Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 547: So vicious [second more! 】

Chu Yang immediately slammed the remaining person's halo and fainted, stuffed into the bottom of the bed. The old gentleman in bed was still in a coma, and he was covered with a quilt and facing in.

Then I went out with a sad face.

"How old is the old man, how is the injury of the purple man?" asked a few people waiting outside.

"Cough ... purple adult disease ... is not the same small, old need to go out to collect medicine immediately! You look at it here; purple adults I have used the needle ** to lock the vitality will not be lost ... tens of millions, in me Before you come back, don't let anyone go in anyway. If you are disturbed by the vitality, then you will be back to heaven!"

"Time is tight, I will leave immediately! Fortunately, I know where this medicine grows. I am afraid that others do not know the method of picking. The wounded medicine has no effect. The old man is self-defeating and will leave immediately! Here is annoying."

"Millions, don't let anyone go in before I come back! This festival is very important!" Mr. Chu Yang's face is solemn.

"The old gentleman rest assured, I must wait for the care of the purple adults! Let no one be disturbed!"

Zheng Zhong cautioned, and then the old doctor of Chu Yang picked up the medicine, took up the medicine box, and Shi Shiran went straight out.

As soon as I went out, I was rushing, with the snow in the night, hurriedly marching in the direction of the mountain gate in a heavy snow.

This old gentleman is the first physician of Li Family. He has always been highly respected and countless. There are countless people living in the family. There is no one in the family of Li family. The road in Chuyang is of course very smooth.

I have been patrolling and seeing him. Please be kind, please.

The old gentleman smiled and daggered, and kept his feet.

Although the old gentleman is fascinated with medicine, but his Xuan Gong has a degree of three grades. Although it seems that Chuyang is not as good as Chuan, it does not prevent him from using the speed of the throne.

Seeing that the family building group has already emerged; Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and walked forward.

suddenly. The roadside is low and asks: "Password!"

Chuyang stood. No smile: "I am the old man."

A big man appeared in the snowflake: "It turned out to be a big pharmacist. Where are you going so early?"

Chu Yang sighed and looked sad: "The purple man is dying. The old man had to go out for the night to collect medicine for him..."

"But the owner told me... no one can pass... this..." The man is awkward.

"The old man is treating the disease of the purple man, and it is also the first order of the owner." Chu Yang smiled.

"This one……"

"If you don't let go, the old husband is easy. Go back. If the purple man is unfortunately dead... If the family is dead, you will bear this responsibility. So cold, the old man is not willing to go out." Yangshuo stunned, turned and left.

"Slowly... the old man stayed." The big man suddenly stunned and accompanied him to laugh: "The younger brother is also responsible for the body... It must be. If so, the old gentleman will ask for a quick return. The younger brother does not stop. That's it."

"Speed ​​to speed back? Why?" Chu Yang turned over the eyelids: "You count the old, actually instructed the old man to come ... the old man not only does not return quickly. Directly not go!"

"Don't stop... The old gentleman doesn't count the villain... The younger brother is a fart... When you let go, let me put it..." Dahan smiled and pleaded.

The purple adults dare to mention the name of the owner in the Li family. How much more is too much to mention... If it is really because of yourself, there is a mistake. Then... it’s really bad for the whole family.

"Hey!" Chu Yang waved this guy with a loud slap in the face, and he screamed with a low voice: "Flock! You are farting with your mouth? Actually, I let you put it loose? What a confession!"

Dahan squinted. There was a raging anger in his eyes, but he did not dare to attack: "Yes, it is... the younger brother said something wrong."

Chu Yang roared: "The weather has been rushed out to collect medicine is a stomach, actually still encounter you like this!"

Snoring, looking up, carrying a goatee, arrogantly passing by.

After a long walk, the big man just turned back to the invisible place, and his heart was full of enthusiasm: the old man had always had a good temper, how this time, actually so unreasonable...

Touching the face, still hot, vicious road: "This old goods, go out is a death."


Chuyang all the way through dozens of levels, finally out of the Lijiashan Gate, looking back, there is actually a feeling of dreams.

It is finally out.

This trip is not empty, and it is very rewarding.

Chu Yang originally thought about it. After he heard the news, he couldn’t stand it anymore. The first seat of the law enforcement officer’s criminal court, Lang Yilang, was personally dispatched. What is it for?

There is no exact news in Chuyang, but Chu Yang believes that Lang Yilang will never be dispatched.

Last time, the life of the encirclement and enemies was huge, and Lang Yilang did not personally come forward. It’s really a practice that has come to the bottleneck. Second, I’m afraid there are other reasons...

But this time it was dispatched, and this time, I am afraid it is to deal with the extraterrestrial demon... In addition, there is nothing else big.

But who is the extraterrestrial demon?

Chu Yang thought, if it was just to deal with himself, I am afraid that I couldn’t disturb Lang Yilang; but...Wang Yilang came out this time, would it be for... Wei Wuyan?

If Wei Wuyan was discovered, it would not be impossible to be crowned with a hat of "outside the world."

Besides, with Wei Wuyan, there are also tens of thousands of people, into a single shadow and the package does not return. These people are all exposed to themselves in Tianji City.

Chu Yang has been paying attention to the traces of these four people, but there has been no news.

This time it is worthy of the one that Lang Yilang personally dealt with... I am afraid that they are only them.

Because of themselves, they are in danger.

How can Chu Yang not be anxious?

Seeing that he had come out, he left the line of sight of the Li family, and all of them were covered by a heavy snow. Chu Yang immediately began to practice his body and brushed it, disappearing without a trace.

Turned over a mountain foot, restored the original face, but this time did not wear a black robe. Instead, he wore a white dress ‘like being invisible in the snow, while speeding, while the vast and vast gods were scattered.

It is imperative. It is the first to find those who come out.

The person from Li family is looking for Lang Yilang. Lang Yilang is looking for Wei Youyan.

This is a line.


When Chu Yang came out, Li Wubo and more than a dozen family elders were discussing the affairs of Zi Daren. A total of 16 people gathered around the group, which is the backbone of the Li family. It is also the decision-making level of the contemporary power.

Tonight, I visited the purple people and came together to discuss them. After deliberating a few things, I arranged things to deal with the waves. Watching the team leave, you can finally do something to discuss the purple people.

"Elders all said that for the purple smoke, how should we get together." Li Wubo took a breath and said: "It is obviously not tempted to use the beauty color. The three maids in his room are all national fragrances, but he Don't move. This section, don't have to mention it."

"Yes." Another elder said: "I am impressed with Amethyst. Obviously it is not acceptable; he has the ability to hold Amethyst, Amethyst and wealth, and can't touch him."

"It’s a pity to kill." Another person was indulging.

"Of course not to kill!"

"But this person must be completely controlled by my family! If it falls into the hands of other families, it is a disaster." Another elder's eyes flashed: "If it is used, it is impossible to kill."

The people are silent.

Li Wubo took a breath. Road: "I have an idea, just. Slightly sinister."

"The owner of the family please say!" The elders of the same family said in unison: "As long as I can make a lot of things, even if it is sinful, even if it is sinister, it will be done. The family is first, under this premise, any... Can ignore it!"

Li Wubo nodded and said: "I mean... wait for his injury to be a little better, just poison him..."

"What poison can be poisoned to a sword supreme?" The elders began to search for the intestines.

"Controlling the grass!" Li Wubo has a word.

The majority of the elders were taken aback.

Controlling the grass, unique in the northwest. Combined with ice and snow, you can control any one of the supreme! If you don't obey, your heart will make him miserable, and life is better than death.

But this kind of poison has a premise: it needs to be driven by the power of supreme, and the life is the medicine. In other words... you need to sacrifice a person to get rid of the poison.

"Alright. Just use the life of the doctor... The old man is looking for a purple smoke, and it is the one he will not doubt the most." An elder said.

Most of these people have received the favor of the doctor; they have been treated for injuries; and several of them have been saved by his life. These people feel a little intolerable, but they have thought about it, but they still do not say anything.

Compared with the family business, a human life is worthy of geometry? Even if this person saved himself... it doesn't matter.

"The **** is to die, the old man is not young. Isn't we going to kill him, he will live forever?" An elder's gaze blinked: "So, the heart of compassion, I advise you to close it up!" That will kill you!"

Everyone is not talking.

This is also true. Although he saved me, he is old enough. In the past few years, he has been unable to do so. If he does not kill him, he will live forever.

With such a thought, the big home has some peace of mind.

Seeing that everyone is not against it, Li Wubo nodded with satisfaction: "Well, if this is the case, then you will do it. You are responsible for this matter. You must be foolproof."

The seven elders of the eagle hook nose stood up and took orders. The seven elders are the coldest and hottest among the elders; Li Wubo gave this task to him, and he was the right person.

"Once you control him, you need to guard against his rebound and adjust it... let him completely obey. However, you can't take it lightly." Li Wubo's eyes are cold and poisonous: "At the right time, let him go to the aphrodisiac and let him and Women meet and give birth to future generations. The more the better, the men and women are not limited. Let him train his future generations to become talented... Make sure that later generations are available, and then kill the purple scorpion!"


"When I browsed the web, I saw the grand mobile phone. I was very interested in it. I watched its performance and it was very easy to understand. It is very suitable for my mobile phone. Of course, the most important thing is that it is not expensive... Hey... I will wait a few days for my mobile phone to get started, try it out, if it is easy to use, I would recommend it to everyone... We will share it with good things..."

<This is the second more. I am eating the third word of the code. >

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