Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Tamer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 36

Mu Liang jokingly joked: "You will charge for me in the future and be my female general."

"Okay." Mino didn't know what a female general was, so he agreed.

She stood up with bunny ears and assured with a serious face: "I will become a powerful female general."

"Then you have to work hard, and you will have to cook and eat at noon in the future." Mu Liang chuckled lightly.

"Huh? Do you want to cook something to eat at noon?" Mino said in surprise.

"If you want to become stronger, you have to eat more." Mu Liang had already planned to train the rabbit-eared girl, so she had to be able to protect herself.

Moreover, the bunny-eared girl has a very good talent, since the white-haired girl often looks at Mino's bunny ears secretly with envious light.

"Okay." Mino agreed when he heard that he could become stronger.

She also wanted to help Mu Liang, and didn't want to be protected all the time.

"That's great." Li Yue murmured inwardly.

She is particularly envious of the rabbit-eared girl. Under the condition that she has talent, she will be strengthened by the secret medicine in the future, and her strength will be several times stronger than that of ordinary mutants.

Mutants rely on mutation talents to become stronger, such as hearing, smell, reflexes and so on.

These partial mutants can use their talents to develop their own skills.

However, ordinary strengtheners simply strengthen their own qualities, and their innate conditions cannot be compared with mutants with special skills.

"You should also be able to use the strengthening potion, right?" Mu Liang turned to look at the white-haired girl.

"Eh? Me?" Li Yue was at a loss.

"Well, I don't think your physical fitness is strong." Mu Liang nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, yes, but..." Li Yue hesitated.

Her body was eroded by the 'infection of the virtual ghost' to reach the level of a third-order enhancer.

If the talent 'Eagle Eye' is used, the white-haired girl can become a fourth-order archer.

"You are wondering why I strengthen you, right?" The corners of Mu Liang's mouth rose.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the sorted animal skins, and said softly, "You should know someone who can make secret medicines, right?"

Otherwise, the white-haired girl would not be so skilled at classifying materials.

"I, I do know someone who can refine secret medicine."

The figure of a woman with blond hair and big breasts flashed in Liyue's mind.

"How is your relationship? I want to talk to her." Mu Liang said gently.

"When we arrive at the Moon Lake Tribe, let me ask you a question." Li Yue thought for a while and said.

"Your companion is in the Moon Lake Tribe?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

"I don't know if she is still there, I have to go to the Moon Lake Tribe to find out."

Li Yue remembered that it had been more than ten days since the last time she separated from Yuffie, and she didn't know if she was still in the Moon Lake Tribe.

Perhaps, Yuffie may have gone out to look for 'Angel's Tears'.

After all, the place where they had agreed to meet was not in the Moon Lake Tribe, and there were still more than forty days before the agreed meeting time.

This is also one of the reasons why the white-haired girl is so leisurely, staying at Mu Liang's place and waiting for the 'Angel's Tears' to condense.

"Then we'll wait until the Moon Lake Tribe." Mu Liang said helplessly.

It is so troublesome to have no means of communication. It is necessary to reserve a time and place in advance to meet.

. . . . .

ps: 2 more. Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets. .

Chapter 48

Night is coming.

Bloodbeard glanced coldly at the tracker who came forward, and asked coldly, "Have you tracked the trace of the thief?"

The tracker didn't have time to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He pointed to a coming direction and said, "It has been tracked, and the thief went in that direction."

"Now that you've found it, hurry up and set off." Bloodbeard stood up and glanced at the base camp valley behind him.

If there is no crystal fish, the rest of the valley can be completely discarded.

The equally important human-enhanced secret medicine formula was also stolen.

Bloodbeard didn't really care, after all, the formula of the secret medicine had already been remembered in his mind.

Moreover, the secret medicine is no longer useful to him.

"Slackers, hurry up and move me."

Bloodbeard pulled out his long knife and roared: "Whoever dares to hold back, I will slash him."

The thieves who had enough to eat and drink had just rested for less than three hours, and they got up in anger and dared not speak, for fear of being hacked to death by the blood beard.

"Whoever can catch up with the thieves..."

Bloodbeard shouted loudly, "I will reward him with a hundred buckets of water and a thousand catties of jerky."

It is not stupid for him to be the boss of thieves, knowing that there will be sweetness after the big stick.

"Oh hoo!!!"

The thieves raised their hands and shouted like blood.

One hundred buckets of water and one thousand catties of jerky can be eaten for more than a year.

"Let's go." The blood beard long knife waved.

"Go over there." The tracker directed the direction with a wink.

In the entire valley, except for a few thieves who stayed behind, more than 500 thieves all carried torches into the night.

"Hateful." Bloodbeard turned his head and glanced at the base camp again.

If you can't get back the crystal fish, this place is a disaster.

There were two darkest periods in Bloodbeard's life.

Once, he was found stealing the strengthening secret medicine, and then he was hunted down by the tribe where he belonged.

Once was the most trusted friend and subordinate, and the other party left with more than 400 thieves.

Bloodbeard believed that the betrayer must be staring at his base camp.

It's better to leave some bait here, so that the betrayer has no time to take care of him.

"Go." Bloodbeard turned his head and strode forward.

More than 500 thieves held torches high, and they all huddled together, using this method to frighten the beasts in the dark.

Driving at night is very dangerous, but it represents an opportunity to catch up with thieves.

When Xuebeard was resting, he carefully listened to Xuedao's report.

Things in the darkroom were stolen, cloth and plants were emptied, and the cultivation room was ruined.

After hearing this, Bloodbeard dismissed the idea of ​​going back, so as not to look bad.

Moreover, Bloodbeard's thoughtful discovery: the thief with so many things, certainly not very fast.

Maybe they could catch up with the thieves after rushing through the night for two days.

at midnight.

The stalker had a happy expression on his face, and hurried towards Bloodbeard.

"What did you find?" Bloodbeard pulled his beard.

"Boss, in the small canyon ahead, the smell left by the thieves is very strong."

The stalker said excitedly: "The thief may have stayed in it for a long time."

The longer it stays, the stronger the smell, and a lot of information can be analyzed.

Such as stay time, how long to leave...etc.

"Then go in quickly." Bloodbeard waved his hand lightly.

More than 500 thieves, lined up in a long dragon, supported Bloodbeard into the small canyon.

All thieves enter the small canyon.

The lead tracker found that the strongest scent was a cave.

He pointed to a few confidants: "You guys go in and have a look."


Several people entered with torches and just entered the middle of the cave.

"What a soft ground." One of them stepped on the slightly elastic ground.


A crisp cracking sound of spider silk sounded.


The ground collapsed, and several people were pierced by wooden spears buried in the traps.


The miserable howl spread out through the cave, causing panic immediately.

The tracker's face changed greatly and he quickly backed away.

Section 37

He shouted into the cave, "What happened?"

"Save me, save me... there's a trap inside..."

A howl of pain came from the cave.

"Damn thief, he set us up before he left." The tracker ignored the howls coming from inside, his face very ugly.

The thieves heard it was just a trap, and everyone relaxed.

"It turned out to be a trap, it really scared me, I thought I encountered a beast."

"Yeah. Those unlucky guys, it seems that the water and jerky don't have their share."

The thieves jokingly jokingly used this method to cover up their panic just now.


At this time, under the ground, unknown to the thieves, on the rock wall of the small canyon, strips of white and translucent spider silks loosened from one end of the cave, and were quickly pulled away by heavy objects.

The trap in the cave is one of the switches that triggers the falling of rocks above the canyon.

bang bang~~

More spider silk was broken.

"What sound?" Bloodbeard's ears moved, and he calmly held the long knife around his waist.

"Is there a sound?" Xue Dao listened in confusion.

"It's a little bit like the sound of something breaking..."

Ye Jackal and Cunning Fox stopped halfway through speaking and looked at each other abruptly.

They all looked up at the top of the small canyon, and when they saw the crumbling stones, their faces turned pale with fright.

"Come here."

Bloodbeard reacted first, grabbed the back of the blood knife, and shouted loudly, "The stone on the canyon is about to fall."

bang bang bang~~~

As soon as the voice fell, a dense sound of spider silk breaking sounded.

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