Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 943 Why do you like to compare so much.

(2 more)

call out!!

Yue Feiyan descended from the sky and returned to the eighth floor of the high ground.

She walked quickly into the palace and met Liyue who had come back from morning exercises.

"Liyue!!" Yue Feiyan exclaimed excitedly.

Liyue asked in surprise, "What happened, are you so excited?"

"I was shocked." Yue Feiyan's pretty face flushed.

The white-haired girl was puzzled, stopped to listen.

"I started flying at Thousand Thorns Pass in the morning and flew around the little Black Tortoise. Guess how long did I fly before returning to Thousand Thorns Pass?" Yue Feiyan asked seriously.

"Five minutes?" Liyue blinked her silver-white eyes, wondering why the red-haired girl asked.

Yue Feiyan shook her head and said, "More than that, guess again."

"That's ten minutes?" Liyue continued to guess in cooperation.

"No, it took a full half an hour to fly back to Thousand Thorns Pass." Yue Feiyan exclaimed.

Li Yuefen opened her lips slightly, and said in surprise: "At your speed, it will take half an hour to fly around the little Black Tortoise?"

At the flying speed of the red-haired girl, flying for half an hour is enough to see how big the rock tortoise is now.

After the rock tortoise evolves to ten first-level, Liyue and others have not seen its full picture. After all, there are only a few people who can go to the sky anytime, anywhere.

If the silver-haired girl wants to go to the sky, she must use flying beasts and flying spirit weapons, otherwise she can only let Sibeqi and others fly with her.

"I'm still flying at full speed. It took only half an hour to complete a lap." Yue Feiyan lifted slightly under one bar.

"Little Black Tortoise has become too big!!" Riyue exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm all tired of flying." Yue Feiyan said playfully.

"That's because your strength is too weak." Yue Qinlan's words with a slightly sarcasm tone came.

"Mother!!" Yue Feiyan turned around, and the elegant woman walked into the palace gracefully.

With her hands on her hips, she proudly said: "Mother, my strength will soon surpass yours."

"You?" Yue Qin Lan Jiao had a smile on her nice face.

She fiddled with her long aqua-blue hair, and said to herself: "In one year, I will become an eighth-level master, you can't catch up."

"Eh? Tier 8 master??" Yue Feiyan's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Of course." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

She is now at the seventh level. According to Mu Liang, when the Star Tree evolves again and eats the evolved Star Fruit, her strength will grow faster.

"Then I will become a Tier 8 master in a year!!" Yue Feiyan made a fist and waved.

"It didn't take long for you to become a Tier 6 powerhouse. Don't think too much." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to pinch her daughter's face, and knead it a few times like kneading dough.

"Mmm, don't pinch my face~~~" Yue Feiyan's eyes were tearful, and she protested aggrievedly.

"ー So happy early!" Mu Liang walked into the main hall leisurely with a gentle smile on his face.

Yue Feiyan's eyes gleamed, her eyes showed hopefully and asked: "Mu Liang, when will I become a powerful HI?"

Mu Liang laughed blankly: "In three years' time.

"Huh?" Yue Feiyan suddenly collapsed.

"Ascension's strength must be step by step, take it slowly." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Okay." Yue Weiyan gathered up the fat gang.

"Take it slowly." Yue Qinlan's lips curled slightly and repeated.

"Damn it, let my mother be proud for another three years." Yue Feiyan looked at her mother's triumphant smile, feeling even more depressed.

"Three years later, I may be a Tier 9 master." Yue Qinlan said lightly.

"...Yue Feiyan twitched the corner of her mouth and walked to the restaurant depressed.

With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang stretched out his hand and poked the elegant woman's cheek lightly, and said softly, "It's a bit difficult to become a Tier 9 master in three years."

"I know, just teasing her." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Becoming a Tier 9 master in three years, for ordinary powerhouses, is almost the same as the Arabian Nights.

"But it's not impossible." Mu Liang laughed.

"Right, ah? It's not impossible?" Yue Qinlan was stunned, staring at him in astonishment.

"Anything is possible." Mu Liang flicked the elegant woman's forehead without explaining too much.

Minuo poked his head out of the dining room and shouted: "Mu Liang, sister Qinlan, come and have breakfast."

"Well, here it is." Mu Liang responded, turned and walked towards the restaurant.

"Becoming a Tier 9 master in three years!!" Yue Qinlan's eyes flashed, and she didn't think Mu Liang was teasing herself.

Or, there are new changes.

She stopped thinking about it and walked to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, everyone was seated. After Mu Liang moved his chopsticks, the rest of the people followed up to take food.

"Mu Liang, are going to build shelters and patrol workshops in the morning, and plan new farmland in the afternoon?" Yueqinlan checked Mu Liang's itinerary.

"Yeah." Mu Liang responded.

"Mu Liang, do you need my help?" Mino asked crisply.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said gently, "You, help collect the lotus seeds in the back garden. You can also harvest the tears of angels."

...For flowers...

Good fortune Qinglian has lotus seeds that mature every once in a while and need to be collected in time, otherwise they will fall into the lake and be eaten by crystal fish.

"Okay." Mino nodded vigorously.

Breakfast ended after half an hour, and Mu Liang got up and left the restaurant, preparing to go to the inner city to build a shelter.

"Mu Liang, wait for me." After taking a few sips of the wheat porridge in the bowl, Yue Qinlan got up and twisted to catch up.

Yue Feiyan looked at her mother's back, her figure wrapped in aquamarine skirt, twisted and twisted as she walked, elegance is elegant, but not so convenient.

She murmured: "What's the use for it, but armor is convenient."

"But the aquamarine dress is pretty." Xibeiqi said charmingly.

"My Vermillion Bird armor looks better." Yue Feiyan raised her chin.

"Why do you mother and daughter love to compare so much?" Fox Fairy asked with a smile.

"Is there?" Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes.

"Yes!!" In the restaurant, the others responded in unison.

"No!" Yue Feiyan turned his head.


The restaurant laughed and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious.

On the other side, Mu Liang and Yueqinlan took a carriage and headed for the inner city square.

At this time, the inner city square was surrounded by patrol guards with ropes and wooden stakes to prevent the city residents from approaching.

"What is this going to do?" Su'er squeezed the bicycle brake and looked sideways at the empty square.

"You didn't read today's newspaper, did you?" a passing city citizen asked with a smile.

"I just finished my work, and I haven't had time to buy a newspaper." Su'er explained.

She is off today. She cleaned up the house at home early in the morning. She just went out after finishing her work, planning to go shopping in the inner city commercial street.

"No wonder." The enthusiastic city citizen suddenly said.

He stopped and explained: "The Lord of the City is planning to build a shelter under the square."

"Refuge?" Su'eri was full of question marks again.

"The newspaper said that when a ghost breaks into Black Tortoise, we can go to the evacuation shelter and say it is safe."

"The Lord of the City is really nice. He always considers us."

"Yes, Lord Santos is my god."

Su'er listened to the praise of the city residents, and his admiration for Mu Liang ascending to a new height.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. So.

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