Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 552: Are you all over? [The third! 】

The screams of floods are becoming more and more tragic, and Lang Yilang’s eyes are more and more affectionate.

Wei Wuyan was still looking at it with ease, but gradually, he began to not go too far. Later, he turned his back.

This person is his own great enemy!

The tragedy of his life is because of him!

But why is it in my heart... or something that I can’t bear?

The stone fell again and again and finally became a powder.

The flooded left hand was also smashed into a shoal of minced meat.

The sound of Hong Wuliang’s screams slowly descended, and finally he turned his eyes and fainted.

Lang Yilang did not panic, but he took out a batch of Bai Ling Dan and fed it in. He helped him to do his work and open up his potency. Then let him wake up; regain the look of red light...

Then, grab a stone from the ground again, take the right hand of Hongquan, open five fingers, carefully measure the amount, take a stone and shoot it...

He no longer asks the words ‘you say or don’t say’, just a savage shot of a stone and a stone!

It seems that this matter has become his greatest pleasure!

His eyes are persistent and his wrists are stable.

The flesh and blood flying in front of me seems to be a beautiful picture, which makes him happy. He silently read: "Xiaer, have you seen it? Xia, have you seen it?"

Hong Wuliang was screaming screamingly, and the muscles on his face were twisted into various weird shapes...

Lang Yilang groaned and read, suddenly burst into tears.

Wei Wuyan finally couldn't help but said: "Wave the predecessors, if you really want to torture him, smash the wrong bones, etc., should be a lot of torture? You should advocate more, why should you know more? Why bother?"

Why do you have to use this most common and most disgusting method?

He did not say this sentence.

Lang Yilang understood it.

Lang Yilang kept smacking while screaming and tearing, while he whimpered: "Xia'er is low, I use those... she can't read... I am taking revenge for her, I can use the best The way she understands!"

"She is watching, she is laughing, I can feel it." Lang Yilang bit his lip, tears, slap it down...

Wei Wuyan sighed.

"No face! No face! Ah ~~~" Hong Wuquan screamed, suddenly madly called Wei Wuyan's name: "Look at the mentoring, you killed me! You killed me Let's kill me, beg you..."

Wei Wuyan is shaking.

In front of him, the shadow of his dead wife and children suddenly appeared. He violently groaned and said: "When you killed my wife and killed my son, did you ever think that you are my master?!"

"I was wrong... Please kill me... You killed me and avenged your wife's son..." Hong said in a miserable manner.

At this moment, Lang Yilang shot in one hand, Wei Wuyan was shocked, and one move could not move.

"Although you don't have to be told by him, I don't want to take risks! I just want to torture him to death!" Lang Yilang said faintly: "So, grievances, you just watched and listened!"

Hong Wuquan screamed: "Lang Yilang! You are a beast! You are a bastard... you are a traitor! I hate..."

But then, his amnesty became a scream.

For a long time, Lang Yilang lived and smashed both arms into bolognese. He suddenly stopped and asked, "Are you hungry?"

When he said that he took out a knife and made a few knives, he cut the meat sauce and cut it into pieces. He pinched the nose of the lotus, and the piece of meat sauce that turned the arm of Hongquan into his own. Going in, apologized: "I forgot, I should always let you eat something, don't eat, where is physical strength to be tortured by me?"

Hung is screaming in the mouth, desperately trying to spit it out.

However, while Lang Yilang was feeding, while he helped him to digest it, the innocence of the flood could not be called out, and the spit could not spit out;

But for a moment, the flood of belly was so high that he had already swallowed his entire arm.

"Eat is full, let's continue to work! Hundreds of money, you must not ask for mercy, I will be disappointed!" Lang Yilang bit his teeth, reached out and pulled the huge left leg.

"I will let you, eat yourself all by little!" Lang Yilang shouted.

"No... Lang Yilang... The wave brothers... I am sorry for you... I am not a person... You spare me... You killed me..." Hong Wuquan finally collapsed.

God knows what it feels like to eat his own meat?

Hong Wuquan finally could not bear it.

"You know what I want!" Lang Yilang shot a stone on his left foot and said, "Slow down, you start eating your own legs."

"I said... but... after I finished, please give me a happy! Please!" Hong Wuliang tears and noses flowed together: "You are too slow!" Lang Yilang is a slap in the face The stone patted it down: "Now I have the final say! Well, as long as you say it, I will kill you! Give you a good time!"

"Speaking and speaking?!" Hong Wuliang's eyes brightened; once upon a time, a sacred supreme, actually will die, become the greatest hope! ?

"Hey!" Lang Yilang, a stone smashed down, and a toe slammed into a bolognese: "If you don't believe it, don't say it!"

"I said!..." Hong Wuliang only groaned and sighed, and he was sighing with cold air. "I said... it was like this... that day, I, I... I have been with Xiaer for 16 years. , I, I... I robbed a rich family, hehe~~"

As he spoke, he sighed and trembled: "I cut a piece of Amethyst heart... I, I, I invited someone, made this Amethyst heart, made a piece of jewelry, I... I am very happy to go home and give this jewelry to her..."

Hong Wu suddenly burst into tears: "I love her too! You know... I hope she is happy... I have been careful about her for so many years..."

"But when I gave this jewellery to her with joy, she was not happy. I was drinking in the living room, she was in the eaves; the more I drank, the more depressed I was, why did I try my best to glare at her? Is she still not happy?"

"At that time, I listened to her gently reading a poem, I... After I heard it, the alcohol was pouring up, suddenly it was very violent, rushing in and hitting her, I didn’t expect... I didn’t expect It was killed..."

Hong Wuliang burst into tears, a nose and a tear: "I really don't want to kill her... But when I beat her, she not only did not hide, but sent the key points to me... I, I,... I drank more..."

Lang Yilang’s throat trembled up and down, screaming: “A poem... What poem?”

"She said... Longitudinal thousand beads, no old red makeup; easy to ask for priceless treasure, rare love!" Hong Wuliang screamed, screaming, suddenly screamed: "Just these four sentences, nothing Just after she finished reading, she actually repeated the last three words, there is a love lover! Lang! Lang! I am arrogant to her aunt! I have a bad time for her... She is chanting you when she is dead... What do you have? Ok? You bastard, what are you doing? Which one is better than me? I am..."

Lang Yilang has been stunned!

Easy to ask for priceless treasure, rare to have a love!

Have a love!


Unexpectedly, Xia Er died, it is because of this. Because of myself!

Suddenly screamed, tears bursting out of the big stone, slap it down, while screaming, the scream of the blood of the cone: "Xiaer! Xiaer! Xiaer!~~~~ My Xiaer ......"

His screams are fierce, like a lone wolf that has been wounded in the wilderness, roaring to the sky; the heart is broken, and the heart is splitting.

Lang Yilang is yelling; but under the more intensive blow, Hong Wuliang is also excited and shouted: "She is mine! She is mine! It is mine..."

Both of them are screaming and screaming, just like fighting. In comparison, whoever’s voice is louder, the stone in the hands of Lang Yilang quickly smashes, and he takes another piece and squats. The flesh and blood splashed, his voice spread far and wide, put on the clouds...

The snow in the sky is slowly increasing, the clouds are getting hòu, and the wind is getting more and more fierce...

After a long time...

No sound is there.........

Lang Yilang suddenly dropped the stone that was full of blood on his hand. The stone fell to the ground, and his heart shook with it...

The flood on the ground has turned into a pile of bolognese from head to toe; in this uncontrollable blow, Lang Yilang couldn’t help but smash the whole body into a bolognese!

The flood is infinite, and it has disappeared permanently in this world.

Wei Wuyan, who has been unable to move, quietly rolled a string of teardrops. Suddenly, he felt hollow and empty, and he did not catch it. It seemed to be alone in the vast wilderness of the billions of people...

Lang Yilang stood up, his body swayed and sat down again.

He sat in a dull, empty eyes, for a long time, he hugged his head with both hands, covered his face, squatted down, slowly squatting down, suddenly squatting on the snow, crying and crying...

"Revenge... oh... I avenge you... Xia..."

The wind screamed and whistled through the sky, it seemed that the sky was making a low sigh...

After a long time, Lang Yilang licked his lips and turned around. He took a picture on Wei Wuyan. Wei Wuyan felt that he could move immediately. He turned his face and was about to talk, but he was shocked.

I saw Lang Yilang in front of me, wrinkled old-fashioned dragon clock, hair that was still black and shiny, and now it has become a white flower.

He seems to have been old for thousands of years in an instant!

"It's all over..." Lang Yilang groaned. When he said this, his lips were constantly squatting, and his body seemed to be shrunk. He held his arms and seemed to be unable to withstand the cold. He buried his head and buried his head. It’s a low sigh: “It’s all over...”

"Yeah... It’s all over..." Wei Wuyan repeated the sentence. He knows the mood of Lang Yilang very well, because he is in the heart now, this is also an empty feeling...

The two are relatively speechless.

Suddenly, a voice said faintly: "No, it is not over yet! The first seat of the wave, really, for a long time!"

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