Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 546: Gold 蝉 shelling [first! 】

Li Wubo took a few steps in the room, his eyes flashing, and finally his lips slammed and made up his mind.

When I took a table, I said, "Take me orders immediately..."


Chu Yang was soaked in the Amethyst Mine for two consecutive days; waiting for the movement of Li Weibo.

Of course, he knows that if Li Wubo really determines the news of Lang Yilang, he will never tell himself. He will only swallow himself!

Therefore, it is necessary to observe from any clues.

Finally, this day, Chu Yang discovered that the amethyst mine was in a large number of amethysts.

Chu Yang揪 came over and sighed and asked: "What happened? These amethysts are not enough for me to use myself. How can I go out?"

Li Qing’s face is bitter: “Zi Daren, it’s really a family to use...”

"What big thing! Actually use my Amethyst!" Chu Yang angered: "All left me!"

Li Qingliu was crying and laughing.

Do you really think that these amethysts are all yours? How old is it?

"It was requested by the owner of the family!" Li Qingliu finally said it under the slutty of Chuyang.

"The owner of the family asked... Hey! His grandmother dripped..." The purple man said a word, and immediately said: "Today's big blast!"

Since Li Wubo started to go out a lot of Amethyst, it must have action, and it is a small-scale action, and it will be very long outside.

If it is short, you don't need to bring so many amethysts out.

At this time, Li Wubo found in addition to the trace of Lang Yilang. Chu Yang can't think of other reasons, so that Li Wubo can be so big...

That being the case. It is time to leave. However, Li’s self-seeking is so tight, how to leave, but it is a big event.

"Big blast? Really?" Li Qingliu was overjoyed.

Chu Yang snorted, the demonstration of the swinging hand; Li Qingliu was surprised to find that in the hands of the purple adults, there is a strong indestructible purple gas, especially the purple line that can attack the sharp and sharp, originally only one two At the moment, it is already in the palm of your hand. There are ten million!

Li Qingliu suddenly rejoiced, but also a pain in his heart: three million Amethyst, it was exchanged for such a purple line.


When I heard the news of the big blast, Li Wubo waited for the first time to come.

Li Wubo did not forget the protection of Zi Daren. I sent a five-product supreme behind Chu Yang to prepare for the rescue of Zi Daren.

In front of it, the purple man faced the empty treasure that was already empty.

In the wait for everyone to hold their breath, I saw the purple people violently move up!

"Oh," a strange strange to the extreme sound of the constipation, when the hair from the purple population, Li Jiazhu and others felt a burst of chrysanthemum, the vest was cold.

Too... stunned.

Immediately, the purple adult suddenly slammed into the chest and became a sorrowful Yuelu!

Both hands are wearing a butterfly on the chest to move. The upper body moves to a certain extreme. Then began to lower body.

I saw it twisted first; the waist was like a small electric motor, and then it was rotated left and right; then, after the hips and the gestures and movements of the wind, the whole waist and hips were like a pole dancer. under.

In the back, Li Qingliu and Li Wubo and others have a feeling of entering the brothel.


Then Zi Daren yelled, and the purple light in his hand was great!

Everyone has widened their eyes and knows that the purple people will start the big bang, and they have begun to prepare for it, and they have both eyes and eyes, and they are like a leopard that is about to rise.

But... Purple people’s hands together with purple light, they actually went back. Then start repeating the previous set of actions...

Everyone was speechless...

After a weird set of actions, the purple man is screaming again! Purple light is great!

Everyone has a tight heart...prepare again.

Purple adults took the purple light back...

Someone has been biting behind: this goods. Is it in the heart of playing people?

Immediately, it was another big bang...

This process has been continuous for eight times! Behind, Li Wubo and others are all black lines, full of speechless words. If you are standing there like a thunder, buddy... can you hurry?

You said that you can play it again. Continuous play ** times... is this interesting?

At the ninth time, everyone closed their eyes and sighed. The body has not moved: Mom, it is a play...


A blast of landslides and general explosions!

Everyone is suddenly stunned...

Just listen to the voice of Zi Da’s angry and desperate voice: “Get me pick up...”

But at this time, the master who is responsible for the support of Zi Daren has long been paralyzed. Where can it be reflected? Everyone opened their eyes, and the eyes saw a violent explosion in front of them. The violent air flow flew across the air, and then... The purple man was hit by the air, and the wow screamed, and the clouds danced and danced out...

When I was in the air, I saw that the blood was coming out of the body, and then the purple man took a mouthful, and a blood spurted out...

Everyone has only had time to protect themselves in this explosion...

The explosion is over!

Everyone looked at them at a glance, and they were all ecstasy and speechless.

The ecstasy is: I saw the indestructible amethyst mine, there has been a huge gap, the size of the water tank, a few feet depth.

Although it has not been completely opened, the current situation is hundreds of times larger than the previous basketball-sized hole. This progress is simply a miracle!

Everyone believes that as long as there is one or two more times, it will definitely open.

But... It’s speechless: I saw the purple man’s face full of blood, and the whole body was hurt. The blood in his mouth snorted and sighed out, with **** foam, his eyes were awkward, obviously it was more venting, less gas. ......

This way, it is simply to the state of dying.

How can this continue?

The purple man fell down. Just fell in front of Li Wubo. I don't know where he was so seriously injured. He slammed the hem of Li Wubo's clothes and gnashed his teeth. "You, you... don't you say that you have arranged a master to pick me up? I, I, I... ...people?!"

Li Wubo is speechless.

I arranged it, but you...was twisting and twisting your buttocks, and then yelled and yelled... Who knows which big bang started?

When everyone is desperate, you are just shooting... can you blame me?

However, this matter is really not a wave of loss: I told you, do you know what I use? Do you know how much luck I need?

Therefore, Li Wubo can only scream at the black line and accept the anger of Zi Daren...

"I am not making trouble... I am concentrated on the power of nine times and broke out together... You pig..." The words of Zi Daren made Li Wubo flush.

Fortunately, Zi Daren immediately fainted.

Otherwise, Li Wubo feels that he must be smashed again by the 18th generation ancestors...

"Fast! Let the purple man carry it back. Take care of it!" Li Wubo's heart is remorseful; now Chu Yang has in his heart, has risen infinitely to the point of national treasure: such a strong amethyst mine, suddenly blasted out such a piece The channel comes...

If you are not negligent, then this time. Can you see the treasure in a few days?

Blame me...

Li Jiazhu blames himself. You said that you have patience in visiting the brothel. How can you face the purple people's movements without patience? Hey……

Quickly arrange the doctors, arrange the master escort, it is like escorting the mother to **** the purple **** back to cultivate, the top doctors of the Li family also rushed to find the past.

Looking at the purple man was lifted away, Li Wubo only had a dull smile, and looked at the gap in this time. The more he saw it, the more he was ecstatic.

The size of the water tank is full of four or five feet!

Can easily accommodate the next person!

Really... the progress of the surprise!

"At all costs, do your best to treat the purple people! Let the purple people recover as soon as possible!" Li Wubo severely ordered.



Chu Yang is weak in bed. I watched the two doctors busy with a sorrowful look.

With Chu Yang's cultivation and sword spirit means, it is easy to eat a serious injury.

At the moment, the doctors of the two Li family are stumped. Can this be adjusted? The purple man sighed with a sigh of relief... even the medicine did not dare to use it.

Such a serious injury, the family actually ordered the death: within seven days, the purple giant must stand up!

The two doctors thought that they wanted to hit the wall: within seven days... We can keep the purple man's breath and not swallow it for seven days. It is already a **** means; let alone... stand up!

That is simply a myth!

The two doctors sighed and then sighed again, and they were helpless...

In the evening, I saw that the purple man was stubbornly holding a breath and not swallowing it. The two were somewhat relieved, and the family members who visited the waves all the time had already left.

of course. These big monks thought that the purple adults had been seriously injured and dying, and there was no precaution. One of them said with a beard: "Brothers, this morning, the old man will lead the team to leave. By then, I will not leave with you."

Well, this is a six-piece supreme.

Others are naturally assured of his strength. I said a few words that didn't hurt the wind.

Of course, the phrase "getting off in the early morning" is the most crucial thing for the purple man lying down.

More drums, night deep.

Seeing that it was almost early in the morning, it was quiet.

The purple man suddenly said something vaguely.

The two doctors rushed to get together: this is a happy event... can talk...

But as soon as they got together, the two felt a whirlwind, and then they didn't know.

The purple man Shiran sat up and looked at the clothes; then he slammed the robes of the seniors with his hands and feet, and put them on his own hands.

I took a bronze mirror and put it on the mirror. I made the same makeup as the doctor. I used my pain to adjust the muscles on my face. Finally, I sprinkled some powder on my hair and suddenly turned into white hair.

Immediately, the old gentleman's goatee was shaved, and it was carefully stuck on his chin. The coughing of the pretense, um, the sound is old.


<Cough, I was so excited and insomnia last night. Turning around in bed, at four in the morning, I was saddened by someone who couldn’t bear to get out of bed, but I couldn’t help but sleep on the sofa...>

<Cough, last night in the mobile phone starting point network proud of the book evaluation area to participate in activities, very sad reminder will not engage, before and after the five or six teachers to teach, the more the more the hands and feet numb brain confusion ... ... is not easy to find up, but it is Only the ID is displayed, the author number is not displayed... Sincerely, it’s self-confident...>

<Cough, ask for a monthly ticket! >(To be continued...)

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