Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 560: It’s weird, what happened? [Fourth! 】

The second night of the successful escape from Chuyang in Chuyang.

The maids who were driving outside were suddenly heard a faint groan.

Did the purple man wake up? Then let's go in now... can we?

He was groaning, only to hear a slamming sound inside. It seemed that someone had fallen from the bed, and then it was another voice: "Hey, my mother... who put the old man under the bed..." and then it was screaming.

Immediately, a voice said: "How do I lie here? Where is this?"

The people outside are listening to the fog: What is this?

Then a scream came out: "I, I, my... my beard?"

"Where is my beard?"

"My goodness... who stunned me? Who stole my beard?"

A few people outside listened to each other: really speechless, your beard... Who stole? Is that still something good?

Then everyone reflected it all at once: This... Isn't this the voice of the old doctor who claims to have gone out to collect medicine? how……

Just thinking about it, I heard a burst of noise inside, and then I saw a person crawling out with a roll of climbing, kneeling on the ground and raising his face, crying and asking: "What is going on?"

The crowd was shocked and suddenly widened their eyes: Is this not the younger of the two doctors who came that day? Didn't he always take care of Zi Daren in this day? Although no sound came out, he did not eat or drink in the day. Everyone admired his dedication. How did it become like this now?

Then there was another voice inside, and another person climbed out. Kneeling at the door, I want to cry and tears up: "What is going on? My beard?"

The maids looked at them and they collectively petrified!

A pair of pretty eyeballs, almost blindly shot at this moment!

This... Isn't this the old doctor who went to pick up the medicine? This... is this awkward? The chin is shining, a beautiful long beard is now a wooden one...

The number is relative. Everyone is awkward like a ghost!

After a long time, a scream rang out through the night sky!


"Waste! It's just two wastes!" Li Weiqi's nose was smashed, squinting and looking at the two doctors in front of him: "Human? Where did you go? Ah? You two are dead. ...A big living man with a serious injury has disappeared under your eyes for two days. Are you still asleep?"

The doctor was confused. I still don't know what happened: "Yeah... People? Where did the purple man go? His injury is very heavy..."

Another person pleaded: "We didn't sleep..."

Li Wubo drank: "Shut up!"

Suddenly the two of them were stunned.

"Speak! You two idiots! What's wrong!!" Li Weiqi rushed the cow, the hair full of hair must stand upright.

Damn, let you look at people, people are gone... What about my amethyst mine?

The two men suddenly took a nap, and my heart was abdomen: You had just said that we had to shut up before the moment, and the next moment we immediately blame us for not talking... Then what do we listen to? You are also difficult to serve...

I’ve said things over and over again, but the more I’m not, the more confused I am. The more you listen, the more depressed you are, the more you listen, the more you will be angry: "Don't say it anymore! You two confused insects! Are you going to live alive and mad at me?!"

The two doctors are wronged to die: do you want me to say or do not want me to say or still want me to say...

"Will there be an opportunity for outsiders to take advantage of this purple smoky cigarette, hurt our people, and rob the purple smog?" Li Tongtian frowned at the side.

"Impossible!" Li Wubo categorically vetoed: "In the vicinity, I have arranged eight Supreme Six Products. Two Supreme Seven Products... If there is such a thing, they will never hear anything. !"

He smiled happily: "Since it has decided and follow-up plans, how can it be unprepared?"

"Homeowner, if it is not robbed by the enemy... It seems that... the purple smoke, I am afraid that with this opportunity, I came to a golden cockroach and fled away... but if so, the first thing is to have a premise, then It is his injury, it is loaded. Fake. Just, why is this?" Next, a white-bearded old man said with a beard.

The chief physician who was kneeling on the ground looked at this bearded man with envy: I also had a flaw~~ I was gone overnight...

Li Wubo irritated: "But why did he escape?"

"This...I don't know..." The old man frowned. "This is really strange. He is leaving at the moment, that is, losing us four million Amethysts, nothing more... and he himself Didn't get..."

Speaking of the phrase 'nothing is done'. Li Wubo suddenly made a nap and said to himself: "I didn't get anything? I didn't get anything. Will he leave?"

He stood up and paced back and forth: "If he walks himself, then it is an explanation: he does not want to cooperate with us. Since he does not want to cooperate with us, then he came here, just want to get something... then pit Let's go. If he is wounded, he will not get anything when we are in the house. If he leaves, he will definitely get it!...but he What did you get?"

After talking about this long string of passwords, the face of Li Weibo is getting more and more ugly.

"If he wants something, he can only get it where he has been... and during this time, under our close supervision, he just went back and forth here, and Amethyst Mine!"

"There is nothing he won't get it, then the only possibility is..."

With the inference of Li Wubo, everyone's face became neat and tidy.

I refused to punish the two doctors, and suddenly stood up and hurriedly went away: "Go to Amethyst Mine!"

Everyone followed, the shadows were swaying, and all of them disappeared in an instant.

The two doctors got up and turned up, scratching their heads, and confused: I just couldn’t understand what the family said.


Everyone is flying all the way, everyone has played the highest speed, it is just a rush, and in an instant came to the Amethyst Mine, the impetuous smashed into it.

Li Qingliu got the news, hurriedly rushed to his feet in a big coat: "Homeowner, what happened?"

"What happened?" Li Wubo looked at him with sharp eyes: "You don't know?"

Li Qingliu’s eyes are stunned, and the second monk can’t touch his mind: “What? I? I, I, I... I should know?”

Li Wubo frowned: "What happened on the mine?"

Li Qingliu is even more confused: "Ah? No..."

"Amethyst has not been stolen?" Li Wubo twisted his eyebrows.

"Absolutely not!" Li Qingliu is a straightforward person: "I am guaranteed by the head!"

"You guarantee a bird!" Li Wubo couldn't bear to burst into a swearing, irritating hand: "Open the storeroom!" He can see it, this is also a dream.

I can’t help but feel guilty: how can I find a family, I can’t find a few people who can manage it...

Li Qingliu repeatedly promised to rush to lead the way.

The storeroom is open.

Looking at the amethyst piled up in the mountains, everyone was speechless: nothing happened... What went wrong?

This is really strange.

Li Qing snorted and smiled charmingly: "Home, Amethyst is here, there is nothing!"

Li Wubo also began to scratch his head: things must be out! And definitely a big deal! But... what is the big thing? How... Nothing found.

There isn’t a lot of mosquito hair in the whole family... Is the purple smoke a purely awkward one? But since he has tried his best to do so, how can he... what?

"Cough, but it is also strange. In the past two days, Amethyst mining is relatively easy, and the amount of mining is increasing. It seems that the stone is soft." Li Qingliuhe smiled: "This is a happy event."

"Is the stone soft?" Li Wubo's eyes condensed, turning his head sharply, his eyes burning.

"Amount...Yes, yeah." Li Qingliu nodded again and again, his face was a confused smile.

Li Wubo frowned, slowly paced, picked up and repaired, and suddenly looked awkwardly: "How do I feel... The heaven and earth aura here is scarce?"

Everyone did not notice that the words had been learned, and one could not help but be surprised: "Weird! Really..."

It has always been the place where the aura is most concentrated, and it is inexhaustible. But this time, it is clearly discovered that the aura is not only less, but also miscellaneous, not the same as before...

"Under the mine!" Li Wubo's unclear feeling is more and more intense!

Everyone walked in a hurry, entered the bottom of the mine, and came to the front of the gap of the size of the water tank mined by Zi Daren. If you look closely, you can't see what it is...

"No problem..." Li Qingliu was wearing a coat, and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly put on his sleeves.

"No problem..." Li Wubo got together and put his hand close to the huge cylinder.

However, the palm of the hand had just been posted, and it was still in the future. With a sudden bang, a small piece of stone debris fell.

A bang, falling in front of Li Wubo, smashed.

More than a dozen supreme, and at the same time stunned: This... what is going on?

This cylinder, isn't it even difficult to damage even the nine supremes?


Li Wubo said that he did not believe, and he tried to reach out and screamed, and then fell down a large piece...

Li Wubo suddenly thought of a possibility. Suddenly, he squatted and looked at the hole of the size of the water tank. He was short of breath, and his eyes looked at him with a sigh of relief. He shot out with a palm!

"Do not want to be home! Be careful to be shocked... I fuck! How can this be... My God..." The Supreme is reminding, but what happened next time, let them stunned one by one, if you meet a ghost!


<Four more, ask for a monthly ticket! >{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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