Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2677: They Will Pay The Price. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The maid walked to the main hall, and the king's study was just behind the main hall.

"Xiaoxiang, where did you go just now?" A questioning voice sounded, and the head maid who was in charge of the maids stopped in front of Xiaoxiang, the meanness on his face was obvious.

Xiaoxiang shook her body, lowered her head and said respectfully: "My lord, it's convenient for me to go.

Don't you need to ask for instructions if it's convenient? This is the royal palace, it's not your home that can be so casual. "The head maid reprimanded coldly.

"Yes, I will pay attention next time." Xiaoxiang said quickly.

The head maid sneered and said, "Next time, if there is a next time, you can empty the dung bucket for other people.

"Yes." Xiaoxiang was humiliated, and could only nod with a pale face.

She bowed and turned to leave.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" the head maid asked with a frown.

"Go back to my lord, I'll deliver cakes to His Majesty." Xiao Xiang explained "Seven Nine Seven".

She was going to the king's study, and she could only go there under the pretext of delivering pastries, otherwise it would easily arouse suspicion.

The head maid sneered, and ordered arrogantly: "You don't need to do this job, you go and clean the bedroom for His Royal Highness. y

Xiaoxiang's complexion became even paler. Who in the palace didn't know that the second prince was extremely lustful and had a tyrannical personality. Whenever the second prince met any pretty maids, they would be tortured into inhumans.

"My lord, I can't do this job." Xiaoxiang said with a trembling voice.

"Why, do you want to refuse?" The maid's long eyes narrowed slightly, and she was about to slap the girl's face with her hand.

"It's really in the way." The cold voice sounded suddenly.

The next moment, there was a clear slap mark on the head maid's face, and then the whole person flew upside down.



The head maid only had time to cry out in pain, and then she rolled her eyes and passed out directly.

Xiaoxiang opened her pink lips and looked at this scene in shock.

"Big, my lord, isn't this bad?" She stammered.

"Why, do you want to go to the second prince?" Mia's cold voice sounded in the girl's ear.

Before the girl could reply, she continued: "Don't waste time, I'll take care of whoever gets in the way."


Xiaoxiang could clearly feel Catwoman's breathing, her ears turned red slowly, and explained in a low voice: "My lord, I don't want to go to the second prince's place, but won't it be too eye-catching for the head maid to lie here?"

Mia didn't care and said: "She's not dead, just hide her."

"Hoo Hoo~~~"

Xiaoxiang heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and looked around, but couldn't find a suitable place to hide the head maid.

Mia took out an empowering pearl, condensed a web of spider silk, and fixed the head maid's body on the eaves to prevent her from waking up and yelling, so she covered her mouth with a layer of spider silk.

Xiaoxiang stared blankly, if people passing by didn't look up, they wouldn't even notice that there was a big living person above their heads.

She couldn't help asking: "My lord, if no one finds her, will she die?"

Mia explained in a cold voice: "The spider silk will decompose and disappear after half a day, and she can come down naturally by then.

"Oh." Xiaoxiang nodded.

"Go, don't waste time." Mia urged in a low voice.

"Yes." Xiaoxiang took a deep breath, adjusted the expression on her face, and continued to order a doctor in the study room of the main hall.

She first went to the kitchen, brought out a plate of pastries, and then walked to the study in the main hall.

I met a lot of people on the way, but no one asked her what she was going to do, except for the maid's longevity, after that, it can be said that the journey was smooth.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xiaoxiang came to the depths of the main hall, where it was very quiet, only occasionally seeing other busy maids.

"Is Your Majesty in the study?" Xiao Xiang stopped a maid and asked.

The maid said casually: "Your Majesty has gone to the apse."

"Okay, I'll put the pastry in the study, and you can eat it when your Majesty comes back." Xiaoxiang said and walked towards the study.

There was a maid on duty at the door of the study, she pushed the door open, put the pastries on the table, and her eyes fell vaguely on a row of bookshelves in the corner.

Mia understood, raised her hand and silently patted Xiaoxiang's shoulder, indicating that she could leave.

Xiaoxiang breathed a sigh of relief, and under the watchful eyes of the other maids, she left the study calmly.


The study door was closed again, Catwoman took out the silencer, and the sound in the study was isolated.

Mia went to the bookshelf after finishing these, and carefully checked the things on it.

The next moment, she moved a vase, and the entire bookshelf rotated, revealing an entrance leading to the ground.

Mia's eyes lit up immediately: "I finally found it."

She moved the vase on the bookshelf again. Before the bookshelf rotated back to its original position, Catwoman used her awakening ability to blend into the darkness, and went underground along the underground passage...


The bookshelves are back in place, and no one can be seen to have opened the secret door.

Underground, Mia hid in the darkness, successfully reached the depths of the ground, and immediately noticed a familiar aura.

Her eyes suddenly turned cold, it was the breath of a virtual ghost.

Catwoman continued to hide in the darkness, heading deep underground along the long passage.

The underground space is very large, and there are rooms on both sides of the passage, and the heavy iron doors are tightly closed.

Mia could feel the evil aura behind the iron gate, which belonged to Xu Gui.

She continued to go deep underground, and soon saw people from the Longevity Research Institute. They were old men who were surrounding a big bed with a middle-aged man lying on it.

The middle-aged man's body was covered with scarlet lines, his eyes turned as black as ink, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

Mia's eyes turned cold, knowing that this man was hopeless, with scarlet marks all over his body, and he was not far from death.

"It seems to have failed again." The old man with a gray beard said regretfully.

Another fatter old man analyzed: "This experimental product is too weak, we need to find a stronger one.

"This is already a powerhouse of the fifth rank, no matter how strong it is, it's hard to find." The skinny old man said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, I don't care, let Iknell do it." The fat old man said indifferently.

"Well, we are only responsible for doing research, and other things will be handled by someone." The old man with a gray beard agreed with 5.4.

"Let's go, let's go see other experimental products." The thin old man walked out with his hands behind his back, and soon there was only the middle-aged man on the bed left in the laboratory.

Mia waited for a while before she came out of the darkness and stepped in front of the middle-aged man.


The man opened his eyes, eyes full of bloodlust, and he stared at Catwoman.

His mouth moved and his voice was hoarse: "Kill me...

Mia took a deep breath, took out a secret medicine and fed it to the man, which could relieve his pain and understand his life.

Catwoman began to collect evidence with the camera again, taking pictures of the man's appearance and the surrounding environment.

She finally looked at the man with a cross and said seriously: "They will pay the price. "

The man grinned, and then the vitality in his eyes gradually disappeared.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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