(1 more)

"Don't be nervous, this time I came here mainly for the last transaction." Mu Liang looked at the three Li Wayi brothers calmly.

With a wave of his hand, piles of armor and weapons appeared, almost burying the three brothers Li Wayi inside.


Li Wayi was startled by the sudden appearance of piles of armor, and drew back embarrassedly.

"It turned out to be armor." Liwagang and Liwag let out a long sigh, their feelings of depression were much less.

The Fox Fairy lifted a little under one bar, and said with a faint smile: "Check the quantity. If there is no problem, please settle the balance."

"Okay." Li Wayi breathed a sigh of relief, only to remember that he had also ordered armor with Black Tortoise on the Sacred Land council.

He glanced at the two Little Brothers and motioned: "Go, ask someone to count.

"Yes." Livage turned and walked away quickly.

Soon after, Liwage returned with a team of subordinates, "May, Four, and Three", all big men with big waists and slender backs.

It may have been Liwage's instructions in advance. These big guys saw that Mu Liang and others were respectful, they just kept their heads in order to arrange the armor, and said nothing during the whole process.

After more than ten minutes, the weapons and armor were counted, and there was no more and no less.

"Island owner, the number is right." The big man said in a humble voice.

"Well, let's ship them all back." Li Wayi waved his hand.

"Yes!" The big guys replied in unison.

They used ropes made of animal skins, tied the armor into several bundles, and walked down the mountain on their shoulders.

Li Wagang placed a few large bags of fierce beast spar in front of Mu Liang, and said hoarsely: "Your Excellency, this is the remaining fierce beast spar!"

Liyue stepped forward, opened the animal skin bag and checked it again, and nodded to Mu Liang when she was sure that there was no problem.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang collected the fierce beast spar into his portable space.

The three Li Wayi brothers were tight and curious about Mu Liang's awakening ability.

The transaction has been completed, should the people in Black Tortoise City leave?

Mu Liang walked a few steps forward and looked at the foot of the mountain. He saw a huge basin surrounded by dozens of peaks.

In the basin, there is a stone house with several thousand in number. More than 30,000 people in the funeral valley live here.

"The island is not small, why are they crowded in the basin Life?" Mu Liang said and looked at Li Wayi.

Li Wayi twitched the corners of his mouth, and responded dryly: "On the entire island, only the center area is flat, so you can only live there."

"Then what if the next rainstorm floods the basin?" Mu Liang frowned.

Li Wayi hesitated for a while, and answered truthfully: "There is an abyss in the center of the Burial Valley. Even if it rains, water will drain from the abyss."

"The abyss?" Mu Liang's black eyes flashed with surprise.

He thought of the abyss underground between Soaring Dragon Valley and Mermaid Island.Will the Burial Valley be like that?

Mu Liang pretended to be casual and asked, "The abyss, have you ever gone down to see it?"

"It's just an ordinary crack." Li Wayi said calmly.

"Interesting." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he wanted to go down into the abyss and take a look.

"Several people, don't you mind if we go to the island?" Yue Qinlan asked gracefully.

"They also visited our Black Tortoise City, how would they mind, right?" The Fox Fairy glanced at the three brothers Li Wayi.

"Don't mind." Li Wayi's forehead bounced with blue veins, and an awkward smile squeezed out of his face.

Li Wagang is sweating on his back, can you say that you mind?

"That's good." Mu Liang nodded calmly, and walked along the peak to the basin.

The three Li Wayi brothers glanced at each other, frustrated and helpless, they could only quickly follow.

Mu Liang and others walked in front, and highland guards stood by on both sides.

The mountain is so steep that you can only walk down on a stone.

When Mu Liang's thoughts moved, the sand and rocks under his feet were surging, stacking into steps, meandering to the basin.

Li Wayi's mouth opened slightly, and his heart was sad, and the road down the mountain was repaired?

The road to the burial valley has always been difficult. You can only step on the boulder down the mountain, which has been the case for generations.

Li Wagang turned his head and whispered in a small voice: "Dage, why don't you let him go and visit all the mountains."

"Stupid?" Li Wayi's mouth twitched, raising his hand and knocking on Li Wagang's head.

Livage rolled his eyes: "If you dare, go and say."

"Forget it," Li Wagang smiled wryly.

"That's what you can do!" Li Wayi sighed with hatred for iron failure.

"" Li Wagang muttered a little, not knowing what he was talking about.

Mu Liang, who was walking in the front, raised his mouth, amused at the conversation of the three Liwag brothers.

"What are you laughing at?" Liyue blinked her silver-white eyes.

"Nothing." Mu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand and flicked the silver-haired girl's forehead.

Soon after, everyone walked down the mountain and walked to the disorderly stone houses.

At the door of the stone house, many people looked at Mu Liang and others from the cracks between the windows and doors.

Liyue scanned these people and found that they were all good physiques, unlike those on Haidie Island, who looked weak and weak.

Yue Qinlan and Fox Fairy also discovered this problem, a trace of surprise flashed in their beautiful eyes.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and asked gracefully: "Your Excellency, I'm very curious, why are all of you in the Burial Valley so strong?"

"Maybe it has something to do with eating the flesh of sea beasts every day," Li Wayi said casually.

In the waters around the Burial Valley, Life is home to many small sea beasts, all of which are food for Burial Whales.

When the burial whale eats, it will capture part of the sea beasts and send it to the burial valley, so people living in the burial valley do not lack food and eat meat every day.

"Eat Haixie general meat every day. It's normal to grow so strong." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

Yueqinlan agrees with the elegant said: "At least it is more nourishing than most people living on land."

On land, there are too many people who can’t afford to eat.

Mu Liang walked along the stone houses, turning a blind eye to those curious eyes. His goal was the abyss crack in the center of the island.

"Island owner, who are they?" a bold acquaintance asked.

Li Waben glared at the man with a warning in his eyes.

The person closed his mouth immediately, knowing in his heart that Mu Liang and others could not be provoke.

It's just that they are curious about what kind of people can make the three domineering island owners jealous.


"Your Excellency, is there no trading market on the island?" Yue Qinlan asked curiously.

She walked a long way and didn't see places such as markets.

Li Wagang shook his head and explained: "No, the food is distributed according to the population, and the more you work, the more you get, the existence of the trading market is of little significance.

The islanders are inseparable from the funeral island, and there is no other way to leave except for the funeral whale who can take people out.

"It turned out to be like this" Yue Qinlan suddenly realized.

"Development won't work." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Well, I can see it." Yue Qinlan nodded.

Compared to Black Tortoise, it is much worse.

"The three Liwagang brothers are full of black lines.

o o o oo o 0

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. ,

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