Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 996 Enter the sea of ​​mist.

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On the other side of the Misty Sea, the sky was gloomy, with heavy rain pouring down, accompanied by strong winds.

Waves of more than ten meters surging up, wave after wave, several large ships are like fallen leaves in the water, and they may capsize at any time.

Da Qi grabbed the sails and shouted loudly: "Captain, the wind and waves are too great, let's go back!"

"Captain, if this goes on, the ship will overturn." Kodo tensed and hugged the mast tightly, his body being beaten by the rain.

"Fart, how can it be so easy to turn?" Miuda cursed.

After leaving the rested island, the fleet tried to enter the sea of ​​mist.

However, just a few hundred meters into the Misty Sea, it was sent out by the complicated ocean currents, and could not control the sailing direction of the ship at all, and had not really entered the Misty Sea yet.

After two attempts, the results were the same.

This was the third attempt, but encountered extreme weather. The heavy rain and squally wind came so suddenly that there was no time to react.

"Captain, I really know how to turn it over." Kodola shouted in panic.

The ship was swaying back and forth with an amplitude of more than forty-five degrees. If it continues, it must capsize.

Miuda's forehead jumped, the ship's swing was increasing, and his heart became lost.

"Captain, don't joke about the lives of the players." Da Qi shouted.

"Damn it, then turn back." Miuda took off his hat full of water, and fell to the deck angrily.

He was very depressed and suspected that this trip to sea was a wrong choice.


The thunder burst, and the sky flashed with lightning like silver snakes, as if the sky was torn apart.

"Return to the voyage, move quickly, don't ink." Da Qi shouted, so that the rain and thunder would not change his own voice.

"Deputy Captain, no ah, the mast is about to break, and there is no way to change the direction!!" The crew replied with a pale and trembling voice.

"Captain, the sail is broken."

"Captain, the current is too complicated, we can't control it!!"

After a series of bad news came, Miuda's face became more and more ugly.

"Damn, are you going to be planted here this time?" Da Qi became irritable.

"According to the current trend, we will be sent into the sea of ​​mist." Kodola exclaimed.

Everyone quickly looked up and found that the distance to the misty sea was getting closer and closer, and the bow of the ship had already sailed into the mist.

"Don't worry, it will be sent out by the ocean current anyway." Miuda grinned.

"Why do I have an ominous premonition?" Da Qi's eyes twitched.


The sea breeze was blowing violently, and several large ships were sent into the misty sea together.

The fog is thick and visibility is extremely low.

Miida frowned, stood on the bow and stared at the front, his eyes were full of gray.

After the fleet entered the Misty Sea, the wind and waves became much smaller, and the shaking of the ship slowed down.

Time passed slowly, and the ship did not turn around.

Kodola said in astonishment: "Captain, something is wrong, there seems to be no turbulence this time!!"

"The boat has been going straight." Da Qi climbed up the mast, feeling the changes around him, and instinctively told him that something was wrong.

"Did we successfully enter the sea of ​​mist?" Miuda also felt puzzled.

According to the experience of the previous two times, it should be sent out of the sea of ​​mist by turbulence now.


"It's so quiet all around." Kodola stood by the boat, looking down at the water, only to see a circle of water ripples backwards.

They can only hear the sound of water and wind.

"I just hope I don't hit the reef now." Zhuda reached out and rubbed his eyebrows.

If the ship hits a rock and breaks the bottom of the ship, it will be really miserable.

"Captain, what do you do now?" The other members of the adventure team panicked.

"Wait for the storm to pass." Miuda growled.

"We can't get out anymore?" Kodola shrank his neck and sat on the deck leaning on the guardrail.

He remembered the legend about the Misty Sea. People and boats who entered the depths of the Misty Sea would never get out.

Da Qi looked indifferent to life and death, curling his lips and said: "People who are stronger than us come in and disappear in the sea of ​​mist. Do you think we can get out?"

"Deputy Captain, don't scare me," the team member trembled.

"Shout, look at what scared you, and persuade you." Da Qi cursed angrily.

"The deputy captain is not joking. No one who has entered the depths of the sea of ​​mist has appeared again." Kodola trembled.

"Smelly boy, don't say such scary words." Da Qi picked up a hat from the ground and smashed it precisely on the lookout's head.

"...Muda's eyes twitched, that's his hat.

He stood up and said confidently: "If we can get out, we will definitely be able to."

He wants to stabilize the hearts of the people, and if the chaos continues, the team will disperse.

"Trust the captain, you can take us back.

"Yes, the captain is so strong, it must be possible."

Several echoes sounded one after another, and the anxious people breathed a sigh of relief.

Big Qi Mou's lips moved, but still closed his mouth, without removing the captain's lift, for fear that a basin of cold water would do away with the team's hopes.

Mudaan sighed and continued to look into the depths of the misty sea.

"...々Kodora, can you see anything else?" he asked aloud.

"Captain, the fog is too thick to see clearly!" The light from Kodola's eyes dimmed again, and the clairvoyance magic didn't work.

"What's the use of you!" Miuda sighed.

"...Kodola muttered and sat back on the deck depressed.


The boat continued to move forward.

"Don't be idle, hurry up and fix the mast and sails." Miuda shouted back.

"Yes!" All the people in the adventure team moved.

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone on the boat had no concept of time, and did not know how long it had passed.

It wasn't until the surroundings became dim that I knew it was dark and a whole day had passed.

"It's dark, we haven't gone out yet" Kodola was tired and slumped on the deck.

They repaired the mast and sails smoothly before dark (how is Li?), but they still couldn't change the direction of the ship, and the current only flowed in one direction.

"Go ahead, where are you going?" Da Qi sat on the top of the mast, so dark that he could not see his fingers.

Miuda said solemnly: "Leave a few people to watch the night, and everyone else will go to rest. We will talk about other things until dawn."

"I'll guard tonight, captain, you go to rest." Da Qi's voice came from the barrel of the gun.

"Well, that's okay." Miuda moved his neck and walked towards the cabin by the light of the fire.

He hasn't closed his eyes for a few days, and if he doesn't rest, he is afraid that he will be tired.

"Cordola, you also go to rest." Da Qi said solemnly.

The surroundings are dark, and the watchmen are useless, so it's better to go to rest.

"Okay." Kodola lay on the deck, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

ps: [1 correction] The second correction code. .

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