Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 998 One foot can sink the funeral valley.

(3 more)

Ta Ta Ta

Yue Qinlan stepped on high heels and walked gracefully in the palace.

Knock knock~~~

"Mu Liang, here I am!" She came to the door of the study, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

In the study, Mu Liang put down the thick stack of documents in his hand and looked at the You-ya woman who opened the door.

"Mu Liang, Xiaoyu has already taken off." Yue Qinlan came to Mu Liang's side and put down a document.

It is a trade order between major city owners and Black Tortoise City, most of which are armors and weapons.

After 20 days of full-speed production, it was finally able to be delivered.

Just today, the Fire Feather Eagle will transport armor and other things to various big cities, including the corpses of the sea beasts traded in the future city.

"Don't worry, they will be back soon." Mu Liang held the document and looked up at the expression on the elegant woman's face.

Yue Feiyan and Charlotte followed Fire Feather Eagle when he was out this time.

Yue Qinlan pursed her red lips, and said in a faint tone: "It's not the first time she has gone out, there is nothing to worry about."

Mu Liang smiled, looking at Yue Qinlan's dodging blue eyes, he didn't admit it in his heart.

He patted an elegant woman's thigh, and said soothingly: "Don't worry, there is enough time for Xiao Yu to bring her back.

There are still thirty days before the virtual ghost tide erupts, enough for the Fire Feather Eagle to fly back and forth.

"Well, I know," Yue Qinlan said crisply.

Mu Liang laughed blankly. Although he didn't say anything, he made the elegant woman blush.

Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes and changed the subject: "Okay, let's talk about something else."

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang coughed slightly, making himself more serious.

Yue Qinlan said solemnly: "The Burial Valley is in front of you, do you want to go to the island to see it?"

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, recalling the three island owners in the funeral valley, their mindless look made people feel funny.

This time I came to Funeral Valley to complete the transaction and send the armor and weapons ordered by Funeral Valley. By the way, I can see if we can recruit more people.

"Everything is here, let's go take a look." Mu Liang said gently.

Yue Qinlan stood up and said: "Then I will go to Shanhaiguan in a later time."

"Calling Shang Liyue and the others, they are considered to be traveling." Mu Liang smiled.

"Journey" Yueqin turned blue and white. Mu Liang gave a glance, then turned to look for the silver-haired girl and the others.

On the other side, the rock tortoise is heading towards it, and at the end is a sunken island.

The island has a peculiar shape, floating on the water like a huge stone bowl with irregular mesh.

If you look closely, you will find that there are twelve mountain peaks connected in a ring, forming the edge of the'bowl'.

"Strange Island" On Shanhaiguan pass, Dianes held up her binoculars and looked at the funeral island.

The funeral valley is very large, a circle bigger than Haidie Island, but it is just as beautiful, without green plants.

Wei Geng guessed: "Chief Dai, that should be the funeral valley."

"If the direction is right, it should be." Dianes said casually.

"If the holy beast keeps going, it will hit it." Wei Geng stretched out his hand and took the telescope that Diance had handed over.

The rock tortoise is advancing very fast. It was still in the distance a few minutes before the burial valley, and now it is close.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

As soon as Wei Geng finished speaking, the rock tortoise stopped.

It moved slowly, letting Shanhaiguan pass towards the funeral valley.

Because of the movement of the rock tortoise, the sea surged and almost poured back into the burial valley.

"Almost." Dianes breathed out inexplicably.

The sea water is really going to pour into the funeral valley, I'm afraid it will fill this'bowl'.

At this time, on the highest mountain in the funeral valley, Liwayi, Liwagang, and Liwag were stunned by the giant rock tortoise, completely stunned.

"This is the rock tortoise in Black Tortoise?" Livage said blankly.

"How did it become so big!?" Li Wagang exclaimed.

"How long has it been since...Li Wayi's face was a little pale, Black Tortoise came here, is it for them to settle the accounts?

Li Wagang turned his head and asked, "Dage, what should I do now?"

"What can I do?" Li Wayi didn't have a good temper.

The rock tortoise in front of me is many times larger than the Burial Whale, and Burial Valley has no resistance at all.

Livage said hoarsely: "Wait and see, maybe things are not as good as we thought."

"Hope." Li Wayi looked ugly, watching the rock turtle nervously.

"If this is really fighting, this wild ancient barbarian can trample the Burial Valley with one kick." Li Wagang shrank his neck.

"What nonsense?" Li Wayi raised his hand and knocked Little Brother's head severely.

Li Wagang cried out in pain, stretched out his hand to cover his head, his face was not convinced: "I'm telling the truth, why hit me again?"

"Shut up, you." Liwag felt one head and two big at this time.

...For flowers...

Li Wagang clutched his head and muttered in a low voice: "I knew I shouldn't offend Black Tortoise City in the first place."

"" Li Wayi twitched at the corner of his mouth, with the same thought in his heart.

"It's already happened, and it's useless to regret now." Li Waag glared at Li Wagang with a dark face.

"We can run away now, there are burial whales, they can't catch us." Li Wagang said seriously.

"Where are the others on the island, ignore it?" Li Wayi frowned, wishing to beat Little Brother violently.

"They" Li Wagang closed his mouth and said nothing more.

Livage said in a bad tone: "Don't mention this, or I will beat you too."

There are more than 30,000 people on the island, all of whom are living here for generations.

"Got it." Li Wagang squatted down sullenly.

Li Wayi sighed and looked up at the rock turtle, very nervous.

It didn't take long for a cloud to spread from the rock tortoise, extending in front of the three Liwayi brothers.

Immediately after the clouds were covered with a layer of glaze, a carriage drove out of Shanhaiguan and went straight to the funeral valley.

Behind the carriage is a highland guard riding a moon wolf.

"Come!!" The three Li Wayi brothers became energetic.

The three became nervous, their faces pale, watching the moon wolf approaching the funeral valley while pulling the carriage.

Soon after, the carriage stopped in front of the three Liwagang brothers.


"Master Mu Liang, you have arrived." Wei Youlan opened the door of the carriage cleverly.

Mu Liang got out of the car, followed by Yueqinlan, Liyue and Alina.

"I'm here, I've been in a carriage all the way, and my waist is cramped." Alina stretched her waist, her pink eyes looking at the funeral valley.

She was off today and happened to follow Mu Liang to see the funeral valley.

"Three, we meet again." Mu Liang watched the three Li Wagang brothers calmly.

"Your Excellency, what's the matter?" Li Wayi asked in a deep voice.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, and asked in surprise, "Why, not welcome?"

"No, very welcome." Li Wayi twitched and bit his head and nodded.

"Yes, very welcome." Li Wagang nodded, fearing offending Mu Liang.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. So,

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