Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 969 It was actually slapped. (1 more)

Huxi and Xia Luo came to the tree of life and walked quickly towards the palace.

It was late at night and the palace was very quiet.

Ta Ta Ta

The two walked into the palace and saw Yun Xin and Xiaomi leaning against the wall, dozing off with their heads down.

Huxi blinked his orange eyes, and a little sly flashed under his eyes.

With light steps, he came to the little maid and flicked their foreheads with their fingers.

"Yeah!" The two woke up suddenly.

Huxi teased: "Wow, are you be lazy?"

"No, you are wrong." Yun Xin's face blushed slightly, and she denied it.

Xiao Mi pinched the sleeves of the maid suit and asked in a weak voice, "Are you two looking for Mr. Mu Liang?"

"Yeah, is your lord asleep?" Charlotte asked crisply.

"Not yet, Mr. Mu Liang rarely sleeps these days."

Yun Xin took the call and said softly, "I'll go report it first."

The little maid let go of the "four or five zero" steps and walked to the study.

It didn't take long.

Yun heard it back, and said charmingly, "Master Mu Liang is waiting for you."

"Let's go then." Huxi turned and walked towards the study.

Knock knock~~~

She knocked gently on the door of the room, then pushed the door and walked into the study.

"You are back!"

Behind the desk, Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked calmly, "How is the situation?"

Huxi gently touched the orange-haired girl with his elbow.

Xia Luo hesitated and said respectfully: "Master Mu Liang, we have flown a long way, and we have searched the surrounding waters, but no islands have been found."

"In this way, there is no way."

Mu Liang's fingers moved gently, and he raised his eyes calmly and said, "Thanks for your hard work, let's go back and rest first."

He thought of Haidie Island, hoping that Haidie would agree to move Haidie Island to Black Tortoise.

"Master Mu Liang, there is something for you." Huxi stepped forward and showed the golden bhikkhu he was holding in front of Mu Liang.

"Is this?" Mu Liang raised his brows, and his mind controlled the golden bhikkhu to fly and float in front of him.

"We caught this on the way back. It was in the sky above Wengcheng." Huxi explained.

"Well, you should go back first." Mu Liang said casually.

"Okay." Huxi and Xia Luo raised their hands to salute, and turned to leave.

"By the way, tomorrow is the military parade. Don't forget to participate." Mu Liang warned.

The military parade will be held after dawn, from nine o'clock to twelve o'clock.

"Yes, you must participate." Huxi and Charlotte saluted again.


The two left the study and gently closed the door.

Only then did Mu Liang continue to look at the fierce beast in front of him. Its golden appearance resembled a pufferfish with fur.

"How do you think you are a bit familiar?" He reached out his hand and stroked Jin Bicchu's fur, feeling surprisingly supple.

"Ding! A third-level life is detected, is it domesticated?"

The system prompt reminded me on time.

Mu Liang hesitated, and suddenly remembered whose fierce beast was in front of him.

A figure flashed in his mind, a graceful figure, a long skirt made of stacked silver and white scales, and that long purple hair and a beautiful face.

"We've seen it, haven't we?" Mu Liang raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the spider silk on Jin Bicchu's body disintegrated and disappeared.


Kim Bhikkhu flapped his little wings so that he could fly.

It stared at Mu Liang with swollen beast eyes, as if expressing dissatisfaction.

"Interesting, pretty cute." Mu Liang's lips raised.

He raised his hand and bounced the head of Jin Bhiqiu, causing it to turn a few times in the air, and fall back dizzyly.


Golden Bhikkhu got wronged, the golden hair on his body exploded, and he turned to flee.

"Where are you going?" Mu Liang chuckled lightly.

When he hooked his finger, Jin Bhiqiu's body flew back uncontrollably and returned to him.


Jin Bhiqiu shivered all over, as if he was terrified of Mu Liang.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you again." Mu Liang smiled lightly.

He stretched out his hand, condensed a small group of life elements on his fingertips, and sent it to Jin Bhiqiu.

Jin Bhiqiu's eyes were bright, and he flapped his wings and came to Mu Liang, opened his mouth to bite the life element and swallowed.

"Where is your master?" Mu Liang asked softly.


The golden bhikkhu swallowed the life elements and waved his wings cutely, conveying what message.

"... Mu Liang squinted his eyes. It would be nice if Naan was there, and he could understand what the little guy in front of him was saying.

The awakening ability of the mermaid girl can understand the words of the beast.

"Forget it, you can go back." Mu Liang waved his hand, and the study window opened silently.


Golden Bhikkhu blinked his eyes, showing no sign of going high and leaving. Instead, he flapped his wings and approached him.

"Don't want to go?" Mu Liang raised his brows slightly, surprised

Kim Bhikkhu circled him, but didn't leave.

Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, is this relying on yourself?


Kim Bitch dangling on the desk, Yu pulled her wings and closed her eyes.

"Is this the reason?" Mu Liang was stunned.

This little fierce beast is a little familiar.

After a while, a snoring sound came from Mu Liang's ear.

"Guru Guru"

"I still snore." Mu Liang felt a little funny.

He spread his five fingers, and Jin Bicchu flew up into the air and floated to the animal leather chair next to him to make room to continue to deal with things.

Time passed slowly, and the sky outside the window gradually brightened.

The city of Black Tortoise has been alive these days, Realm is shrouded, and the bloody moonlight is gradually being ignored.

Mu Liang stood up and stretched, and walked out of the study to see how the preparations for the military parade were going.


Jin Bhiqiu sensed something and quickly opened his eyes, flapped his wings and flew up to catch up with Mu Liang.

Mu Liang glanced at it, but didn't drive it away.

He left the palace and looked towards the inner city hall. This military parade will be held in the square in front of the hall.

The square is large enough to accommodate people from the entire inner city and outer city.

At this time, the surroundings of the Great Hall were guarded by the city defense army to avoid any city residents approaching during the rehearsal.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The melodious bell rang six times, and there were still three hours before the military parade began.

Mu Liang rose into the air and flew towards the Great Hall.

2.1 The golden bhikkhu fluttered his wings so hard that he still couldn't catch up with Mu Liang.

In the end, Mu Liang took the shot and let it fly to the Great Hall.

Mu Liang descended from the sky and landed on the square. He saw Yue Feiyan and others doing the final rehearsal.

Ao Geng Min~~~

In the air, the fire feather eagle hovered in a circle and fell towards the square.

The fire feather eagle fell down, and Qin Yu brought the city defense forces participating in the military parade down neatly from behind the fire feather eagle.

"Everyone is standing now, and now we have the first rehearsal." Qin Yuqing shouted coldly.

"Yes!!" The city defense soldiers shouted in unison.

The arrival of Mu Liang didn't affect the progress of the rehearsal. Instead, the soldiers were full of strength and wanted to show themselves in front of the city lord.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. ,

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