area.

The method of making instant noodles is classified, and the factory is built in the factory area, and any unrelated personnel are not allowed to enter.

Mu Liang looked sideways out of the window, and mountains appeared at the end of his line of sight.

Before the rock turtle evolved to the thirteenth level, there were only a handful of mountains in the Xuanwu Kingdom, unlike at this time when there were more than a thousand mountains.

"Mu Liang, what's the use of having so many mountains?" Yue Qinlan asked gracefully.

Mu Liang said softly: "You can plant fruit trees, spices and green plants on it, even if you just look at it, it will be pleasing to the eye, and the landscape is also very important."

He thought of the landscape of Guilin he had visited in his previous life, as well as the waterfall that flew down three thousand feet, etc., all of which could be reproduced in Xuanwu Chou Country.

"In this way, it sounds very good." Yue Qinlan nodded slowly.

Mu Liang continued: "The ecology of the Xuanwu Kingdom is not complete enough. There are too few species of creatures in the mountains, forests, lakes and rivers. They need to be gradually enriched."

For example, a big mountain cannot only have green plants without birds, animals, insects, etc., so the biosphere is too barren, and it is difficult to form a complete biological chain.

"So we want to release some birds and animals?" Yue Qinlan asked elegantly.

Mu Liang warmly said: "You can't release them casually. The restraint relationship between species needs to be clarified, and the number of herbivores and carnivores needs to be reasonably arranged."

If there are too many herbivores, it is easy to eat up all the green plants, so as to reproduce without limit.

But if there are too many carnivores, it will cause too many deaths and injuries to the herbivores. In the end, the carnivores have nothing to eat and are likely to attack humans.

"It sounds like you have a big head." Yue Qinlan twitched the corners of her mouth.

Mu Liang smiled, and said peacefully: "Wait for two days, I will write a plan, and arrange according to what I wrote.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Liyue secretly rejoiced that this job was not suitable for her, it was a waste of brain cells.

Not long after, a high wall appeared at the end of Liyue's line of sight, which was the wall of the factory area.

The wall is fifteen meters high, and there are spirit weapon cannons and annihilation weapons on the city wall. There are only two entrances and exits, which are the front gate and the rear gate.

"Your Majesty is coming, open the door quickly." The soldiers on duty on the city wall gave an order.


The heavy gates slowly moved to both sides, revealing the width that the convoy could pass through. 300 Liyue relaxes her feet, slows down the speed of the car, and drives safely into the factory gate.

"Stop." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." Liyue turned the steering wheel and let the car park in the parking space in the factory area.

The highland guards also parked their motorcycles and stood straight in two rows.

Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan got out of the car one after another and stared at the factory building in the factory area. The evolution of the rock turtle did not affect this place, at least the factory building was intact.

Under the protection of the highland guards, Mu Liang and others walked to the factory building on the left, where instant noodles are produced, and the studio for researching new instant noodles is also there.

As soon as everyone arrived outside the factory building, the person in charge hurried down from upstairs.

"Your Majesty Wanan, I have met the clerk." The person in charge saluted respectfully.

Mu Liang asked bluntly, "Has the new instant noodles been mass-produced?"

"Your Majesty, mass production of three flavors has begun." The person in charge said respectfully.

Mu Liang raised his chin and said calmly: "Let's go, lead the way to see."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please come with me." The person in charge gestured with his hand, walked on one side to lead the way, and walked to the depths of the factory building.

The first floor of the factory is where the raw materials are processed, and the wheat, rice, spices, and green vegetables shipped in will be piled up here.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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