Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 551: Reporting a great hatred [second more! 】

"The future things, you will know." Lang Yilang said this sentence after a long time, said: "I can't think of it, the luck of Hong is so good, it is very difficult for him to earn Amethyst himself. At that time, I actually received a good apprentice, and this apprentice actually served him for a thousand years!"

Lang Yilang's thin chest is undulating, and for a long time, he barely traces his sleeves and wipes his tears. "The story is over, in the middle, there is one of the poorest people, one of the most despicable, one of the most stupid. People! Only three people in the district have formed this tragedy after more than 1,600 years! Wei Wuyan... Do you have anything to say?"

He even smiled softly and fascinatedly.

Wei Wuyan slammed his head and muttered powerlessly: "You always said that you are a fool, but where do you know, the most stupid person is me! You are stronger than me, at least you have been hating, and, just love, still Not a wife... there are no future generations..."

Lang Yilang frowned: "Oh?"

"I was cheated by him for a lifetime... haha..." Wei Wuyan’s smile: "My family died tragically, my parents died; my wife was killed by his own hands, and his own son was killed by him in the hustle and bustle, and I am here. After the incident, he still served him for nearly a thousand years... Who is stupid? Hahaha... Are you stupid? What are you stupid? Are you stupid than me?"

Lang Yilang was silent for a long time and finally said: "You are so miserable."

Wei Wuyan laughed and cried: "Do you feel that the feeling of pity is very cool?"

Lang Yilang suddenly laughed, laughing, while the tears of his eyes brushed down, and said: "It is really cool!"

After a long time, Lang Yilang took a deep breath and said: "Speak up. Your destiny. Your misery, or because of me."

Wei Wuyan was silent for a long time, faintly shaking his head: "Perhaps. But... I blame you."

Lang Yilang sighed for a long time.

"Hate, let me be crazy!" Lang Yilang is low.

"Who is hateful who is crazy!" Wei Wuyan screamed.

"But today, we can't be crazy..." Lang Yilang reached out and grabbed a handful of snow.揉成团, rubbed **** his face, faintly said: "Today, I have to break the grudges, so I cried for a while. After crying, it was time to break. Wei Wuyan, if you are bitter, I can let You are half the hand."

Wei Wuyan stunned: "You?"

Lang Yilang’s big laugh: “Don’t I say that I’m breaking my grievances, it’s not a white saying!”

Talking. He laughed loudly and laughed, full of pleasure. The body plunged in laughter. I couldn’t see it in the blink of an eye. Walking slowly in the hurricane, dragging a rope on the hand, it seems to be dragging something, all the way to life.

When I got to the front, I used a force on my wrist and said, "Catch!"

A group of black and screaming faces greeted Wei Weiyan.

Wei Wuyan reached out and couldn't help but be shocked!

When Lang Yilang dragged it, it turned out to be a person!

Hong is infinite!

At this moment, Hong Wuliang had no eyes, his face was pale, his body was curled up, and he was shaking; there was no previous master.

"Last time, after he was forced out, he was always under my supervision. I tortured all the way, didn't give him half amethyst, watched him beg, watched him being bullied, watching him being spit. Spit... Every day, I am as happy as the New Year!..."

Lang Yilang bit his teeth.

"But, in the past, there is no witness to how it can be!" Lang Yilang sneered: "So, once you know your news, I will do everything I can to force you here! Don't blame me for being sinister... because I want Here, at the beginning of this film, under the witness of a person who has a relationship with both sides... Under the witness of the gods of heaven and earth, broke this grudge!"

"If you say early... I don't have to force me, I will come!" Wei Wuyan said lightly.

"But I am afraid you will not come!" Lang Yilang snorted.

"I believe that both parents are watching here! Xiaer is in the sky, and watching it silently! Watching this scum has been retribution recently! Watching this scum is punished today!"

Lang Yilang screamed in the sky: "Have you seen it? Have you seen it?"

Wei Wuyan trembled and stared at Hong Wuliang, gnashing his teeth and creaking!

Lang Yilang slaps a few palms on Hong Wuliang, and Hong’s mouth suddenly bursts into a white air, his eyes are also flexible; the next moment he saw Wei Wuyan, could not help but tremble, his eyes flashed away, avoiding When Wei Wei had no face, he turned to see Lang Yilang, and his eyes were suddenly awkward.

Lang Yilang is deeply sucked, but the sound is strangely softened: "Hundreds of money, can you still feel comfortable these days?"

Hung had a few breaths and suddenly shouted: "Lang Yilang! If you have a kind, you will kill me!"

"Killing you... Of course you want to kill!" Lang Yilang’s eyes were cold, saying: "It’s just that, before you die, I have one thing to figure out!"

Hung Wuliang sneered: "You say!"

"At that time, Xiaer was already your wife, and I have been with you for more than ten years. Why did you suddenly kill her?" Lang Yilang’s eyes slowly turned red.

"Oh... my wife, I want to kill him and kill him, what is it about you?" Hong said with a vicious smile: "Why, are you distressed?"

Lang Yilang’s hands and feet are shaking slightly: “I want to know the reason!”

"Do you want to know the reason?" Hong was shaking with trepidation, but with a vicious sly look at Lang Yilang: "How old are you? Why should I tell you?"

Lang Yilang gasps deeply: "Do you say no?!"

Hong Wuquan laughed: "I am dying anyway, why should I say? Why should I still satisfy your wish before dying? I am dead, and you must leave forever regret!"

He smiled cruelly and said: "Then! I just want to kill her! Just want to torture her! Just want to be ridiculously tortured to death; you know, from the day she married me, I will Start torment! I have been tortured for more than ten years, every day will not be interrupted! I am tortured to death, how are you? You are distressed? You are distressed, you are also a traitor! She is dead, also my wife! Want to take revenge?"

Lang Yilang's bodysuit with hair and no wind automatically, he bit his teeth: "You will say!"

Hong Wuquan spit in with a spit: "You can't think about it! I am humble and shameless in my life, but this bone is still hard! Lang Yilang, don't you believe it? Come and try it, and see me, don't say it!"

Lang Yilang smiled coldly and reached out for a palm. The snow brush on the ground cleared one piece and exposed the ground. He shot both hands and the ground became as strong as steel.

Then he dragged Hu Yuanquan down and put it on the slate. He said: "You said, still don't say it!"

Hong Wuliang sneered, swearing: "The adulterer!"

Lang Yilang nodded: "Good!"

Take a small jade bottle from his arms and pour out a fragrant pill from the jade bottle. The next moment, he pinches the Hongqiu jaw, and Hongquan involuntarily opens his mouth, and the pill suddenly enters the mouth.

"Use poison? You think that I am poisoned..." Hong Wuquan sneered, just said half, and suddenly screamed in horror: "Bai Ling Wan? Lang Yilang! You are so poisonous!"

Lang Yilang shook his hand in a small jade bottle, and smiled coldly: "There are ten in it! I used three million amethysts and changed eleven tablets of bailing pills, ready to be used on your body!"

Wei Wuyan was on the side and suddenly felt creepy.

Bailing Pill is not a poison, but a rare elixir in the world! It is one of the most supreme remedies among the law enforcers!

Taking Bailing Pills can increase the cultivation and improve the mental strength in a short period of time; the infinite stimulation of the sensitivity of the whole body, so that the nerve sensitivity is a hundred times higher than usual!

This kind of medicine, especially in the sprint bottleneck, when you feel the realm of the situation, take the Bailing pill, it is really a hundred test Bailing!

Known as, breaking the ring Shen Dan!

Today, this Bailing pill is actually used by Lang Yilang to deal with Hong Yuanliang.

Wei Wuyan naturally wouldn’t be naive to think that Lang Yilang was helping the floods to improve. He just used this Bailing pill to keep the spirit of Hongquan in an abnormally full state, and could not faint; let his body touch the nerves to the most sensitive level. To withstand the most pain!

During the talk, Lang Yilang's thoughtful help to flood the masses, and to open up the efficacy of Bailing Pills, only to see the innocent face of Hong, the rosy at the speed visible to the naked eye, then it is the look of the gods, the spirit of the glow.

But Hong’s infinite eyes are even more frightened and scared.

"I don't particularly torture you!" Lang Yilang said with a cruel smile: "Forbearance, when you can't help it, you will tell me the news I want! I will give you a happy!"

After that, I didn’t wait for the flood to open the mouth, grabbed the hand of Hongquan, put it on the slate, raised a large stone in the right hand, and slammed it down!

Flesh and blood!

A scream!

Although Hong Wuquan clenched his teeth, he still stunned the power of this '100 times nerve sensitivity'! He only felt a violent rush to the extreme pain so clear...

Lang Yilang cold face, such as iron blocks; the big stone in his hand slammed down again and again; the screams of Hongquan are also one after another!

His saddest thing is that taking Bailing Pills, even if it is enough to stun a hundred times in normal times, he will not faint, and always keep the most sober mind to sense the pain!

He was trembling, his face was ruddy and his spirit was a hundred times.

Lang Yilang is like doing a pleasing thing, the stone in his hand is constantly being photographed, and he is photographed... The eyes of the enemy are finally rewarded.

He carefully followed the smashing of the infinite fingers in the order of a bone joint and a bone knot! There is absolutely no order in the middle is chaotic!

Every stone slammed down, Lang Yilang whispered: "Xiaer, I finally avenged you! Have you seen it?"


<Second! I continue to write the third more... give a monthly pass to encourage and encourage? >

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