Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 968 The fierce beast that came to the door by himself. (3 more)

Samsung Building, Room 305 on the third floor.

Bai Shuang was sitting by the bed, speaking to the demon pet: "Golden Bhikkhu, my action is very dangerous this time, you stay in the room and wait for me to come back."

She had already stepped on it, ready to climb the wall of Urn City and go to the inner city to find the City Lord Black Tortoise.


The golden bhikkhu shook his body and indicated his refusal.

"Do you want to go together?" Hoarshuang reached out and poked Jinbi-Yau's body.


Golden Bhikkhu flapped his wings and circled the purple-haired girl.

"You can go, you can only hide, and you can't be discovered by others." Bai Shuang said with a serious face.


The moving body of the Golden Bhikkhu stopped and turned around in place, expressing his understanding.

"It can't shine either, you know?" Hoarshuang said with a stern face.

The Golden Bhikkhu once again turned around in place, his little wings flapping and flapping.

Bai Shuang nodded in satisfaction and decided to say: "Very well, then I will take you with me.

She got up to the window and glanced at the street downstairs. There were no pedestrians at this time.

"Very good, it's now." Hoarshuang's beautiful eyes gleamed.

She took out a small pottery bottle from her waist and carefully poured out a gray pill, similar in size to a longan core.

"Only this one is left, I hope to succeed." Bai Shuang murmured.

This is an invisibility potion, refined by the eighth-order alchemist of Hai Ting Kingdom, and can be invisible for one hour after taking it.

The purple-haired girl feels a little distressed, the invisibility potion is very precious, and only a pharmacist of rank 8 or above can refine it.

Bai Shuang opened her mouth and swallowed the invisibility potion.

After a few breaths, the purple-haired girl's body began to become transparent.

After a while, only Golden Bhikkhu remained in the room.


Kim Picchu panicked and flew around the room.

"Golden Bhikkhu, don't panic, I'm still there." Hoarshuang's cold voice sounded.

"Bhikkhu?" Kim Bhikkhu was stunned.


The window of the room was pushed open, and the wind rushed into the room.

"Well, you go out from the window and fly over the high wall first. We meet behind the wall." Bai Shuang exhorted.


Golden Bhikkhu responded, flapped his wings and flew out, disappearing into the night.

Hoarfrost no longer delays, ready to act.

She can be invisible for only one hour, and she has to enter the inner city before the end.


The door was slowly opened and then slowly closed.

Outside the door, the invisible Nijisha was stunned for a moment, the door was opened and closed, why no one came out?

Could it be that the purple-haired woman also has the ability to be invisible?

Nijisha became serious, and quickly used her awakening ability. A pair of invisible eyes appeared in Room Three and Five, but she did not see the figure of the purple-haired girl.

She suddenly became nervous, moved her eyes to the bathroom, and also did not see the purple-haired girl.

"Did you leave the window?" Nigisha frowned.

She hesitated, then pushed the door in front of her open, and went into the room to check.

The green-haired girl looked around for a while before she was sure that the purple-haired girl had left.

As for how to leave, it is not certain.

"Will you come back?" Nijisha said with a cold face and decided to wait here for a while.

On the other side, Baishuang had quietly left the Samsung Building and came to the outside of Wengcheng.

She maintained her invisibility and began to climb the walls of Wengcheng.

"It's really high!!" She murmured in her heart, but the climbing movement was not slow.

Although the purple-haired girl is a magician, her body's flexibility is no worse than that of some knights. She uses daily potions to strengthen her body and is trained by the palace knights.

In stealth, she successfully climbed the city wall of Wengcheng.

She took a long breath and scanned both ends of the city wall. Not far away, there was a city defense army patrolling, coming towards her.

The purple-haired girl subconsciously held her breath and dared to breathe a sigh of relief when the city defense army passed by.

She walked to the other side of the city wall, complaining in her heart, why did she build the high wall so wide?

Hoarfrost trot up, then climbed over the walls of the city and began to fall towards the ground.

The place where she fell was just where the bloody moonlight could not cover her, and it was the darkest place beside the city wall.

"Very well, come in!" Excited light flashed in Hoarfrost's purple and golden eyes.

She stood up, patted the dust on her body, and whispered: "I am the princess of the Hai Ting Kingdom. Don't be caught by anyone doing such sneaky things.

Thinking of this, she was thankful that no one knew herself on this mysterious island, at least no one knew her at the moment.


Suddenly, invisible waves spread out, and billions of stars fell from the sky, covering the entire turtle back and covering every green plant.

After the tree of life evolves to ten first-level, the coverage of the life Realm has also increased.

And it can be controlled by the life elves to accurately cover a certain area and control the high or low of the spawning multiple.

...For flowers...

Now the upgraded life Realm covers the entire turtle back to improve the mud and sand coming up from the seabed and make the land suitable for planting green plants.

"What is this?" Bai Shuang's beautiful eyes widened, and she reached out her hand to cover her mouth, and didn't let herself exclaim in exclamation.

She was breathing quickly, her heartbeat accelerated, and she looked around vigilantly.

Time passed bit by bit.

"Huh?" Bai Shuang blinked her beautiful purple and golden eyes. No one came to catch her. Are you worrying too much?

She looked back at the city wall, turned and ran, and ran forward along the main road.

I don't know how long I ran until the invisibility potion lost its efficacy and the body was revealed.

"It seems that it was a false alarm." Hoarshuang relaxed.

She looked back at Wengcheng again, only to see an outline.


Life Realm illuminates the city of Black Tortoise, which allows her to see the surrounding environment clearly.

"This island is really big." Bai Shuang straightened up and turned to look forward. The road still couldn't see the end.

"No matter how big it is, it can't be bigger than Hai Ting Kingdom!" She thought confidently.

The purple-haired girl continued to walk forward, this time slowing down a lot.

She wondered, what is the light that shrouded in it?

The purple-haired girl walked for nearly an hour before remembering what seemed to be missing.

"By the way, where is the Golden Bhikkhu?" Hoarshuang stopped and looked around blankly.

The surroundings were all beautiful and beautiful, and there was no Jin Bhiqiu in sight at all.

On the other side, two figures descended from the sky and landed on the eighth floor of the high ground.

"I'm back." Huxi released his hand and looked back at Charlotte with his wings folded.

"Let's go see Mr. Mu Liang." Charlotte said clearly.

The two had just returned from the outside, and Mu Liang gave them a task to search for nearby islands and find out if anyone lives.

"Just give this little guy to Mu Liang adults." Huxi lowered his head, and tied a golden creature with spider silk around his waist.

This was what she saw in the air when she was taken by Charlotte to fly over the city of Urn, and she caught it out of curiosity.

It can be said that it is a fierce beast that he sent to the door.

"I just don't know if Master Mu Liang is asleep." Charlotte raised her head to look at the tree of life.

"Go and take a look." Hu Xiti slipped the Golden Bhikkhu and walked into the palace.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. So.

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