Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2676: It Will Disappear Even One Day. (2 More)

In the middle of Feilitai City, the royal palace of the Kingdom of Iconel is located.

Using her awakening ability and her shadow armor, Mia successfully entered the palace and was hiding in a room in the side hall.

She moved carefully, searching for clues in the side hall.

This is the royal palace, there may be powerful masters, so be extra careful.

As time passed, Catwoman spent two hours searching most of the side halls, but still found nothing.

Mia hid on the beam, watching the maids walking past below, her eyes flickering.

Now only the main hall and the apse are left unsearched, and there may still be darkrooms and basements.

It's just that there are many people in these places, and there are knights and maids on duty at the door, so it's not realistic to go in and find clues without anyone noticing.

Mia thought for a while, took out the ghost armor and put it on, the nine colors flashed by~, she entered the invisible state.

Catwoman remained invisible, quietly kidnapped the last maid, took her to an unoccupied side hall, and at the same time activated the silencer [so that the voice in the side hall could not be heard.

"Who are you?" The maid's eyes were full of horror, she never expected that someone would dare to kidnap her forcibly in the palace.

"Keep quiet, or break your neck." Mia said coldly.

She maintained an invisible state and did not show her figure, this was to avoid hidden dangers for the maid to remember her face.


The maid moved her throat, swallowed her saliva and stopped talking, but from her trembling body, it could be seen that she was afraid at this time.

Mia's voice was still cold, and she asked, "Is there any dark room or basement in the palace?"

"I, I don't know." The maid said with a trembling voice.

Mia said coldly: "Don't lie, or your neck will be broken."

"I..." The maid's pupils shrank.

"Think clearly before answering me." Mia reminded.

The maid hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and said: "I know that there is a darkroom in His Majesty's study, which is underground, and I really don't know about the rest."

She discovered this secret by accident. When she went to deliver cakes to the king, she accidentally saw that the entrance to the underground was not fully closed and heard a strange sound coming from inside.

She was very scared at that time, she didn't dare to go up to take a closer look, and ran away with the pastry.

The maid knew that if the king knew about this, she would surely die in order not to leak out the secret, so she kept this matter in her heart and dared not mention it to anyone.

"Sure enough." Mia's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

The maid said with a trembling voice: "My lord, don't tell others that I said it, I don't want to die."

"Of course, I don't know you." Mia comforted.

The maid also heaved a sigh of relief, because she was curious about who this invisible woman was.

Mia continued to ask: "Let me ask you another question, is there anything strange about your majesty, or is there any pursuit?"

"Strange place..." The maid frowned and thought about it.

She tentatively said, "His Majesty has been very angry these two days, isn't it strange?"

"Why angry?" Mia asked suspiciously.

The maid said in a small voice: "Well, because of the Xuanwu Kingdom's envoys, they called His Majesty a bad old man, his face is as ugly as a rotten fruit, and the wrinkles on his face can kill flies or something... ...

.” Mia took a deep breath and fell silent.

"They scolded in front of His Majesty, and finally escaped smoothly." The maid continued.

Mia only felt that Huxi and Randy were more courageous than the sky, no wonder King Ikenel was so angry.

"Is there anything else unusual?" she asked in a low voice.

"Let me think about it..." The maid blinked her beautiful eyes and began to think.

She seemed to feel that Catwoman would not hurt her, and her body relaxed.

Mia said indifferently: "Think carefully, if the answer is useful to me, I can give you some benefits."

She knows how to give a stick and then a sweet date, otherwise she can only give the maid the 'truth medicine' to force her to tell the truth.

"What's the benefit?" the maid asked subconsciously.

"Think quickly." Mia's voice became cold.

The maid shrank her neck, recalled the past, and said after a while: "I have heard the conversation between His Majesty and the Queen. It seems that they talked about eternal life, and there are some immortality research institutes. I didn't hear too much. carefulness."

Mia's spirit was shaken, and she was pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect that the little maid in front of her knew a lot.

The maid asked in a low voice: "My lord, is this news useful?"

"Well, it's not necessary." Mia replied perfunctorily.

She turned her beautiful eyes and asked, "Do you know where the Longevity Research Institute they are talking about is?"

"I don't know." The maid shook her head.

0...seeking flowers...0

She paused, and continued: "There is something strange, in the past few years, people in the palace have always disappeared suddenly.

Mia's eyes flickered, and she had a vague guess in her heart that these disappeared people were probably arrested for research.

"Very well, what do you want?" She asked coldly.

"My lord, I want to leave the palace, can you take me out?" the maid asked seriously.

Mia asked calmly, "Why do you want to leave the palace?"

The maid said in fear: "I'm afraid that if I stay here, I will disappear one day."

"In the past ten days, twenty-five people have suddenly disappeared, and I think it will be my turn soon." Her voice trembled.

Mia thought of Ji Zi, the group of people who disappeared recently, like her, were all arrested to do virtual ghost research.


She said coldly: "I understand, but you have to do me a favor first, and I will send you out of the palace after the matter is done.

"What's the matter?" the maid asked curiously.

"Take me to your majesty's study." Mia said word by word.

The maid shook her body and said hastily: "No, this will make His Majesty suspect that I will definitely die by then.

Mia comforted: "No, with me here, they can't find me, and you don't need to go into the study, just tell me where the entrance to the basement is.

The maid hesitated, feeling tangled in her heart.

She gritted her teeth, and said: "The lord will send me out of Feilitai City to ensure my safety.

"Yes, if I can complete the task, I can even send you to other kingdoms." Mia said indifferently.

"Really, then I'm going to the Xuanwu Kingdom." The maid's beautiful eyes lit up.

"..." Mia's mouth moved.

She said in a deep voice: "Yes, the premise is that I can complete Ren Luo.

"Okay, I'll take you there." The servant girl's expression became firm.

"Let's go." Mia replied.

The silencer was put away, and the maid stood up and walked out. Although she couldn't see Catwoman, she could feel her nearby. If there was any abnormal movement, her head would be separated from her body in the next second.

This was discovered by Mia on purpose by the maid, reminding her not to make small moves, otherwise she could easily kill her.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for a custom towel. .

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