Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Tamer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 37

The thieves looked up at this moment, it was too late.

bang bang bang...

Pieces of stones of different sizes rolled down from both sides of the canyon.


"Save me, save... uh..."

"Run away... uh..."

After a few minutes.

Stones no longer fall down the canyon.

" hand is broken."

"Who will save me, my foot is crushed by a stone."

Miserable cries and howls echoed over the canyon.

More than five hundred thieves crowded together, and most of them were crushed to death by a pile of stones.

The other half is either a broken head or a broken leg and a broken hand.

boom! !

A pile of stones was suddenly thrown away.

The blood-bearded 1.9-meter man suddenly stood up, his breath was very sharp, and the whites of his red pupils were bloodshot.

He felt the smell of death just now, and if he hadn't hid in a stone crevice at the critical moment, he would be disabled if he didn't die.

"Damn thief, how dare you..."

Bloodbeard looked at the tragic situation in front of him and listened to the miserable howls of his subordinates.

Now he can't wait to find the thief immediately and slash him to death.

"Boss, are you alright?" The tracker turned pale, clutching his broken arm and looking for him.

"..." Bloodbeard stared at the tracker murderously, if he hadn't led the way into the canyon, they wouldn't have been trapped.

The stalker can feel the murderous aura of the scalp.

He pointed to one direction anxiously and shouted: "Boss, the thieves are going in that direction."

"Humph!" Bloodbeard restrained his murderous aura, temporarily letting go of the useful tracker.

He pulled out the bloody knife in the cracks of the stone and roared, "Trash, hurry up and gather the active people."

"Yes." Xue Dao's body trembled, and he was already frightened.

"Boss." Jiuhu and Ye Jackal came over in dismay.

As two mutants, their survivability is much stronger than that of ordinary people, leaning on the rock wall to escape the catastrophe.

"Where's Dali?" Bloodbeard glanced around, but didn't see another leader-level captain.

"he died."

The cunning fox said lightly: "I was hit in the head by a stone."

"Humph! Gather all the active people." Bloodbeard gritted his teeth.

He will continue to follow with the rest of the people.

This hatred, the blood beard remembered.

. . . . .

ps: 3 more, ask for a ticket. .

Chapter 49

morning five days later.

The rock turtle went around the hills that blocked the road, stepped on the rocks that were not high, and was crawling forward step by step.

In the yard on the back of the turtle, the rabbit-eared girl is doing physical training hard.

"One, two, one, do thirty more, hold on."

Mu Liang stood beside him with a serious face, inspiring the rabbit-eared girl to do push-ups.

"Okay." Mino replied through gritted teeth.

Her face was covered in beads of sweat, and the ground under her chin had been soaked with sweat the size of a palm.

The bunny-eared girl's arms were already trembling, she slowly bent down again, and did push-ups.

This kind of training has been going on for five days, and a few more will be added every day.

Liyue came out after watching 'Angel Wings' from the plantation.

She leaned over to Mu Liang and whispered, "It's been a morning of training, do you want her to take a break?"

The white-haired girl would go to the plantation several times a day, either to see the 'Angel Wings' or to sit under the tea tree in a daze.

"You can rest after finishing these thirty." Mu Liang said with a serious face.

He used to be a special forces soldier and knew what the limits of the human body were like.

The rabbit-eared girl still has some spare strength, and she will only reach the limit by squeezing it a little more.

"I said, is this kind of training useful?" Liyue asked this not the first time.

The bunny-eared girl had also been trained before, and the training in front of her seemed a little—gentle.

Yes, too mild.

"I'm laying the foundation." Mu Liang said lightly.

He could see some standard movements that the white-haired girl occasionally performed inadvertently as she walked.

And some words that the white-haired girl shouted unconsciously in her sleep at night.

All are showing that she once had a tragic childhood.

"Time... yes, there is time anyway."

Li Yue suddenly reacted and said bitterly, "Sorry, I was too anxious."

"A drop of the angel's tears has condensed?" Mu Liang changed the subject and asked.

"Yes, I didn't expect to be able to condense a drop of 'Angel's Tears' in ten days. It's incredible."

When Liyue mentioned 'Tears of Angels', her emotions suddenly rose.

After all the calculations, it took only about seven days for Angel Wing to regain its vitality, and it was completely unexpected for her to condense a drop of 'Angel Tears'.

"Maybe it's because of the Xinghui tea tree." Mu Liang's mouth curled slightly.

The increase in the star field has given birth to the 'Angel's Tears' to condense three days in advance.

"I guess so." Liyue would be amazed whenever she thinks of the star tea tree that glows at night.

She then said a little distressed: "It's just that there is no container for 'Angel Tears'."

The preservation of 'Angel's Tears' is too difficult. If it is put into an ordinary container, most of the medicinal properties may soon dissipate.

"Let's go to the Moon Lake Tribe and have a look. Maybe you can find a suitable container."

Mu Liang didn't have a good solution for this. Stone and wood were simply not suitable for containers.

As for burning glass or something, he also knew that it was made of sand, and it would take time to test what kind of sand to use.

For now, don't think about it for now.

"Well, that's the only way." Li Yue nodded helplessly.

"Don't worry, didn't you say that you will be near the Moon Lake Tribe tomorrow?"

Mu Liang looked up into the distance, but did not see the mountain the white-haired girl said.

"At the current speed, it will probably reach the mountain near the Moon Lake Tribe tomorrow morning." Li Yue sighed.

She had been persuading her for a few days, but Mu Liang was still stubborn to go to the Moon Lake Tribe.

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything." Mu Liang patted the white-haired girl on the shoulder.

He squatted down and helped the rabbit-eared girl to count: "Twenty-nine, twenty-nine, five, twenty-nine, six, thirty."

Minuo's mouth twitched slightly as he listened to the count, and finished the last four push-ups with difficulty.

She suddenly lay on the ground and stood still.

"Stop lying down, sit up."

Mu Liang stepped forward and grabbed the rabbit-eared girl by the back collar, and picked it up like a small animal.

"Oh." Mino panted, slumped on the ground.

"Your physical fitness is still too poor, you have to train for dozens of days." As Mu Liang spoke, he massaged the acupuncture points on the arms of the bunny-eared girl.

"I'll listen to you." Mino nodded weakly, and the rabbit ears were all soft.

"The assassination tricks I taught you yesterday, do you still remember the essentials?" Mu Liang gently shook the rabbit-eared girl's arm.

In the past few days, in addition to basic physical training for the rabbit-eared girl, he also taught her some important human organs knowledge.

How to do a one-hit kill, and how to incapacitate a person.

"Remember, stab the throat, stab the heart..." Mino excitedly wanted to gesture with his hands.


The next second, she grinned and raised her sore arm.

"Let you move around." Mu Liang said angrily.

Section 38

He then massaged the rabbit-eared girl and said, "After breakfast, you can practice those few assassination moves."

"Okay." Mino nodded again and again.

The bunny-eared girl will not find it hard, but will find it very interesting, which is better than not knowing what to do every day.

After all, she knew very little and was clumsy, so Mu Liang would teach her patiently.

"What are you thinking? Get up quickly, take a shower, and then have breakfast." Mu Liang reached out to grab the girl's rabbit ears.

"Oops! Your ears are about to grow." Minuo complained, but his movements were skillful dodging.

These days, Mu Liang was pulling her ears all the time, and they both started to play the game of avoiding pulling rabbit ears.

"If you don't struggle, you won't get caught." Mu Liang grabbed the girl's rabbit ears.

"Humph! I'll hide away sooner or later." Minuo said with a naive 'hum'.

"If you can really dodge, then you can graduate." Mu Liang said lightly.

"Wait and see." Mino pouted and got up, and staggered into the room.

"Remember to wash with warm water." Mu Liang shouted.


The crisp sound of a rabbit-eared girl came from the room.

"Your relationship is really good."

Li Yue's cold tone unconsciously carried a touch of envy.

"Are you going to do push-ups too? I can give you a massage."

Mu Liang turned his head to the side, and said with a very surprised expression: "Or, do you want to be pulled by my ears?"

"I don't want to pinch your ears." Li Yue's pretty face flushed with anger.

"I'm going to cook breakfast."

She made an excuse and shyly trotted into the house.

"How about I massage your thighs for you?" Mu Liang shouted with a smile.

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