Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 995 Molested him in front of outsiders.

(3 more)

The carriage drove into the inner city, green plants were everywhere, and there were many gorgeous flowers, which attracted the eyes of Hongsha.

After nearly half an hour, the carriage stopped outside the high ground.

"Here, get off." Yue Qinlan pushed the car door and got out of the car with grace.

Fox fairy got up and got out of the car, with eight foxtails occupying the entire car door behind him.

Hong Sha blinked her red eyes and wanted to grab a hand. Girls have no resistance to furry things.

"What do you think?"

Haidie raised her hand and tapped the red-haired girl's forehead, and said solemnly: "Get off the car, don't make people wait long."

"Yes." Hong Sha played out her tongue playfully, and followed her out of the car in a neat manner.

After being inspected by highland guards, everyone walked into the highland and took the transportation ladder to the eighth floor of the highland.


Hong Sha was shocked again, and in just a few tens of seconds, he was amazed.

Hai Die watched her nose and nose, and Quan thought she didn't know her.

23 The transportation ladder stopped at the eighth floor of the high ground, and the floating square made the red-haired girl exclaimed again.

Yue Qinlan and Fox Fairy walked towards the palace, as they were accustomed to.

"Shut your mouth." Haidie turned her head unbearably and glared at the red-haired girl.

Hong Shagan laughed a few times, raised her hand and crossed her mouth to show that she understood.

She looked at the palace and admired the magnificence of the palace in her heart. Seeing the trunk of the huge tree of life, she almost couldn't walk.

"Hurry up!" Haidie held up the red-haired girl's hand and dragged her into the palace.

In the palace, Yueqinlan learned from the little maid that Mu Liang had gone to the Liuli Palace, not the eighth floor palace.

"Forget it, come with me." Yue Qinlan looked at Haidie and the red-haired girl, and gestured.

Several people walked through the main hall, into the back garden, and walked towards the tree of life.

"It turns out that the back of the palace is like this." Haidie's eyes opened slightly, and she looked at the back garden curiously, and saw many green plants that she had never seen before.

"" Hongsha covered her mouth without exclaiming.

Yue Qinlan took the two to the trunk of the tree of life.

She said softly: "Ling'er, take us up."

The red-haired girl tilted her head, who is Ling'er?


The next moment, a vine fell from the trunk, and the huge green leaf at the end stretched out.

"Let's go." Yue Qinlan and Fox Fairy stepped onto the green leaves.

Haidie and Hongsha looked at each other, and saw consternation in each other's eyes.

The two followed curiously, and as soon as they stood firm, the leaves supported the four and approached the branch where the Liuli Palace was located.

Hongsha grabbed Haidie's hand and resisted not calling out.

"... Hai Die twitched the corner of her mouth.

Soon vines sent the four of them to the branches, and the exquisite and luxurious glazed palace greeted them.

"Well, this house is too luxurious, right" Hong Sha exclaimed.

"You are here." Mu Liang stepped out.

Yue Qinlan asked casually: "Are you going to do something else?"

"I want to go to school to see Xiao Nuo, but let's go after I'm done with the things in front of me." Mu Liang looked at Haidie.

He was curious about how the rabbit-eared girl looked at school. He just took the time to see it, but just happened to meet the girls back.

"Alright, I will accompany you later." The Fox Fairy cast a wink at Mu Liang.

"Yeah." Mu Liang's heart moved, the Fox Spirit became bolder, and he dared to molest him in front of outsiders.

"Come in first." He turned and walked into the palace.

Yue Qinlan's eyes were faint, and she sighed inwardly.Is she too reserved?

Everyone walked into the palace and went to the meeting room.

The little maid brought hot tea and a fruit plate, and put them beside Haidie and the red-haired girl.

"To make a long story short, from today, you are a member of Black Tortoise City." Mu Liang said gently.

"That's it?" Hong Sha scorned her red beautiful eyes. Shouldn't there be an oath of loyalty?

"Then what do you want?" Mu Liang looked at the red-haired girl amused.

"No, this is good." Hong Sha smirked and closed her mouth awkwardly.

Mu Liang sat up straight and said calmly: "As long as you abide by the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise, you will live comfortably in Black Tortoise.

"Yes, it must comply with Black Tortoise city laws and regulations." Haidie adjusted her tone awkwardly, making own's response more sincere.

Hong Sha froze for a moment, and after returning to her senses, she hurriedly followed and saluted respectfully.

"Regarding work, do you plan to find it yourself, or do I arrange it?" Mu Liang looked at the purple-haired girl.

Haidie didn't hesitate, and said clearly: "The city lord arranges it.

Mu Liang said the arrangement in his mind: "In this case, you should go to the No. 2 Acropolis as the manager, which is equivalent to the city lord of the Acropolis.

"Let me manage the Acropolis?" Haidie's purple eyes lit up.

"Well, it's good to follow the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise City. For other matters needing attention, Qin Lan will be with you." Mu Liang said clearly.

He paused, and said peacefully: "The Acropolis is also under the control of the Inner City Administration, and some instructions are subject to the authority delegated by the Administration."

"I understand." Haidie moved in her heart. So, the person above herself is Yue Qinlan?

The red gauze looked at Mu Liang eagerly, waiting for the arrangement.

Mu Liang said calmly: "You should follow Haidie and be your deputy, and manage the security and order of the Acropolis at ordinary times."

"Yes!" Hong Sha's face showed joy, and she got her wish.

Mu Liang added: "The notice of your appointment will be published in the newspaper, and then you will go directly to the No. 2 Acropolis to find your job."

527 Hong Sha muttered, what is a newspaper?

"By the way, Qinlan, the newsstand of the Acropolis must be opened first." Mu Liang ordered.

The publication of the newspaper will help the new citizens of the Acropolis understand Black Tortoise and increase their sense of belonging.

"Don't worry, I have already arranged it, and it will be opened in two days." Yue Qinlan smiled gently.

The first edition of the newspaper of the Acropolis will be the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise, and it will also be a dime.

The content of the inner city newspapers will be synchronized only after the second newspaper.

"Well, I don't worry about you doing things." Mu Liang's mouth lifted.

The slender eyelashes of the red yarn fanned and fanned, guessing the relationship between Mu Liang and Yueqinlan.

"Any other questions?" Mu Liang looked at Haidie and Hongsha.

"Where do we live?" Haidie asked.

"There is a yard on the third floor of the highland that belongs to you. You can also live on the side of the Acropolis with two residences." Yue Qinlan answered this question for Mu Liang.

"Okay." Haidie nodded slowly.

Yue Qinlan stood up and said half-jokingly: "Let's go, I will take you to the highlands, so that you don't know the way later."

"Okay." Haidie stood up, first bowed to Mu Liang and bowed to Mu Liang before leaving with the elegant woman.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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