Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 545: Auspicious

Only one person knows? Li Wubo suddenly felt a happiness: to say, to kill this person, the biggest amethyst mine in the world, is Li’s?

If the Zijing family passed on, it is true... then...

At that time, Lijia owns the amethyst mine now, and has the world's first amethyst mine... Looking at the world, who can stop?

"Who is this person?" In the voice of Li Jiazhu, the obvious has already brought a bit of murder. The meaning of a 'monthly black wind, high killing and more goods' is spreading.

"Li Jiazhu can know that there is a school in the world, the name is amethyst?" Chu Yang said in a good way.

"Amethyst? Of course! This is an extremely sinister effort..." Li Wubo introduced the Amethyst hand to the house: "But this time, I just heard that it has never been seen before. It is said that it has been lost... mean?"

"As far as I know, practicing Amethyst, only in the environment where the density of amethyst has reached a rather horrible density, it is possible to cultivate successfully!" Chu Yang smiled: "And the person I said has been cultivated. Supreme three products... or four products or even higher..."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Li Jiazhu, you said... He cultivated this place of Amethyst, what is the density of Amethyst, so that he can have such an achievement in a short time... ?"

Li Wubo took a deep breath and smiled faintly: "This person's luck is also very good."

Chu Yanghehe smiled: "I think it is, Li Jiazhu. Your luck is better."

Li Wubo smiled faintly, but there was a fierce flash in his eyes: "If you know this person, then why do you not personally start with your cultivation? Is it better to monopolize the Amethyst mine?"

Chu Yang helpless share of the hand: "Is it wrong to listen to the wrong family? I just said that this person is the lowest three products. Even four products or higher ... Is it true that the family thinks that I can kill him?"

Li Wubo said faintly: "I don't necessarily kill it? You are the Supreme in the sword!"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, this person is behind. It also represents a big force... Although this big force, I do not know that this person has amethyst mine, but the trouble of killing this person is also the same as that of Haotian. ”

"Sure enough." Li Wubo's heart snorted, heart, if you are sure, how can you disclose this news to me?

Are you so kind?

"This person's name?" Li Wubo asked.

"This person is called, Lang Yilang." Chu Yang said slowly.

"Lang Yilang!" Li Wubo shocked a bit: "The law enforcer! The first prison!"

"Yes! It is him!" Chu Yang faint.

"Absolutely impossible!" Li Wubo was dissatisfied: "You are lying to me! More than eight months ago, I did not know where to reveal the wind, saying that Lang Yilang may have Amethyst, the law enforcer once said to Lang Yilang I have done a check; the conclusion is that... Lang Yilang will not work at all."

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "Li Jiazhu, if there is a person in your family who is responsible for the Amethyst hand magic. Will you know the world?"

"This..." Li Wubo sinks.

"In this case, there are only two possibilities." Chu Yangdao: "First, Lang Yilang has already cultivated the Amethyst hand to the Supreme Six. He can control the power of the Amethyst hand and hide it at will; Li Master should know Amethyst hand repair is peculiar, if it is hidden, I am afraid that even if it is the nine supreme, it can not be found; unless the person who is viewing is also in the Amethyst hand repair."

"The second possibility is that... the law enforcement wants to swallow this amethyst mine."

Chu Yang said slowly: "I have the magic of Amethyst, which can prove this. And... I have a certificate of evidence that can prove that Ichiro is really practicing Amethyst!"

Li Wubo indulged: "This matter needs to be considered."

"That is of course." Chu Yang dagger smiled.

"I will let people prepare for Amethyst." Li Wubo got up and hurried away.

Although he said that it was a long-term plan, Chu Yang clearly found that the eyes of the Li family were flashing, but they could not wait.

Chu Yang smiled in his heart.

Li Wubo certainly can't wait. For Li Jia, law enforcement is not a scruple at all! Now the law enforcers have set their sights and horses, and they are right against the nine robbers.

However, the Li family is standing on the side of the nine-robbery sword, and it is a nail on the law enforcement. Under such a premise, where does Lijia care about the first seat of the law enforcement officer?

Even if it is the law... If it is the opportunity for the Li family to have a dog, it will not hesitate to win!

Li Wubo does not care about this, but the accuracy of this news. Moreover, for some things that Chu Yang said, Li Wubo does not understand very well.

So he has to go back and make sure that's it.


Within a day, three million amethysts were in place.

Sword Spirit began to display the technique of whale swallowing the sea, transforming all the amethyst into energy and absorbing it into the space of nine robbers...

Li Wubo is also looking for a few old brands to understand things.

“I heard that Amethyst needs to be cultivated in a dense place of Amethyst?”

"Crap! Amethyst hands can be cultivated casually, what is it called amethyst? Of course, the density of amethyst has reached a certain level, and it can be cultivated! The density is low!"

"Then we are going to have this amethyst mine... can't it?"

"If you count that it has not been mined, of course, if it is only now, it should not reach the point where the purple gas is coming."

"If this is the case, can the amethyst mine that can cultivate the Amethyst hand be the first Amethyst mine in the world?"

"In principle, yes; however, whether it is the world's first or the world's second, there is qualification to practice Amethyst."

"If it is in a few decades, I will practice the Amethyst to the Supreme Four or Five...even higher; what kind of amethyst mine would it be?"

"Super Amethyst Mine!"


The first question is completely clarified: Purple is saying that it is true.

"I heard that Lang Yilang is practicing Amethyst?"

"This... there is no evidence. And the law enforcers denied it."

"If it can produce evidence?"

“Nashiro Ichiro is a huge treasure in itself!”


The second question is clarified: Purple is still true!

“Is it possible to hide the energy of the Amethyst hand arbitrarily after the cultivation of the Amethyst hand to the Xianfan? Can someone who has the same Amethyst power be aware?”

"Yes. According to the legend, there is such a saying; but what kind of cultivation is necessary to hide, it is not known; as for the power perception of Amethyst, it is not in the legend, whether it is, not know."


The third question is suspense: more than 70% of the people said by Zi Daren are reliable.

Li Wubo is a person who does big things, of course, has his decision!

He is after the decision. When the decision is made, the order is issued: pay attention to the movement of the law enforcer! In particular, pay attention to the movement of the first seat of the law enforcement officer.

Of course, this order is very secret. Especially... I want to take advantage of this amethyst family!

If this treasure can be directly mined... What else does the purple man do? Of course, if it is still impossible to mine, then it is not too late to ask the grown-ups to come out...

and. Now there is a mess outside, a mess!

The apocalypse caused by the news of Chu Yang as an extraterrestrial demon is still continuing and fluctuating.

Now the whole world is searching for all those who have a relationship with Chuyang. Southeast Pingshaling has become the focus. Every day, many people in the rivers and lakes remove the magic guards.

Although the people who have gone have never seen it back, but the rivers and lakes are so big, who knows who has not returned? So everyone is still going on.

One day, a sudden news came out in the rivers and lakes, saying that it was the same party that discovered Chu Yang, the extraterritorial demon.

So suddenly everyone gathered and attacked. But these few people are very hard under the hand, and they all broke through and wanted to break through to the southeast. However, since everyone discovered it, can you let you break through the past?

So the road to the southeast was all banned.

The nine major family-wide law enforcement officers and the rivers and lakes scattered people automatically organized themselves. The hopes of these few people entering the southeast and the outer world are severed; the whole rivers and lakes are surrounded.

These few extraterrestrial Tian Mo and the party are actually old rivers and lakes, with a lot of wisdom and experience, they are helpless, left and right, suddenly stand out. Escape all the way.

At present, it seems to be coming northwest.

Because of the whole world, only the northwest is not strong enough in this respect.

After Li Weibo got such news, he did not care: this matter, has a relationship with Lijia? You love to swear, and the more people die, the better. What is the domain outside the demon, Laozi does not care at all...

However, I received a new message and the news made Li Wubo unable to sit still. Because the news said: Among these extraterritorial days, one of the parties is actually related to the first seat of the law enforcement officer.

At present, the first seat of Lang Yilang has already led the public out of the law enforcement city, and the stars and nights are all the way, all the way to the northwest! It is said that it is to kill this person by hand, or... for any other reason.

All in all, the entire northwest of the mainland, which had been deserted, slowly began to heat up.

"Lang Yilang came to the northwest?!" Li Wubo took the medicine and stood up fiercely. Instead, he scared the intelligence personnel who came to report.


"Great!" Li Wubo slammed his hands, his face was a coverless excitement: "This is really... the big pie that fell from the sky! If it doesn't catch up, I am so arrogant that it is too embarrassing to the ancestors." Zong..."

"If people are out of business, this is really the wall can not stop!" Li Wubo is very excited. Can you be lucky? First, the Amethyst mine, which had not been successfully mined for 10,000 years, suddenly had hope, and then got the news of the world's first amethyst mine.

Then, just after getting this news, it was not long before the most critical one was actually delivered to the door so coincidentally!

Li Wubo’s heart can’t contain it: if the family is going to be happy, there will be auspiciousness! All of this, I will not prove it: I am a family of Li... The days of turning over have finally arrived! Otherwise, can you be a good thing so intensive one after another? This is God's will!

Wa hahaha……


<Cough, I went to the hospital with my wife today, cough, that is super super, oh, that oh... looks like that swearing... cough; so today two chapters, set aside time to accompany your wife. There will be more explosions tomorrow...>

... beaming away and asking for a monthly pass. Hey... somersault clouds!嗖~~(To be continued)

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