Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 561: Collapse

Everyone feels at the same time: the most unbelievable and most unexpected thing of the century... happened!

I saw that there was no sigh, and I shot it.

The palm of the hand screamed with a scream, and the front hit the big hole that was hit by the purple man!

Everyone has discouraged them, some are panicked, some are waiting, some are posing, ready to rescue the owner...

But in the eyes of the public, there was a loud noise!

Stone chips fly!

Everyone is stunned!

Because, the nine pieces of the supreme can not draw a little white column of the huge column, just under the palm of Li Wubo, a bang... There is a big hole!

The big hole is as deep as four or fifty feet!

Everyone is stunned!

How is this going? Is the cultivation of the homeowner beyond the peak of the nine products, reaching a level that everyone can't understand?

Otherwise, the ancestral ancestor would be shocked by this huge column, the owner of the palm... just opened it? And it looks very relaxed?

Li Wubo, although he was prepared in the heart, but when this happened, he was still stunned and could not help but glance at his palm...

I saw this big hole that Li Wubo took out with a palm, and straight through it, like a broad road. At this moment, the gravel fell and there was a white smoke in the hole...

However, only the nose of the population, but not the overwhelming aura of imagination.

Li Wubo’s face has become more ugly.

Not waiting for the smoke to disappear, Li Wu did not wave up and rushed in!

The other Supremes also came in.

The next moment, everyone stood in the empty column and opened his mouth!

It is empty inside!


Nothing at all?

Amethyst? What about Amethyst? Amethyst chalcedony? What is the soul of Amethyst? What about the crystal? What about Shenjing? ......

All of this, all the wonderful things portrayed by the purple man, everything is gone! Only the air!

Li Wubo's face is purple and violent, "Amethyst!?"

Everyone is stunned and stunned. A face of doubt, a head of the lawsuit: Yes. Where did Amethyst go?

If you say that there is nothing in it, then even if you kill everyone's head, everyone does not believe it: surrounded by a large number of amethyst, is actually an empty shell? Who is the letter?

Originally, the nine peaks of the supreme peaks could not be opened, and even left no traces. Is it actually an empty shell? Who is the letter?

"Amethyst! Treasure?" Li Wubo sighed with sorrow: "Where did you go? Where did you go?? Where? Ah!"

Li Wubo can't accept it.

No one can accept it.


This is the biggest obsession of the entire Li family in the past ten years, and the greatest hope! Everyone knows that there must be a terrible treasure!

Just open it. The strength of the entire Li family. Can turn over several times!

This is a matter of nailing on the board.

But it is now open.

There is no such thing inside. Hurry up to the point where a mouse can come in with two tears coming out.

"Purple, sputum, smoke!!" Li Wubo squatted on his feet, one word and one meal, its meaning of grievances. Overflowing. I only feel that the chest is rushing, and a blood is almost coming out of the throat!

Before the purple smoky smoke came, the nine products of the supreme can not draw a white mark; purple sputum; aura is abundant; After the purple smoky smoke, the aura is gone, the purple gas is gone, and the huge pillar of the sturdiness is also touched.

If it is said that it has nothing to do with the ‘紫霄烟’... Who believes?

If it is said that the treasure inside is not stolen by the purple smoke, who believes?

"Ziyan smoke..." Li Tongtian is the most tragic. Because of the purple smoke, it is the Li family that he introduced! At this moment, he is also the most angry. A gray hair must be erected.

But he hadn't had time to talk yet, Li Wubo had already rushed over, grabbed Li Tongtian's collar, and asked fiercely, "What is that purple smoke?"

Actually, I don’t care about this. Li Tongtian is his ancestor...

Li Tongtian's old face is red, his eyes are dodging: "I am..."

"You, what are you?!" Li Wubo jumped his feet and said: "You are so confused! You are the old bastard... You ruined the foundation of the family! You ruined the future of the family! You and you..."

Suddenly a slap, a spurt of blood. It was an anger and a heart attack, and it suddenly fainted.

At this moment, a burst of subtle sounds suddenly and continuously rang, the sound is very light, but it is very weird... It seems to be...

Ok. It’s like we are now, the glass on the window suddenly bursts silently like that...

Suddenly a supreme horror shouted: "This is this... what is going on here?"

Suddenly, people wake up: "This... what is this voice..."

Everyone turned their heads in horror. I saw that on the wall of this huge pillar, a series of thin cracks spread like a snake, and it was very fast...

Starting from the big hole opened by Li Wubo, it radiated toward the surrounding area.

In an instant, the huge cylindrical body has been covered with such cracks! !


Everyone squinted in horror, silent for a moment.


"It’s going to collapse... everyone is going out!!" Someone screamed and screamed; from the voice, I can imagine the image of the screaming man who was rushing to spurt...

Everyone suddenly wakes up and picks up Li Wubo on the ground and rushes out...

"Everyone is going! Everyone withdraws from the Amethyst Mine!"

Li Tongtian screamed loudly.

In this Amethyst mine, there are still 50,000 or 60,000 people working... There are many ordinary people in the area, most of them are under the king level, but these people can’t afford this collapse. Dashan...

What's more, the people here... most of them are... surnamed Li!

That's too late.

A huge amethyst mine, underground in all directions, has been hollowed out, everyone is working inside, how can it be withdrawn between several breaths?

Even less than one breath.

Even Li Tongtian and others have not yet rushed out of the hole...


In the middle of the column, the flour suddenly collapsed and collapsed... Then, a whole huge mountain towering...

It’s like the ancient giant suddenly fell, from slow to fast...


Oh la la...

Rumble in the thunder...


Then there is a huge...

boom! ! !

The whole mountain has collapsed!

Stuck into the ground!

Huge impact, that huge shock!

Let the buildings of all the Li family in the vicinity. Neatly jumped up at this moment!

Yes, jump up!

All the houses and buildings, at this moment, jumped off the ground like a skipping rope. Everyone can make up their own image in their own minds: under the huge surprise, a person jumps up in a hurry...

A huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky!

The vibration aftermath spread out very quickly... The next moment, around the seven or eight blocks, Yunyun Peak jumped neatly, and then... Hula la la...

At the same time avalanche!

Countless, massive, massive, ... Wannian snow snow from the mountain peaks, and suddenly rushed down. After the call, the big strides of the rushing rushed to the front... the goal. Lijia resident!

Of course, if you build a house, who will cover the top of the mountain? Especially a big one. Most of them are on the mountainside. Or mountain, or basin...

Well, that's it. And Li Jia chose the address to see Feng Shui. I took a fancy to this valley basin, when someone praised it: a good place, backed by the mountains! It is by the back! What's more, it is not a mountain, it is nine mountains! Encircling this basin... As the saying goes, the nine stars shine, Fuze is endless!

It was only at that time that everyone, including those who watched Feng Shui, did not think of it: one day the mountain fell, and the nine large backers were avalanche. But how?

The spectacularness of this scene can really challenge anyone's imagination.

Thousands of mountains and rivers merge into a torrent, rolling down, such speed, beyond any light work in the world, the surging snow waves with stones, stones, ice, etc.... whistling... Awesome!

The buildings that Li Jia, who just jumped up and fell, are shaking. It seems to be still considering: Do I want to collapse? This is a serious question. The avalanche came to the front.

What is it called: Destruction?

Here, a perfect interpretation is given: all buildings, neatly collapsed, and then a row of snow and waves, all traces. All drowning!

The opposite snow wave is also coming to the sea... In the end, it is in the middle. All the rolling snow waves seem to be colliding with the hatred of killing the father.


The snow of mushroom clouds rises in the sky!

I don't know how high it is!

I don't know where it is!

This situation is just like:

Going east, the waves are exhausted, and the ages are flowing! In the west of the base, the humanity is once stationed in the Li, the stone is piercing the clouds, and the waves are shot on the shore. It is a thousand piles of snow!

When I was thinking about my family, I was ranked nine people, and I was proud of myself. I was proud of my arrogance.

Now buried in snow, passionate should cry, life is like a dream, good and evil always have a daily report!


After a long time, the instigation finally subsided.

Lijia resident, a trench full of river level.

It’s a great plain. I just can't see where the building is...

There is silence between heaven and earth.

After a while...


There was a head in the snow, the face was confused, the eyes were full of fear, and turned to look at a snowfield of Pingchuan, suddenly sorrowful and angry: "Ah, ah~~~ What is going on here..."


One after another on the snow, like a radish after the rain, came out, and then the same stunned and then stunned...

"Ah, ah~~~ What is going on here..."

Everyone wouldn’t have thought that in this remote northwest, hundreds of thousands of years of frozen world, will this happen?

This...even if it’s a dream...and...that’s that...and that’s it...


<Heaven knows what is difficult for me today, anyway, it’s a mess in my mind, I’m thinking about everything, I don’t want anything, it’s messy...

Fortunately, the plot has already been fixed, and it has already been carried out. Otherwise, I am afraid that I really have to take time off today.

I continue to desperately write the second chapter to go to...>{Floating Astronomy Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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