(3 more)


Moonwolf pulled the carriage into the inner city and stopped by the square.

"The Lord of the City is here!!"

"Quickly give in, don't get in the way of Lord City Lord."

The city residents shouted excitedly, consciously stepped back and gave way to the area around the carriage.


Wei Youlan opened the door of the carriage and said respectfully: "Mr. Mu Liang, I have arrived."


Mu Liang and Yueqinlan got off the car one after another.

"Hello, Lord of the City!!" The city people bowed in excitement and saluted.

"Hello." Mu Liang returned with a faint smile.

"Ah, Lord Santos smiled at me.

"I think I'm in love"

"Go away and let me wake her up."


The city residents were discussing with excitement and made some jokes.

After Mu Liang nodded, he walked to the square with a "four zero zero" step.

"My Lord of the City!" "Cheng Mao raised his hand in a respectful salute.

He nodded to the elegant woman again: "Your clerk.

"Well, you step back, and be careful not to let people approach the square." Mu Liang said.

"Yes." Cheng Mao replied respectfully and led the patrol out of the square.

"Need my help?" Yue Qinlan asked elegantly.

"No, just look at it." Mu Liang raised his hand, and the elegant woman floated off the ground, floating lightly outside the square.

"My clerk is so beautiful!"

"Yes, it's a good match for Lord Santo.

Yue Qinlan listened to the praise of the city residents, and Qiao's face was blushed, and her heart was very happy.

Turning her attention back to the square, she saw Mu Liang raise her hand, and the ground under her feet cracked like a checkerboard grid.

In the shocked eyes of the city residents, the square was divided into countless pieces of one-meter square soil, slowly floating above the city lord's head.

Mu Liang's mind moved, and the ground under his feet continued to split and was also divided into squares of the same size.

Under his control, the ground was dug deeper and deeper. After reaching a depth of ten meters, Mu Liang stopped digging down.

"It should be almost done." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he continued to dig down, fearing that he would be able to dig the rock shell of the rock tortoise.

He looked around, and the pit he dug was 500 meters long and wide, and 10 meters deep.

Mu Liang continued to work and continued digging around the ground, hollowing out most of the underground in the residential area and digging out a five-meter-high underground space.


Mu Liang's voice fell, and the dazzling light filled the entire underground space, which was large enough to accommodate forty thousand people.

"It should be enough," he muttered softly.

Dig the main body of the shelter, and then it should be reinforced.

Mu Liang used the crystal control ability, and the colored glaze covered the ground, spreading like the previous four weeks, and quickly covered the entire underground space.

To be safe, he used colored glaze to make one hundred two-meter-thick columns to prop up the top of the underground space.

Mu Liang's method of building a shelter is like building an underground parking lot in his previous life.

It's just that the materials used to support the ground are all colored glaze, which is two meters thick, which can support the ground effortlessly and resist the attacks of the eighth-order virtual ghost.

"There are eight entrances." Mu Liang used his abilities and also used colored glaze to build a passage to the ground.

They are located in the east, south, west, and north of the shelter, taking care of every aspect of the inner city.

The passage is inclined thirty-five degrees and consists of sections of glazed steps.

The width of the passage is five meters, enough for many people to enter and exit at the same time.

"The main body is built, the next thing to solve is the problems of ventilation and entrance gates." Mu Liang lowered his eyes.

For the ventilation problem, Mu Liang had a solution in mind.

It only needs to dig a few hidden passages to the ground and install the fan blades driven by the steam engine.

Start the steam engine to drive the fan blades to rotate, and the air from the ground can be brought into the refuge.

In the same way, the turbid air in the refuge can be pumped out only by installing the fan blades in reverse.

Mu Liang has another method, which is to extend the roots of the Star tree into the refuge, which can also purify the air and bring oxygen.

"You can try both methods." Mu Liang decided.

"The next step is to solve the problem of the refuge gate." He pondered.

Use colored glaze to build a gate?

"The colored glaze is too heavy to open and close the door. If you use a mechanical structure to drive the door, it's not impossible." Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

He remembered that the huge gate of the transfer base was driven by a pulley block.

I think it’s better to do it yourself, Mu Liang did just that.

He used colored glaze to make a huge colored glaze door with a thickness of two meters.

Mu Liang kept moving his hands and continued to use colored glaze to make gears, bearings, and pulleys.

He stayed underground for two hours before building the gate of the underground refuge.

In the thick glazed wall, gears and pulleys are embedded in it

Only a section of two-fingered spider silk was exposed, connected to a rotating handle.

Mu Liang reached out and turned the handle to wind up the spider silk a bit, and the spider silk pulled the pulley block to pull the shelter door with minimal force.


The door of the refuge opened slowly, and Liyue was standing behind.

"Why are you here?" Mu Liang asked gently.

"Curious, come and have a look." Liyue said softly.

"Come just right, try to open the door." Mu Liang let go and let the door of the refuge close slowly.

"Okay." Liyue stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the handle, and turned it clockwise.

Crunchy~ With the sour squeaking sound, the door of the refuge opened again.

The silver-haired girl has a reddened face, which is due to excessive exertion.

"It seems that ordinary city residents still can't open and close the door." Mu Liang sighed.

"Mu Liang, this door is too heavy." Liyue smiled bitterly.

"Although it is heavy, it should be no problem to block the attack of the eighth-order virtual ghost." Mu Liang believes.

"It should be possible." Liyue thought thoughtfully.

You know, the glaze condensed by Mu Liang now has a hardness that is ten times stronger than that of stainless steel.

Two meters from the front door, can the eighth-order virtual ghost break through?

"Suddenly there was a doubt." Mu Liang said suddenly.

"What?" Liyue blinked her silver-white eyes and looked at Mu Liang curiously.

Mu Liang asked with a smile, "You said that with such a thick door, can Yanbing go through it?"

The awakening ability of the purple-haired girl is'through walls, but not only through walls, such as doors, stone walls 2.1, wooden boards, etc., can penetrate.

It's just that the higher the density and the thicker the object, the harder it is for her to traverse.

"It shouldn't be possible, it's too thick." Liyue shook her head and guessed.

"Well, I think so." Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

He thought for a while, but he still didn't plan to let the purple-haired girl try, this is to avoid accidents.

In case, if she fails to awaken because the door is too thick, what will happen in Carmen?

"Find a few Enhancers to guard the refuge, and distribute them to the'Juli Pearl'. After taking it, you can easily open and close the door." Mu Liang decided.

Juli Pearl, which is made by Mu Liang with empowering pearls, after taking it, you can use the power "Julika" endowed by the giant pincer ant.

"I will arrange it."" Riyue answered earnestly.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. .

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